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  • Heidi, a Miracle Cat, ADOPTED

    Heidi is an approximately three- to four-year-old feline who has stories to tell. She is seeking a warm, safe, loving, forever home. [ADOPTED] Age: 3 to 4 years old Gender: female, spayed Vaccinations: up-to-date (given 1/17/13 and 2/7/13) Requirements: Heidi needs to be an only cat. No young children. Personality: playful and affectionate, still overcoming some feral tendencies… (read more)

  • No I will not miss the cats

    Bernard asked if I would like the keep the cats when Ellen leaves,the answer is no and here are a few reasons why. Things I can't do at the moment Watch Blue-tits,Goldfinch,Chaffinch,Green Finch,Robins,Blackbirds,Thrushes and others in my garden because the cats were on a slaying spree when they arrived and the birds don't visit anymore.All I get now are Starlings and sparrows and not in the numbers I used to. Sow my wild Flower Garden,last year the cats dug it up and crapped in it as soon as… (read more)

  • The joy of cats and other odds and ends

    An early start for Ellen today. After 6 days of 6:00 starts she has the weekend off so planned a lie in. The only thing is she didn't tell Zazzles he woke her up just before 5. Oh the joys of having cats We had a surprise visitor this morning,my son Stephen appeared with two bags of laundry. Thanks to Gemma his new washing machine is broken. The wire underpinning in one of her bras came loose and tangled itself in the drum. The result a £65 call out fee plus parts as it is not covered under… (read more)

  • cat problem nearly solved and changes at my desk

    Ok a problem to solve,I like solving problems. The cats have been catching birds too many birds. The birds have all been fledglings plus 2 nestlings which were really beaten up and already dead I think. Solution 1 shoot the cats, tempting but nope Solution 2 take the bird tables down nope tried that the silence has been deafening today,I don't like being here. Solution 3 get the brain working and solve the problem. Jenny and me tried to work it out last night but to be honest my mind wasn't… (read more)

  • Have been thinking of cats I've had over the years

    Fred with Zisi & Pani when they were tiny

    I have been blessed with having cats around me nearly all my life. My Mum used to let her cats have kittens and I used to have the kittens if she hadn't found good homes for them. She understood that there were a lot of unwanted cats, but people used to ask her if they could have a kitten when there were some ready, which in a way, made her think that maybe she could let her cat have kittens. My home is quite large really as is the garden. I am lucky to live on the outskirts of the town, so… (read more)

  • A calmer day and silly cats

    A much calmer day today with the sun trying to win the battle of the skies. The cats have kept me entertained for a little while this morning. Sooty playing hide and seek waiting to pounce on any passing toy mice. Meanwhile Zazzles was hiding behind the driftwood trying to ambush live prey from the bird feeder. Tiring of his game Sooty went to join him. Both ventures ended in failure of course and the cats slunk off to greener pastures. All is quiet now and time for a trip to the po… (read more)

  • Faulty phone, new toy and helpful cats

    After a tidy start to the day things became progressively worse, starting with a peak going into trough before picking up again. I wandered over to town this morning , nice and dry with no wind My first call was the post office to send a parcel and there was no queue,second stop Argos to pick my free Kindle up no queue,into B&M for Ellen's tea bags again no queue and finally the market for some mushrooms yet again no queue.That's what I call a quick shopping trip. I charged the Kindle and r… (read more)

  • Mowing and climbing cat

    With rain promised for the next few days today I needed to get stuck into the garden. This morning I started by weeding the borders,an easy job made more difficult because I had Sooty as a helper. I short break after that and then I gave the new mower it's maiden run on the front garden. Another break and then I tackled the back and only cut the properly grassed areas instead of ploughing into the rough areas as I am pretty sure this lead to the demise of the old machine. I didn't get the strim… (read more)

  • The pussy cats have been enjoying the sun.....

    Being a  'tart' on the path

    Pippin and Boo have been thoroughly enjoying themselves in the sudden arrival of warmth and the sunshine............ Pippin just loves the sun and is out nearly all day lounging around where possible - he doesn't care if it's on the path or on Mandi's car - he's not proud. He even loves sleeping on the arm of the couch totally prone, with four legs straddled over....... Whereas Boo...... Loves her box.............. Lying on the carpet in the sun.............. Or sh… (read more)

  • My neighbour's gorgeous cat called Harry...........

    My neighbour Yvonne has a lovely c at called Harry. He's been very elusive in the two years we've known each other. He is such a gorgeous looking cat that I've been desperate to "catch" him unawares. Today after taking me to the local re-cycling centre to get rid of my huge box of cardboard bits and a large bag of plastic bottles, Yvonne asked me in for a cup of coffee, and there he was............. He's such a lovely looking cat and I just had to get a close up of his blue eye… (read more)

  • big move on and a catch up with Pearl

    I have a big job over the next couple of days.Now the sun is getting lower in the sky my work place is in the sun most of the day which while nice is uncomfortable. I am moving to my winter set up which I do every year.This means changing furniture around to move my table and everything on and under it along the wall a few feet.It is in need of a good sort out anyway as you can see, I don't normally let it get so untidy. Care needed with my glass back so it's steady rather than rapid… (read more)

  • Laundry duty,cats and fish and chips

    It is a very calm sunny if bitterly cold day today,a big improvement on yesterday. With my live in laundry woman being away for the weekend I had to do my own today. I started it off in the machine while I had a little wander and picked up some odds and ends from Mac's,butter,milk and bread. With a couple of chats along the way it was about an hour before I got back.This was ample time for the cats to create havoc.Before I left I collected all their toys and put them on a little red and yellow b… (read more)

  • Mandi has three cats now...........

    Alfie playing a dangerous game of waking Minoche up

    Well as you know Mandi and Dogan had already been adopted by a ginger and white cat called Minoche and that he'd brought his girlfriend round when she was pregnant with two kittens...... Well the mother cat abandoned the two kittens and Minoche brought them round to the house. He's a sweet cat, but at the moment he's in 'mating' mood so is off all over the place fighting other cats for a female. Mandi and Dogan are going to get him 'snipped' so he'll stop this and also he won't look so haggar… (read more)

  • Evie's cat came a'calling...........

    Lotti makes an appearance

    I had a visitor the other day - Lotti. Yvonne [Evie] has a gorgeous little Burmese cat called Lotti and she is very adventurous. Now Evie lives at the bottom of my garden - not IN my garden, but in a gorgeous bungalow situated at the other side of my garden hedge!!!! Thought I'd better clarify that, before some of you made the odd comment!! Well as you probably are aware - cats are quite territorial, and I'm lucky enough to have a large garden which my cats can call their territory. The odd s… (read more)

  • My cats used to enjoy being close!!

    Pani's favourite position for sleeping

    I'm only keeping up with Mickey & Max and their pets being ontop of them.......... This is my old cat Pani who's favourite position was to lie flat out on his back. He was such a laid back cat............... Here Pani had to lie on Mandi's shoulder, while Fred was snuggled on her lap, with Spot vying for a place and you can just make out the grey head of Zisi (Pani's twin) sitting on the table, and who later got onto Mandi's legs - poor girl could hardly move!!!!

  • plant life,rabbits and a painted cat

    A warm hazy morning for my stroll over the bridge,with only pipe fodder and milk for the cat to get I decided to walk both ways as I would have no frozen food to carry. I cut through the little haven as usual but decided to show you the little areas people walking through don't bother to visit in their hurry scurry lives. Folk working in surronding offices etc do use them on their lunch breaks for a little peace and quiet.The traffic noise is reduced to a faint hum in here. I spotted 2 rabbits… (read more)

  • Crazy cat by Simon's cat.............

    My cats have lots of 'funny five minutes' like this .................... This is so funny and I have had many a time when the cats have their 'moments' LOL

  • Pussy cats on the beach

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    Yesterday we were on the beach and had some gorgeous visitors. This cat looks so like Mandi's cat, Minoche, that she actually convinced me that he'd come down to the beach. It was only when I saw him face on, that I saw it wasn't. (feeling gullible )!! Then we had two gorgeous kittens join us. They were so sweet and friendly. They belonged to the hotel next to the one that D works in. Aren't they sweet? They had loads of cuddles from Mandi an… (read more)

  • Oyster catcher, boat and fruit cider in the sun

    The sun shone again so my Sunday morning shopping trip was a walk both ways clocking up 4.1 miles on the pedometer in perfect walking conditions,just enough breeze to keep things fresh. I only had pipe fodder and a trip to Cooltrader today so plenty of room in mt backpack for the shopping. with no second bag to carry this meant I could walk there and back and get a few more miles in my legs. I walked through the little haven but no photos there you only saw it a couple of days ago. I did get… (read more)

  • Grass cutting,cats on a moth hunt and Ellen improves

    Patchy sunshine this morning but a promise of heavy showers some prolonged later. This meant I was on jankers cutting and strimming the grass. The heavy rain of a few days ago has given it a real spurt of growth I eased my way into the job starting with the easier front which being on an incline was drier.A rest and a coffee followed and a set myself for the big one. It was damp edging towards wet but I ploughed on cutting one side then resting then the other.The plan was to grab some lunch a… (read more)