Okay folks, I think I can do this - Mickey told me what I have to do, but you know my memory!!! LOL

Mandi & I went on holiday to Ortakent, Bodrum in Turkey on 13th August 2012. We left Exeter airport (great as it was only about 4 miles from where Mandi lives!!) and we arrived in Bodrum airport about 1am (Turkish time - they are 2 hours ahead of us) and then we had to be taken to our hotel. Instead of a large coach having loads of stops to do, we were put in a small mini-bus holding about 12 people and so the transfer to the hotels were very quick.

An hour later we arrived at our hotel, and were met by some lovely people, Suliman (the night porter) and Ziya (the barman). We were taken to our room with a view of the pool and bar. The bar was still open and so Mandi and I just looked at each other and immediately dumped our luggage on the floor and went downstairs to the pool bar!!!! A bottle of Strongbow (cider) didn't even touch the sides when I drank it!!!! The temperatures there were hovering in the mid-30's even at that time of night!

We met another family from the UK as they arrived when we were about to have another bottle of Strongbow. We clicked straight away and we could see that for at least a week we would be having fun with this lot!

The next morning we woke up to "heat" - hell's teeth it was almost 39C (108F) at 8am!!!

This was the view from our bedroom. We discovered that we would be having our breakfast at the tables by the pool (well Mandi wanted to smoke and we couldn't eat inside the restaurant). I was really pleased to eat there because this was our view.......

It was glorious, although we did have to move the table now and again to get into the shade!!

We worked out where beside the pool we would be in the shade for a lot of the day - not stupid you know - in that heat, dappled shade was the best. It wasn't long before we were in the pool, and Mandi discovered a unique use of the foam floaters!!!

Well the first day we just "chilled" - yeah in that kind of heat and relaxed and swam. Bliss - I could see the stress and strain start to leave Mandi as she just laid in the sun. We decided on an early night and so ate in the hotel restaurant.

Okay that's enough for now, I'll do another blog to show you more about Turkey.

By the way - if ever you want to go to stay in an hotel in Turkey, where you are made very welcome, with brilliant amenities and a quiet relaxing place to stay - go to the Acelya Hotel in Ortakent, Bodrum - highly recommended.