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Publication date  /  2017  /  June   -   11 articles

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  • Day two in the garden, going well

    - 01 Jun 2017 - 4 comments
    This morning it was a little overcast but the clouds soon gave way to the sun I strimmed and mowed the whole of the right hand side top and bottom,moved the planters over from the otherside and then had some lunch outside. The temps were climbing again so

  • Goodbye brief summer

    - 05 Jun 2017 - 7 comments
    Last week or a few giddy days of shirt and shorts weather,lunch and an evening beer on the lawn yesterday the change was coming. Even though it was sunny the temps dropped rom 80f to 60f with a cold breeze making it feel even coooler. Today as promised

  • Giving Gracie a clue to our weather

    - 05 Jun 2017 - 6 comments
    Gracie comented on my blog this morning about our every changing weather. Here is a clue of what can happen in a 3 day spell Gracie. Yesterday mornig we had a sea mist limiting my line of sight to the houses opposite. The morning sun won the battle and we

  • a break in the weather

    - 09 Jun 2017 - 8 comments
    After being cabined up since Sunday due to heavy rain and gales today we finally got a break. As this break is only going to last today with the rain returning tomorrow and Sunday I made the most of it. Deciding today was the best day to get my big shop

  • Ways to be welcomed into the dawn

    - 10 Jun 2017 - 7 comments
    There are differing ways to be greeted as you wake.A soft peck on the cheek and a "Good morning Hon" from a lover or a bundle of energy in the shape of a small child bursting in a throwing their arms aroud you. Two good ways to start the day I think. Here

  • Geese ducks and geese on a choppy rezza

    - 12 Jun 2017 - 5 comments
    After more terrible weather I managed a break for freedom today and visited my old Mam. I caught the bus halfway then walked the rest cutting through the old Iron work resevoir,knowm round these parts as simply the rezza. It's a pleasant place two

  • A stroll on a pleasant day

    - 14 Jun 2017 - 3 comments
    The sun wasn't cracking the pavements in facts it spent a lot of time in hiding but the temps were good and with little breeze it was a perfect day for a stroll. I decided to revisit the Little Haven hoping to find plants in flower and I did.After stroll

  • A better birthday could not be had

    - 17 Jun 2017 - 5 comments
    Firstly thank you for you kind greetings,I have asked Ellen to write on my facebook page to the messages I have there as I don't have enough hours in my day to answer all the people the who pop up if I go on. This morning started wonderfully,it was very

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    - 20 Jun 2017 - 5 comments
    Today is day 4 of our mini heatwave,temps up to 80f by midday again but I feel the change coming,the air is not as fresh but more muggy and we have rain forecast for the early hours.Oh well it was good while it lasted if it does go. I needed some cow

  • The weather is on the change

    - 21 Jun 2017 - 4 comments
    This morning I awole to grey skies,gone the sun of the last few days.We didn't get the overnight rain forecast but we did get a couple of hours of it mid morning.with that gone by lunch time the clouds broke up and the sun appeared. Temps soon rose to

  • It's been a funny old day

    - 26 Jun 2017 - 7 comments
    The day set off cold and dark with a hint of rain in the air. It is my day yo visit my mother and I got a lift both ways from a neighbour which was good. when I returned the weather was still threatening sso I decided to cut as much of the grass as I