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Publication date  /  2022  /  August   -   3 articles

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  • Went out to the seaside at West Appledore

    - 08 Aug 2022 - 6 comments
    My son came up to see me and it was a gloriously sunny day. After we talked a lot to catch up on things which had gone on since we last saw each other - mostly all about the Disneyworld, Paris where they had gone for a week. Wow you'd need at least a week

  • My Oriental lily has flowered again....

    - 13 Aug 2022 - 4 comments
    I honestly thought my lily had died, and so I put it in, in its pot, in the back porch, to await a time that Emily could put it on the compost heap!!! Well other things were more important so it was left in my porch. Then I was so surprised to see some

  • Emily is leaving!!!!

    - 30 Aug 2022 - 7 comments
    Hiya folks, yes my dear friend and helper, Emily - is leaving to go to a permanent job in a Nursing Home. I don't blame her, because the price of petrol has risen so much, she is finding all the travelling from one place to another to do her cleaning etc,