Articles by Jenny McIntyre


  • A massive thank you to you all...................

    - 21 Dec 2012 - 3 comments
    I had just poured my heart out to you and somehow pressed the wrong button and it's gone!!!!!!! Story of my life. Anyway all I want to say is a massive thank you to you all here. This past year has been enhanced by your friendship. You have invited me into your lives with your blogs and your photos and I am so thankful for that. I see parts of the world that I will never see through your photos and it's wonderful. You on your part, have listened to my woes and hopes and have given me enco…

  • Our Mickey

    - 18 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    Today is the 12th anniversary since our Mickey's beloved wife, Margaret, died. He always seems so full of fun most of the time, but this time of the year gets him really down and that is probably why he hasn't been on here of late. Some of us can cope with losing a loved one in different ways. He just goes quiet and rather than inflict his pain onto us, he tends to keep away until he feels he can cope with being the "idiot" we all know and love. So please have him in your thoughts today t…

  • Photo phun - reflections

    - 18 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    Lights reflected on the sea in Greece
    Well I've got quite a few photos of reflections but I've just chosen a few for you. It's one of my favourite themes as well as raindrops and sunsets................ I took this last year when I went to Greece and we were sitting down in a taverna on the other side of the bay and the reflections were wonderful............ I just love taking photos of sunsets and to see this reflection of the sun on the water is lovely............. One of my favourite views of Bideford - at n…

  • This time I mean it - the quilt is finished

    - 17 Dec 2012 - 3 comments
    The quilt is finished
    I know I said that it was almost finished, but I mean it now - IT'S FINISHED!!!! I must say I'm pleased with this and although I have said that I'm not doing another one for a while, seeing it finished, I am tempted to do one like this for my bedroom!!!!!.................

  • Photo phun - favourite book

    - 16 Dec 2012 - 1 comment
    I'm afraid I just don't know what to put here as I have so many favourite books. This is the first Peter Robinson novel I read and it was so intriguing that I felt I just had to read another of his books............. Another of his books that caught my imagination.................. This story was very well written - had me glued................... Another of his novels - in fact I think there are only a couple of his books that I haven't read…

  • I've finished the quilt - well almost!!!! and Mandi has arrived in Turkey

    - 15 Dec 2012 - 3 comments
    IMG 3444
    I have at last finished all the hand sewing part of the quilt - well thinking about it, I may have just a small amount of finishing off with the needle!!!!! Anyway - I've been telling you all about me sewing all the time and at last this afternoon, I finished the quilting. I haven't done as much quilting before, but I'm very pleased with the result. I don't usually do as much quilting as this, but I must admit I do like the effect. So maybe I'll do it for my next one too!!!!…

  • A terrible happening in Connecticut

    - 14 Dec 2012 - 1 comment
    I had to write to say how terribly sad I was when I saw the shooting in an elementary school in Connecticut. I can't believe what was going on in that man's head when he thought of going into a school where there were small children from 5 to 10 years of age and firing a sub-machine gun. I know his mother (whom he killed prior to going to the school) was a teacher at that school, but if he'd already killed her, what was the point of killing children? I am glad he's dead yet I wish he'd lived…

  • Photo phun - wildlife

    - 14 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    Sweet little doormouse
    Well I'm afraid I don't have anything glamourous here for you all, so I have to avail myself of trying to find ordinary wildlife here in the UK. A very sweet fieldmouse was brought into my home by Pippin, who wanted to play but he was a little too big for this little thing. So I rescued it and after about 5 hours or so, he was ready to go back outside while I kept Pippin indoors!!!! Here is a spider having just wrapped up his next meal - tidy that isn't it? Saves on zip-lock bag…

  • Okay - photo phun of Local building

    - 11 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    This is the one I made a boob of. I did the themes on the wrong day so here is yesterday's and tomorrow is already up on yesterday!!!! Following me????? There are a lot of local buildings, obviously otherwise there wouldn't be a town!!! LOL Here are a few which are a little bit more special - well they think they are!!! This is the Town Hall, the library is on the ground floor, but all meetings etc with town council are held in the room with that fancy bay window..................…

  • I'm wrong again!!!!!!!!!!!

    - 10 Dec 2012 - 1 comment
    I've done the wrong photo phun - again!!!!!!!! Should have been local building - I'll put this up on the 12th!! LOL

  • Photo phun - portrait of hands

    - 10 Dec 2012
    A hand of cards
    I think I'm up to date now!!! Today's theme is another good are some of my ideas for it............. A hand of cards - don't know what game they are playing, but it's a hand however you look at it!!............. My hand after I'd been weeding the drive - if nothing else - it's proof I was working!!!!! ................ My hand looks huge compared to this little darling of a mouse one of the cats had brought in!!! I held it for a couple of hours til it s…

  • Photo phun - something purple

    - 09 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    Purple flower
    Sorry I didn't do this yesterday - as you know - I was away.............. Okay so here's just a quick few purple things I've got................. Can't remember at the moment which flower this is, but it was a very pretty flower................. The purple panses which went wild for about two weeks, then of course - we had the rain!!!!!!!!....... I did manage to have a gorgeous array of tulips this year. This was one of my favourite ones....................... Th…

  • Been to a hen night, that's why I wasn't here yesterday..............

    - 08 Dec 2012 - 3 comments
    IMG 3423
    Hiya folks, just got back from my daughter's home. I went to visit her yesterday for a bit of a knees-up. Her friends had arranged a hen-night for her, as they had been told that she will be getting married when she goes out to Turkey next week. Yes - you heard right - married!!!!!!!!!! The difference in her for the last four months has brought back my old Mandi. She is giggling, smiling, laughing and looking forward to the future, something I never thought I would ever see again. Her ex-husb…

  • Photo phun - ancient building

    - 06 Dec 2012 - 2 comments
    Ribat - ancient fort in Tunisia nearly 2000 years old
    I haven't had a lot of time to do this justice I'm afraid, so I've just grabbed a few I have................. This is the Ribat - an ancient fortress where they used to look out towards the sea for invaders in Monastir, Tunisia which is almost 2,000 years old. It's in incredible condition - must be the dry air. The film "Life of Brian" was filmed here................... Of course the Parthenon in Athens is pretty ancient. I was so lucky to have been here, it's a magical place an…

  • Lovely film of a cat taking a human for a walk

    - 05 Dec 2012
    Wish Pippin would go on a leash.............

  • Photo phun - wrinkle

    - 04 Dec 2012 - 3 comments
    Still calling them laughter lines - with a tan!
    Well at my age, wrinkles are here in abundance. This was taken a few months ago and the only reason the wrinkles (or laughter lines as I call them) aren't so evident - I've put on weight!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Boy do these wrinkles (er laughter lines) stand out in the light!!!................. These are my grandparents and uncles and aunts - now there are loads of wrinkles here, and it's quite shocking to realise that they are all around the early 60's in age!!!!! Hell's teeth!!!!…

  • Funny cats on Youtube..........

    - 02 Dec 2012
    Just caught sight of this on You Tube and it is so funny - I hope you enjoy it. It's all about cats - funny ones.............

  • Photo phun - action

    - 02 Dec 2012 - 1 comment
    IMG 3197
    I've had some great fun looking through my pictures to find subjects for today's theme. Looked at photos I haven't looked for a long time, so memories were awoken - thanks............... Okay here goes for the theme of ACTION:.................... The flames of my bonfire........................ This poor driver having to be rescued from his van during the floods.............. Water skiing in Turkey...................... Friends we met on holiday having a high-old tim…

1202 articles in total