Articles by Mickey fez


  • Fathers Day

    - 20 Jun 2021 - 5 comments
    IMG 1047
    Hot on the heels of my birthday Fathers Day has arrived. We had a gathering at the local,the first for a while. A great time was had by all,here are my favourite snaps there is an album up of you want to bee bored

  • A Glorious day for a birthday

    - 17 Jun 2021 - 6 comments
    IMG 1007
    As I arose on this my 75th birthday the sun shone brightly through the window,a big improvement on the last few days.My back was in fine fettle as well another improvement The perfect day for the garden so after breakfast I mowed and strimmed the front grass,as I am on top of things it took less the 30 minutes. After a coffee I went out the back and mowed and strimmed the whole back garden,this I managed in underan hour.Just then Stephen arrived.We had a coffee outside and he brought me a vbir…

  • Checking in

    - 09 Jun 2021 - 5 comments
    Not much going on.THe weather has been good until today when the clouds returned. I have the garden up to speed now, Yesterday I finally got the side of the house sorted but the outcome of which has been a lot of back trouble,I overdid it Still a days rest today and all should be fine, Stay safe folks

  • Day 4 in the garden

    - 01 Jun 2021 - 4 comments
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    Another wonderful day today with themps hitting 24c I got a lot more done includung the biggy,I menanged to get a strim on the patch to the side of the house,Another in a few days should bring it up to par. I had just finished and was sampling a cool beer when Ellen arrived and she wasn't alone. She had Mia with her which really made my day complete. Four nice sunny days,a lot done in the garden,my back held out and to finish off a visit from my daughter and great granddaughter ,life doesn't…

  • sunshine and gardening

    - 30 May 2021 - 3 comments
    A couple of really good days here. Yesterday after carting my weekly shop back I had a visit from Ellen and Mal which was nice When they left it was time to mow and strim the front garden,I am right on top of it now only weeding the flower beds left After lunch I strimmed the back left hand side out the back so I am on top of that as well. This morning after an early morning walk I weeded the flower beds out front. I Rang my sister Pat to wish her happy birthday and we chatted for a…

  • Who ordered the rain???

    - 21 May 2021 - 2 comments
    IMG 0973
    After a good little spell when I kicked my garden into good shape On Wednesday night it was all change with cloudy skiesand alot cooler. On Thursday morning I awoke to heavy rain which only stopped about an hour ago. This is one of three little ponds in my garden and there may be more rain on the way, .

  • some gardening weather at last

    - 18 May 2021 - 6 comments
    IMG 0967
    Ater a wet nasty shopping dayonSaturdayat last abreak inthe weather so onto the grdeni Went. Ellen brought me some surplus Begonias which I planted in a small trough. I have the back garden just about where I want it. I even got my first strim on the patch at the side of the house after Stephen had got rid of most of the rough stuff It the little wild corner the poppies arestarting to showand the drift wood is rotting nicely making ahome forlotsof ceeepy crawlies Just 3 days later the o…

  • pottering in the garden and photo for Fran

    - 10 May 2021 - 4 comments
    IMG 0960
    Yesterday ellen brought me a tray of 20 mixed Petunia so today I planted them out,colour in the garden soon and not before time. While I was pottering about with that Stephen came round with his brush hacker for a scone go at the patch at the side of the house. Now I will be able to get atit with my strimmer hopefully. Fran you asked for a photo of the beast,the macine that is not Stephen.,well here are the pair of thm. Stephen is 6ft and the hacker is as tall as him and pretty heavy so it ne…

  • That was a bit of a shock

    - 06 May 2021 - 3 comments
    I awoke to a bright sunny morning,perfect for gardening,with this in mind a set about my usual moning jobs feeding the cats and filling the bird feeders. That done I settled down to an egg buttie and turned the radio on to get the news around here. Thats when i had a shock,for the first time in living memory in people here in Cumbria were skiing in knee deep snow, in May!! this on top of the frostiest April on record Our climate has gone weird, The gardening was short lived I only managed t…

  • A sunny Bank holiday? not a hope

    - 03 May 2021 - 5 comments
    May has rolled in with cold winds and rain Today is the first bank holiday,a time fr a nice stroll through the parks an fields to see spring in action. Well that was my plan but instead I am looking out on rain driven by a strong winds so another day cabined up for me. Better news in the garden I am right on top of it now so it's time to think of bwdding plants but not today with the wind,rain and temps of 8c I will be close to home. On the shpping side of things my Saturday trips to town h…

  • Garden almost finished

    - 27 Apr 2021 - 3 comments
    My son Stephen arrived at 9:15 ready to attack the side of the house mess a jungle of weeds and brambles 3 ft high He finished just in time before the first shower came.A second run is needed but for today is was rake up of the grass / I will leave it there today as the garden waste wheelie is full but they are emptied tomorrow

  • Gardening all done,well nearly

    - 24 Apr 2021 - 5 comments
    The last three days the weather has treated us kindly,,perfect for getting the garden fully finished The only blot is the mess beside the house but that too is about to be sorted.. My son Stephen has just got a new toy. A brush whacker to be precise. This is a strimmer on speed,instead od a nylon cutting cord is has three of steel rotating at a high rate of knots. Hopefully he willl be round Monday to sort it.. Today has been the best day of the lot. After an early morning shop in town I ret…

  • a busy time

    - 20 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    There have been a few things going on of late. My garden is just about sorted On Saturday I made my first shopping trip into town and I really enjoyed it. The Market was the best place to visit with the stall holders bantering with public and the other stall holdrs alike' The sfternoon brought more fun,a small family group gathered at Gemma's to celebrate her 30th Birthday although it only seems like yesteday I was cuddling her in my arms We had a great time with Mia being the star of the s…

  • Grass Strimming and a new Addition

    - 14 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    A slightly warmer day today saw me tackle the right hand side of the back garden,it was long overdue and hard but enjoyable work. That finished I was settled down to a coffee and ginger snaps when Gemma,Arron and Mia appeared. They brought news of the expected baby a little boy is on the way. So all in all it was a very good day

  • A busy few days

    - 12 Apr 2021 - 6 comments
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    On Saturday I went for my second covid jab fr which I was so grateful Sunday was very cold with temps hardly rising above freezing Today was the biggie,Mal anf ellen gave me a ride to get my overdue eye test and then Mal said as a surprise we would go for a little drive. Ok by me. We drove to the coast road across the chanel for the island where I live through farm land mostly,there were plent of new born lambs in the fields. As the trip was a spur of the moment thing I didn't have my camer…

  • A lot can change in a week

    - 06 Apr 2021 - 4 comments
    A week ago today I started on my garden mowing and strimming the front. I rested my tired back on Thursday and since then the weather has got worse. Today we have had hail and snow showers and tonight temps are forecast to drop between 4c and 7c. Welcome to spring in the north of England

  • Yippee!!!! Spring has dropped by

    - 30 Mar 2021 - 5 comments
    I awoke to sunshine at last and finally the chance to get out and about. I walked along the prom to the churchyard and spotted a gorse bush in flower ad the lovely aroma of vanilla was a joy.( not real vanilla of course but very close) At the front of the church yard the daffs are appearing On to the park and more daffs on the banking and a small bush flowering as well. After the lousy weather we have had it was wonderful to be out in the sun enjoying a stroll. I carried on through…

  • So this is Spring

    - 28 Mar 2021 - 3 comments
    This weekend saw the Spring roar in. On Friday we had 60-70mph winds with very heavy rain and hailstorms Yesterday we only had the rain until around 10-30pm when the winds returned Today had been no better and a little colder if anything. So after three days cabined up I am hoping for a break in the weather as are two very fed up cats. I hope the Spring arrived a little more quietly where you are.

1525 articles in total