Articles by Jenny McIntyre


  • Blue sky and blossom

    - 09 Apr 2022 - 4 comments
    The blossom only came out today
    Well today I awoke to blue skies!!! What a difference it makes.You really want to get up and seize the day! Just outside my bedroom window is the cherry tree - and this is what I could see!! I couldn't believe it - the winter had seemed to stay around so long, I almost couldn't remember it being warm and sunny. I got all excited and had an idea of going outside, with my trolley and go to the tree and take close-up pictures of it. The rest of the garden doesn't have anything yet - maybe a…

  • What a difference a couple of days make!!!

    - 31 Mar 2022 - 4 comments
    The view I have from my couch
    Last time I wrote on here, it was lovely and warm - I'd even been able to have the lounge window open to let in fresh air. Now today the temperature had dropped to 6C - ridiculous, what's going on? Mandi said that their weather in Turkey wasn't much better neither. Apparently she says that it's still snowing in Istanbul - what's happened to the weather? Well lucky for me - if the sun is shining, it's warm in my lounge. Having a bay window means that I have sun shining in the whole time it's f…

  • It was lovely and warm today..............

    - 26 Mar 2022 - 5 comments
    It's looking a bit greener outside too.
    It was a gorgeous sunny day - warm with a little wind. I walked outside the kitchen and just stopped and I couldn't hear anything - just the odd little bird song, but otherwise - silence. I decided to come into my lounge and actually open the window - the last time was around October - that's over 5 months ago!!!!!!! The wind wasn't actually facing the window, so there wouldn't be in a draught. Oh the gorgeous fresh air circulating the lounge and out into the house - bliss...…

  • Some more boring pendants - sorry. I've not been out.

    - 19 Mar 2022 - 7 comments
    Pale blue earrings with additional starts
    I decided to experiment with a new way of colouring the moulds with a liquid colour instead of the powder colours. I'm pleasantly pleased with the outcome, and it also doesn't use as much resin as the other types. I had purchased some stars moulds, which surprised me when they came - they were so small, and I have spent many days wondering what I can do with them. Then with the Tibetan style pendants, with those little circles at the base, they cried out to be added to them. Se…

  • I've been doing more jewellry - what's new eh?

    - 15 Mar 2022 - 4 comments
    Red flowers with leaves
    I'm still in the throes of making jewellry and I must admit it's keeping me sane (well sort of....) because I'm busy all the time and therefore not too concerned about being on my own all the time. Emily hasn't been for two weeks, because she wore herself out looking after her grandson, 4 children, a husband, 4 dogs and a cat and going out to work part time!!!! How's she's managed to hold on so long is amazing, but I really do miss her, hopefully she'll be back next week. I'm just concerned for…

  • I actually walked outside to see my spring flowers

    - 15 Mar 2022 - 5 comments
    Primroses and polyanthus, also bluebells are coming
    Well today it was a mild day and with a bit of sun. My neighbour came round yesterday and told me that as he walked down my driveway, he saw all the lovely primroses were out. That decided it - I said that as soon as it was dry and sunny-ish, I was going to go up the drive to see for myself. Well this morning, I had my chance. I couldn't go out with my rollator because it's too big for me to get through the back door without help, so I pushed my trolley up the drive - it was hard work, but I di…

  • Very sad news - our Mickey has passed away.

    - 04 Mar 2022 - 13 comments
    My very important friend - Mickey
    I heard the dreadful news this morning, when his daughter, Ellen, called me to tell me that he had passed at 4.10am today. I hadn't written about his illness here before, because I wasn't sure how long he had. He suffered from pancreatic cancer, which had travelled to his liver and his bowels. He was only told a month ago, that he was ill. He went into hospital because the doctors had said his potassium levels were very low and they wanted to keep an eye on it and to do some tests. Well then…

  • I've lost my wonderful Pippin....

    - 23 Feb 2022 - 16 comments
    Pippin 26.5.21
    Last week I noticed Pippin was behaving strangely - not able to jump up and his back legs were a bit "odd". I felt along his spine and around his back legs, but he didn't object nor flinch and he purred when I stroked him. Well over the week, he lost the use of his back legs completely. He would walk on his two front legs and drag his back legs etc behind him. Now he wasn't a small cat so there was a lot of body to drag around. I realised that there was something really wrong with him by this…

  • Mandi has snow in Turkey - I have none!!!!

    - 25 Jan 2022 - 10 comments
    724bodrum 25-01-2022 02-13-08 (2)
    Mandi told me yesterday that there is snow in Bodrum!!! Now only a few days ago, she and Dogan were sitting outside on the patio in temperatures of 22C, and suddenly there is snow. It's such an oddball thing to happen that the tv stations were all talking about it. So I was able to get quite a lot of pictures. Mandi doesn't get out and buses weren't getting down to her area, despite the fact that the snow didn't get there neither!!! So a video had been taken about the road behind where she li…

  • I've had some happy accidents with my resin....

    - 22 Jan 2022 - 11 comments
    P1110417 (2)
    In case you were wondering what I mean by the title - I'll explain. As you are well aware I'm keeping myself occupied by making resin jewellry, I have made so many and I do intend to sell them eventually, I just look at the pile of bags full to bursting with all the pendants and say to myself that they represent a car for me!!!! Well I try to make different designs with the resin and the other week I discovered that I'd bought colourant powders at the beginning and had completely forgotten…

  • Poor Mickey isn't too well at the moment....

    - 22 Jan 2022 - 8 comments
    Hiya folks, just a quickie to explain why Mickey hasn't been on here for a while. His back decided to start complaining a few weeks ago, and he just couldn't get his breath from the pain. To the end- he couldn't cook for himself, or really he didn't feel hungry at all. Despite the pain, he still called me and I could see he was in a lot of pain. He also lost a lot of weight, which concerned me. Anyway to cut a long story short, he eventually went to hospital and we all worried that he might be h…

  • I was spoiled rotten on my birthday ....

    - 13 Jan 2022 - 3 comments
    Huge orchid plant from my son
    Well another year older - I'm getting too old for these things called birthdays. I think I'll start going backwards instead of forwards!!!! I was spoiled rotten by everyone. It all started on Monday 10th (day before the big day) when Tony, my son, came up to see me and he brought a beautiful large orchid plant.. He knows I love orchids, so he brought it and it was from Mandi too. Then on the actual day - my neighbour Anne came in with a plant, but neither of us could remember it…

  • No snow yet in the South West....

    - 07 Jan 2022 - 6 comments
    View from bedroom window - winter 2010 (2)
    I keep seeing beautiful pictures of snow from everyone's blogs, but no snow here, nor likely to be, according to the weather forecasters. There again, they have been known to be wrong. I found some wonderful snowy pictures of when we did have some but it was 12 years ago!!!! This is what the area around my house looked like - it made everything look so clean and pristine. I realise that this was when my cat Pippin was a year old, so that makes him 13!!! He took one…

  • The end of the year - yet still more resin!!!!

    - 31 Dec 2021 - 6 comments
    Well folks, 2021 is almost over and 2022 is about to begin. I really hope that this year will be much better for all of us. I've realised that I only went out 4 times this year - three times to the hospital and once to the opticians!!!! I really must try and get out more and hopefully to more interesting places rather than hospital or an optician!!!! One of my New Year's resolutions is for me to buy myself a car, so I can go to the beach whenever I want to. Well that's the plan anyway!!!! Me…

  • Been busy making more pendants etc...

    - 19 Dec 2021 - 6 comments
    New design with bronze colour
    Well folks - it's almost here, although I must admit that it won't really be much different than any other day here in my home. Obviously Mandi can't get back here as hoped, and Tony will be spending Christmas Day with Stevie's parents, their children and her brother plus family. Apparently Ann from next door is going up to be with her mum and sisters, Richard and Joyce have their house full as will Yvonne and her hubby. To be honest with you - if I can't be with my children, then I would rathe…

  • Emily has helped put up the Christmas tree....

    - 07 Dec 2021 - 6 comments
    The bower for the fireplace mantle looks good every year
    I am so blessed with Emily - who I call my daughter number two - as she carried this 6foot Christmas tree downstairs all on her own and then brought the tubs with the white and silver decorations in. We also sorted out the resin snowflakes I'd made and put them on the tree too. Then she put the bower on the mantlepiece. I must admit - she's very quick and after a few years, she's learned how I think and proceeds to do what I would do, straight away. So the fireplace looks quite festiv…

  • To all my American friends.....

    - 18 Nov 2021 - 2 comments
    This is a link to a lovely card wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving - enjoy

  • Still not been out - so more boring items!!!!

    - 12 Nov 2021 - 11 comments
    P1100809 (2)
    Hiya folks, I haven't been outside since I last wrote, so there's not a lot I have to talk about ...... sorry!!!! Well the weather has been all over the place, as I'm sure you can agree. One minute it's warmish, that the radiator isn't needed, then it's rainy but mild, then windy, then rainy but cold, then dry and very cold. No wonder people are coming down with flu and colds, you never know what to wear. I'm lucky in that way - I don't go out and I always keep a cardigan and a throw nearby s…

1202 articles in total