Articles by Jenny McIntyre


  • I've had my hair cut!!!!!!

    - 10 May 2021 - 15 comments
    A simple design, but effective
    Woweee!!! After almost 18months, I've at last had my hair cut. I can hardly believe it. I won't have to wear a hair grip, or suchlike again. Oh I feel so much better. I had to walk through a large shop to the back where the hairdressers are situated, and it wasn't until I browsed some shelves where they were selling petunias, that I realised it was close on 2 years since I last went into a shop!!! I have seen pictures of those markings on the floor, with footprints on them, signs saying "this…

  • I walked up the driveway today!!!!

    - 06 May 2021 - 7 comments
    The centre of the drive is full of flowers
    Hiya folks, well these past couple of days have been quite fulfilling really. As you all probably know - the weather, despite it being May - has been really cold. Now living down here in the South West, the weather seems to be slightly different from other parts of the country. Today has been a gloriously sunny day, but boy was there a bitter wind. Yet I saw on the web cams, in other parts of the country it was raining and very windy, for such a small country (compared to the larger countries) i…

  • Wow - this warm weather has been very welcome.....

    - 26 Apr 2021 - 10 comments
    The beautiful white lilac
    As you all in the UK are aware, we have had some amazingly sunny days lately and even some warmth too - which is oh so welcome. Apparently we can expect some rain this coming week, which isn't very good, but I suppose that it is necessary for the plants etc. My bluebells are thriving on the driveway - a sea of blue, a visitor called it, all made possible because I don't drive a car over it now, because the car is well and truly done with, I swear it's growing on the drive!!!!! There are flowery…

  • At long last a warm day!!!!!

    - 21 Apr 2021 - 6 comments
    Some of the cherry blossom still on the tree
    Hiya folks, at long long last, we had a warm day here in the South West - one of the first since last year!!!! Woweeee - there was a slight breeze but the sun was shining and the sky was blue - beautiful. It was so lovely to have the lounge window open nearly all day!!!! I actually walked out to see the bluebells growing in the driveway and the lilacs are almost out. Then I was being a bride!!!! Lots and lots of blossom petals were falling all over me! Of course my cherry blossom has been out f…

  • Spring has arrived but with the temps of the Arctic!!!

    - 10 Apr 2021 - 12 comments
    New blossom on cherry tree.
    Well folks, the weather is playing with us. We've already done the "Spring forward" hour with our clocks a few weeks ago. Two weeks ago it was warm and Emily actually did the first grass cut of this year and I left the window open for a while because it was so warm. Now further along the month and you'd be okay to assume that the temperatures would be going up - er no such luck!!!! I realise that Europe as well as here in the UK have been subjected to horrendously cold weather. Snow and hail and…

  • I think Spring has arrived...

    - 30 Mar 2021 - 9 comments
    The annual primroses and polyanthus, come out without fail.
    But I won't hold my breath!!!! The way the weather has been carrying on lately - one minute icy cold and then warm, then icy again - no wonder some people come down with colds. Well tomorrow I am having my second vaccine jab for COVID19. I was fine after my first one, so I should be fine with this one. Well this last week has been really good for temperatures - and sun - oh yes we've had some of that yellow stuff too. Well last week, I managed to walk up my driveway with the help of my neigh…

  • Sorry for my absence folks....

    - 19 Mar 2021 - 13 comments
    Cat who comes for food.
    Hiya folks, sorry I've been so lax in both answering your blogs and photos and also letting you know what's been going on in my part of the world. As you know - I was taken into hospital again!! Apparently in their haste to rid me of the fluid around my heart, I lost so much that I endangered my kidneys!!! So I had to go into hospital to have the proper balance worked out. I can add that I'm fine now, but because my medications were changed three times inside a month, they totally disagreed w…

  • Guess where I am??????

    - 06 Mar 2021 - 11 comments
    As our friend, Mickey has already said - I'm back in hospital. It's so annoying - but hopefully this time they will sort it all out and get the balance of the medications right. When I wrote about not having anything to write about - I didn't need to be brought back here so I had something to say!!!!! On Monday a nurse came to take my blood, which they've done every week since I went home after the last time. On Wednesday my doctor rang me to say that the figures for my kidneys output was too…

  • These are new designs for my pendants......

    - 02 Mar 2021 - 17 comments
    Lot of resin to add to the heart
    Sorry folks that I have little to write about here, apart from my pendants. I haven't left the house since I came home from the hospital, although I have been visited by some nurses about twice a week, to take blood and to check up on me. It's good to know that the doctors etc are keeping a close eye on me. I've been taking my blood pressure every day - I'm a good girl - and I measure the weight every other day. Well I lost 10 kilos of fluid around my heart whilst in hospital, and since I've…

  • I'm back home!!!!!

    - 09 Feb 2021 - 12 comments
    Small oval with blue flower head and greenery
    Hiya folks,llo Here I am, writing to you from my home. Oh boy was that a long time away. I didn't realise how ill I actually was until they told me!!! Apparently I had a lot of fluid around my heart and also around my kidneys, lungs and liver!!! So they put me on very strong fluid dispersal drips. Through my cannular this amazing medicine kept me alive and got rid of a lot of fluid - 10kg in fact!!!! Can you believe that? When I had sepsis a few years ago, it damaged my heart and kidneys, so…

  • Beam me up Scottie!!!! I need some fresh air!!

    - 01 Feb 2021 - 11 comments
    Well I do wonder why the "powers that be" think it'll be a good idea to send all the patients with not just heart problems, but also problems of another kind to my ward!! They don't know who they are, and in the case of the new resident last night, doesn't know why they're here, or even where "here" is!!!! The lady to my right is talking to someone - she keeps on calling out to "stop it" and "please take it off" "close to me" - ????????????? I didn't have to shoot the lady who kept calling ou…

  • Emily packed my camera!!

    - 27 Jan 2021 - 13 comments
    One of these cannulas is in my left arm
    What have I done to deserve having so many wonderful friends? Emily sent me more clothes (with extra knickers/trousers etc) so I should be fine. Also she sent in some soap,shampoo and conditioner!! Yay - I'll be smelling beautifully soon. Best of all - she sent me in my camera!!!! To this end, I am able to show you my bruises!!! These are all on my left hand, because I'm right handed and they might as well ruin the arm I don't use very often, and give my right hand a bit of luck. So…

  • Hiya folks

    - 26 Jan 2021 - 15 comments
    Sorry - this is just going to be a very short, (not sure about the sweet though) version of what has been going on this last week. Monday 19th January - my daughter's 50th birthday - dawned a cold crisp day. I wasn't feeling 100% but I carried on - chatting to Mandi on her very special day - but she kept moaning about being half a century old - I told her to wait until until she realised that she was almost 3/4 of a century old like me. Well Tuesday merged with Monday in that I hardly sle…

  • The flowers in the lounge are growing like mad!!!

    - 15 Jan 2021 - 8 comments
    My plants are loving the bay window
    Even though we've had a lot of very cold weather - I think the double glazing has helped by not letting the freezing cold get to them. When there is a little bit of sun, they relish in it. The hoya has seen fit to try and escape through the pelmet at the top of the window!!!! When Emily comes on Tuesday, I'll ask her to tie it back again!!!! It's lovely seeing the red splashes of colour from the "flamingo plant"...... but Emily bought me a Bromeliad plant with a lovely…

  • Waaahay - we can upload our pictures at last!!!!

    - 12 Jan 2021 - 16 comments
    I quite like this one
    Now I've not been outside, apart from my one trip to Westward Ho! in September, for a year now, so I've kept myself busy by making pendants. Some I've given away for Christmas, but others I've kept here. I am thoroughly enjoying myself and I have decided to sell the ones left over on e-bay, but not until I stop getting the urge to make them. Otherwise it becomes a job and not for pleasure. I do like these with the metal outline. I need to try and get rid of those air bubb…

  • Well Christmas is over - now we have the New Year coming

    - 29 Dec 2020 - 8 comments
    High tide at Northam Burrows.
    My Christmas was a very quiet one, as you might imagine - being on my own. I did try and make a roast beef dinner, but the enjoyment went out of it - having it just for me - but as per usual - the beef has been enjoyed ever since in various disguises!!!!! Apart from today - I was visited by Richard from next door, and he brought a couple of portions of turkey. Apparently he had been given a few portions that were left over from a friend of his, who is a chef, and he decided to put the portio…

  • A very happy Christmas to you all....

    - 23 Dec 2020 - 6 comments
    No snow this year - but the wishes are the same
    I really hope that we can all have a good Christmas, despite everything that's going on in this world. This has been a year none of us will every forget, but we must try and learn by it. Consider others first, don't risk your life, or others, for nothing. Take care of yourself and your family. Let's all hope that 2021 will be a kinder and safer one for us all. So to you all, my friends, take care of yourselves and your families.

  • Time to look back to warmer days......

    - 14 Dec 2020 - 4 comments
    Ortakent Yashi, Turkey
    Well Christmas is fast approaching, I've really got to put my skates on and start sending Christmas cards out - now you folks, will just have to bear with me if you don't have a card from me this year, but as I can't get out to post etc, and the cost of postage is unbelievable, that you'll just have to put up with an e-card. I'll send you all one, that is if I have your e-mail address. Anyway, we can't upload pictures at the moment, so I won't be able to bore you with the latest photos of my epo…

1202 articles in total