Right oh folks, I've finished packing, well I should say, I've just finished packing for the second time!!!

I was so pleased with myself for having packed everything and there was even room left (in other words it wasn't crammed!!) when I realised I couldn't see that elastic belt thingy - where was it??? At the bottom of the suitcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I had to unpack and retrieve the belts and then re-pack it. Somehow it didn't go as smoothly as it did the first time and now I've not got as level a suitcase as I did before!!!

Anyway I just wanted to say "don't miss me too much!" which I'm sure you won't. I've got 3 x 4GB cards for the camera, which means loads and loads of photos and videos!!!! Oh boy I bet you are really looking forward to that!!!!

So I'm off tomorrow morning, so behave yourselves!! Speak to you when I come back.

I must say though - I do like this new site - not bad eh?