Search among Jenny McIntyre's articles

Publication date  /  2018  /  July   -   4 articles

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  • I'm a proud Mum......

    - 01 Jul 2018 - 12 comments
    Tony, my son, has finished his first year in College. He'd worked for Her Majesty' s Custom & Excise for 25 years and had to accept redundancy when the office was moved about 100 miles away. So he decided he wanted extra certificates to be able to

  • I've been off the grid lately - sorry......

    - 12 Jul 2018 - 2 comments
    Hiya folks, sorry I haven't been on here for a while but I've been trying to get to know my new computer laptop, also I'm still trying to work with both hands not working as they should. When I was in hospital, they put many canulars in both hands to

  • All three chicks are off the roof now.....

    - 12 Jul 2018 - 9 comments
    At long last all three chicks are off the roof, but they are still wandering around the garden - mostly in Ann and Peter's garden because they don't have any animals to worry about - much to Ann's consternation because they poop everywhere, especially on

  • Mandi and her kitties......

    - 29 Jul 2018 - 6 comments
    Mandi has some gorgeous cats in her home - they were provided by a stray cat we've called Annie, because "mum" is Annie in Turkish. She brought them round with their other siblings about 8 months ago, unfortunately the other kitties didn't survive because