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39 results.

  • Building an ASTROnomy camper-van -- Part #1

    This is a list of observations & experiences I have made while building my van. The main use will be to transport my equipment & myself and to get some rest before or after an astro-photography session. Of course, I also will use the van for extended roadtrips and sleep in there, but not all the time. It won't be a mobile home and no #vanlife -- the ASTRO is too small for that. It is more like a sturdy tent on wheels. And my goal was to build it on a small budget (< $4,000) and not use a large RV (mobile home), big van or SUV. Feel free to add your comments & experience with other models.

  • 2018-12-07 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions. 1) Being responsible for a balanced budget, the ima team is not allowed to spend money that is not in the bank. Therefore, we cannot assign any more software development orders in 2018. In the short term, it's not possible to integrate a display of individual memory consumption or a donation button into the website, nor to fix any bugs. A… (read more)

  • IMA NEWSFLASH : 7th December 2018

    [DE] & [FR] editions are here : Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today, we would like to address two topics that have been of great interest to you in recent discussions. 1) Being responsible for a balanced budget, the ima team is not allowed to spend money that is not in the bank. Therefore, we cannot assign any more software development orders in 2018. In the short term, it's not possible to integrate a display of individual memory consumption… (read more)

  • Staying connected while traveling in the EU

    Earlier, I had posted a blog about the thoughts I put into selecting the right phone & plan for a trip to Tokyo : When traveling to european countries from the US, it becomes easier, as there are very low hardware obstacles. Nearly all modern, UNLOCKED US-phones have sufficient capabilities to connect to the european GSM carriers. There are few (Verizon & Sprint) phones that cannot be used at all, due to CDMA vs GSM incompatibility. There remains a… (read more)

  • Gratitude

    Awwwww... how I love those mild summer nights! I am so grateful for the place I live in! On nights like this, where we still had 68F/20 Celsius at midnight, I like to step out on the terrace, prefererrably just wearing underwear, sometimes my bathrobe, and look into the nightsky with its gazillions of bright stars, sometimes complemented by the moon. Tonight is such a night: It's incredibly warm, I just returned from the open-air cinema, where I met a friend and we watched No country for old me… (read more)

  • Winds of Change - Week of Farewells

    " We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. Harrison Ford" I must thank Mr. Ford at this point for this quote , because it might be apt to restore some sense of courage in me. This is one of the hardest times I've been facing eversince my divorce some four years ago. Trusted or simply longlasting relationships undergo a dramatic consolidation, which sometimes means to end them, business-related as well as personal ones. To me, change always smells a… (read more)

  • Jens Soering Update

    Last steps and status on my little initiative on behalf of Jens Soering.

  • Back from the edge


    Lying on a sofa in a holiday let perched on a cliff on the edge of nowhere. Looking at a tiny gleam of sun. The first in days. Until now the light has been flat, the cloud continuous, the wind fierce and the rain horizontal. I am coughing, sneezing, shivering, sniffling. Surrounded by Beecham's powders and used tissues. Yesterday the wildlife cruise I booked was cancelled. The boat had developed a fault. Today the water board are doing essential maintenance and the water is off. The building my sofa is in is part of a brutalist looking complex built to house RAF personnel. It is now painted white but looks as if it could still withstand a few bombs. Inside it's a honeymooner's dream with polished floors, an appliance filled kitchen and a luxurious bathroom filled with light. All put together by someone with excellent taste. I wonder what the looking glass makes of the wrinkled old woman reflected in it. She's coughing her lungs up and longing to go home. What a difference a day makes. It's midnight and I'm lying on the sofa once more. Eating strawberries and madeira cake. What changed ? Yes, the sun came out. Yes, I spent a few magical hours on a white beach with turquoise waves and flower studded machair, But the highlight of my visit, what made it all worth while was standing among the stones of Callanish in torrential rain. Soaking trousers, water pouring from my shoes, struggling to keep my tripod upright. Mopping water off my camera and lens. Trying to photograph amazing light and a double rainbow. Did I do it ? Succeed ? It doesn't matter. The magic was in the moment. Being there. Battling with the elements. Doing a polite dance with a taciturn American using a gigantic lens. He must have been doing extreme close ups. Eventually everything calmed down and the light went. But we both still stood there. Sunset was coming. Then people appeared. Clouds thickened. The mood changed. Show over. I returned to the warm car and the long drive back to the sofa on the cliff top. I could go home now. Satisfied.

  • Irritating to Disappointing - Photos Without Titles, Strange Names and other Nuisances

    What I find somewhat irritating - not only here, but on all similar platforms - are beautiful and well composed photos which just come along with the file name assigned by the camera such as IMG_4711 and nothing else. I see a breathtaking landscape or seascape, a cityscape, a plane or ship or whatever and don't have the foggyest idea as to what or where this may be. Is it so difficult to add a title or give a short explanation? I personally find this practise irritating. Therefore I will not com… (read more)

  • Hard drive,chicken,time and rain of course

    I'm late on parade today.

  • Buying a back-up camera (updated)

    small IGP5365

    I'll say right at the start that I love my DSLRs and all the gear that goes with them: lenses, filters, flashes, tripods and so forth. But, to be honest, even just the DSLR with a lens attached can be more bulk around my neck than I'd wish if I'm not heading out specifically to take photos. And, of course, it's a rather conspicuous item if you don't wish to draw attention. So, several years ago, I purchased a little pocket camera. Although it claimed to have some controllability, that pro… (read more)

  • Tarts

    Well so much for a few good nights’ sleep; I’m back to the same old… One night I was awake literally every two hours. About a month ago I awoke with the most awful cramp in my shin, and since then my shin has been throbbing most of the night and keeping me awake. I don’t like to take too many pain killers, and need to know why it’s still hurting me anyway, so I’m booked in to see my GP next week. I’m going to see the head honcho and see if we can get something sorted out. I can’t keep losing sle… (read more)

  • The camera is dead, long live the camera!

    The camera is dead, long live the camera!

    I saw this rather interesting news shared on social media, and thought it may interest also peeps around here: ➽ Camera sales are falling sharply by Om Malik So, supposedly phone cameras are taking over. Whether this is a bad or good thing depends on the point of view. Someone could call that as a "progress", and some may see it as a "paradigm shift". Or it can be even a "philosophical revolution". We all can't be masters of photography and professionals, but that should not stop… (read more)

  • Why do I not receive e-mails from ipernity?

    Dear members of ipernity! If e-mails sent by ipernity do not arrive, it is because they get caught in the spam filters of the receiving e-mail providers. These always first monitor whether the sender's IP address is on a public blacklist. A check of the ipernity domain using the tool has shown that ipernity is not included in any of those blacklists. Mails from ipernity will therefore always arrive at your mail provider. But mail providers a… (read more)

  • Club News 2020-12-15

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Since the reboot on December 4, our website has been working perfectly again, except for the malfunction of the upload function. No data has been lost. Browsing the ipernity website is possible without any problems, as well as commenting, rearranging, or downloading released content. 2) Unregistered visitors from the web d… (read more)

  • 2021-03-05 Club News - important ⚠️

    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) As of today, we welcome visitors from the web to our homepage with Easter pictures from the community. We thank all the photographers for their contributions. 2) In order to take into account all the changes that have taken place since the IMA was founded four years ago, we have undertaken a general revision of ou… (read more)

  • Get A Life

    Occasionally, I go to a different supermarket from the one I work in. I can't think of a single supermarket that has every single item I want/need. With that in mind, I often keep a jacket in the car so I can disguise my uniform if I've come from work, though this week, it's been far too hot for an extra layer. I was going up the travelator, when I espied a man coming down same, he was eating a pasty, and almost choked when he saw my uniform, and commented loudly that I work for a different supe… (read more)

  • Getting Too Old

    My week off has been a busy one. Monday, as mentioned before, I picked up an extra shift. Tuesday was so hot that I barely did anything beyond laundry. Wednesday, I painted the kitchen. It has a lower ceiling than most of the house and wasnt too arduous. I didn't spend much on paint as it's not our house though after 4 years, the kitchen was looking 'tired.' I used a magnolia colour so it matches what it was before, just looks nicer now. I also removed some decor left by the previous owner… (read more)

  • 3 November 2023 - Club News


    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. Bulletin from our club president. On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photog… (read more)