Articles by Jenny McIntyre


  • A trip out to local seaside villages

    - 16 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    View from Instow looking out to the ocean
    I was very kindly taken out for a ride by my neighbour just to be near the sea. I do so miss going as often as I used to when I had a car, so it was lovely of her to offer to take me out. We went firstly to Instow, a small village facing the mouths of the River Torridge and River Taw as they flow out into the Atlantic Ocean. It has a lovely beach which is usually crammed with visitors but this year has been dire. The cold damp weather has really put a dampner on any holidaying here. The…

  • Not much of a day really!!!

    - 14 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    Hiya folks, don't know why I thought that you might be even possibly interested in what I've done today, but here I am writing about a "non-day"!!! It dawned a reasonably clear day with the odd clumps of clouds floating around and the wind has dropped somewhat. I did some excavating in my spare room!!! I need a curtain pole put up in my other spare room and I knew I had some new ones that I'd had as bargains about 20 years ago and hadn't put them up yet!!!!! Trouble was they were in my spa…

  • Not having the kitten neither..........

    - 11 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Oh well the very nice people from the Cats Protection came along this evening and brought a delightful little kitten called Grace. She was tiny, black with a lovely little white spot on her chest and was extremely curious about everything. Yes she was cute, but there wasn't any spark there when I saw her. She spent about 30 minutes here and although she was lovely and sweet, I just didn't feel anything. Luckily the people realised that I really need an older cat whose personality is alread…

  • Not having the mum and two kitties now!!!...................

    - 10 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Well I had offered to have a mum cat and her two kitties, but I realised that to have that large an influx of cats wouldn't be fair on Pippin, so unfortunately I've had to decline. I didn't find the decision too hard, when I found out that neither of the female cats liked being held, and were quite temperamental. I want to have a cat who loves being cuddled and stroked. So there is another little girl kitten, called Grace, a little black cat and about 4 months old. She's very affectionate and lo…

  • Just had to tell you about this............

    - 08 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    Hiya folks, I felt I just had to tell you about the amazing phone call I just received........... Now I don't have "caller identity" on my phone, I have to pay for it, and I don't see why. So if the phone rings - I answer it. I'm sure many of you are beseiged by "cold" calls, and today I'd had 3. I just say quite politely "I'm sorry I don't do surveys" and put the phone down. Today............. I answered this phone call and the man on the other end (with a strong Indian accent!) ask…

  • Have you ever heard of Maru the cat?

    - 07 Sep 2012
    Have you ever heard of Maru the cat? I just love this cat and I often go onto YouTube to see if he's been up to any new tricks. So in case you've never heard or seen Maru, here's just a little snippet of his character!!! By the way he loves boxes!! <iframe width="420" height="315" src=" " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  • Hey did I mention there had been a fire near us????

    - 07 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    Helicopter getting water
    As a lot of you know, whenever I go away on holiday, some catastrophe occurs at or near where we are. Two years ago we had the awful wildfire on Samos, Greece - last year we had the smoke etc from the fire in Turkey (Samos is about 4 miles off shore from Turkey!!), plus we had electricity power off. This year on our second day, we were disturbed by the sound of helicopters and a sea plane. We were aware immediately that they were overhead to collect sea water to douse a fire!!! We as…

  • My holiday was a lovely relaxing time

    - 07 Sep 2012
    The promenade
    Tis me again folks. I thought I'd just say a few words of how my holiday went. As you have seen from my photos, it was a gorgeous place to be. You all know that my ability to walk isn't too good, nor is my balance, so to go to a place like Ortakent was brilliant. The promenade which ran infront of my hotel, was about 2 miles long and it had a low wall running the full length of it. That meant that I could walk further, cos I could sit down and rest whenever I needed to and therefore go fu…

  • A quickie showing where I was on holiday!

    - 02 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    The beach from our hotel
    Here's a quick video showing you where I was holidaying in Turkey. This was the view I had every morning for breakfast, and sometimes evenings when we sat at the bar. I thought you'd like to get a chance to see a little bit of Turkey, albeit it's a commercial part, but it is perfect for the family and also for people who are slightly infirm. It's flat and there are loads of seats/low walls to rest and believe you me, when the temperatures are in the late 30's and early 40's (100F - 114F) it'…

  • Here's a video of Mandi and a lilo!!!!

    - 02 Sep 2012 - 3 comments
    Mandi trying to steer
    Hiya, thought you'd like to see my daughter making me giggle!!! She'd managed to get on a li-lo in the pool, which is a feat in itself as far as I'm concerned!! and then she was trying to turn the li-lo around. I just had to video it!!! Hope you enjoy..............

  • Just a bit about the holiday

    - 31 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    View from our room
    Okay folks, I think I can do this - Mickey told me what I have to do, but you know my memory!!! LOL Mandi & I went on holiday to Ortakent, Bodrum in Turkey on 13th August 2012. We left Exeter airport (great as it was only about 4 miles from where Mandi lives!!) and we arrived in Bodrum airport about 1am (Turkish time - they are 2 hours ahead of us) and then we had to be taken to our hotel. Instead of a large coach having loads of stops to do, we were put in a small mini-bus holding about 12 p…

  • I've added a few photos for you,

    - 30 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    Okay then, I am still having problems finding myself around this site, but I need Mickey's help first!!!! He seems to have found a way of getting this done properly!! I think I've got the hang of uploading photos, well partly anyway, it just means I need to take a couple of hours and go through it with help. When I can add photos with captions I'll post some about the holiday. So you can all breathe a sigh of relief for not being pestered with them now!

  • I'm back but totally kna**ered!!

    - 28 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    Hiya folks, I'm back but am really, really tired!!! We got up at 8am (Turkish time) which was 6am British time and you know me - I don't do mornings!!! Anyway we had to have breakfast and then pack to leave the room by 12pm, but our bus wasn't coming until 9pm to take us to the airport!!! So we did more sunbathing and some friends we'd made over there lent us their room to freshen up - wasn't that great of them? By 9pm we were waiting and waiting for the "dolmus" (bus) to arrive, but i…

  • Right I've packed and am off tomorrow!!!!

    - 12 Aug 2012
    Right oh folks, I've finished packing, well I should say, I've just finished packing for the second time!!! I was so pleased with myself for having packed everything and there was even room left (in other words it wasn't crammed!!) when I realised I couldn't see that elastic belt thingy - where was it??? At the bottom of the suitcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I had to unpack and retrieve the belts and then re-pack it. Somehow it didn't go as smoothly as it did the first time and now I've not go…

1202 articles in total