Articles by Jenny McIntyre


  • This will teach you how to behave when a bear comes a'calling!!!!

    - 13 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    Had this sent to me in an e-mail and it's a definite "oh sh*t" moment.

  • Fred the Shed has been........................

    - 09 Nov 2012 - 4 comments
    Before the chopping down
    My volunteer gardener, Fred, came this morning after his 3 week holiday in Spain. He wasn't terribly brown, despite the fact that it was lovely and warm over there!!!! Anyway he came early this morning and proceeded to chop down my elder tree just outside my kitchen. It's size had crept up on me - and I suddenly realised a couple of months ago that it must be about 20 feet high!!!!!! Also the hallway and kitchen were getting quite dark. Now it's roots spread themselves everywhere and as…

  • Mr Duckman...............

    - 08 Nov 2012
    This is a beautiful video - I know it's old stuff, but it still makes you go awwwwwwwwww inside.

  • Best divorce letter yet.................

    - 08 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    My Dear husband: I'm writing this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you. I've been a good wife to you for the last 20 years & I have nothing to show for it and the last 2 weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you left your job today which was the last straw. Last week, you came home & you didn't even notice I had a new hairstyle, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new nightie. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching your TV soaps.…

  • Fifty sheds of grey....................

    - 08 Nov 2012 - 1 comment
    The novel “Fifty Shades Of Grey” has seduced women – and baffled blokes. Now a spoof, Fifty Sheds Of Grey, offers a treat for the men. The book has author Colin Grey recounting his love encounters at the bottom of the garden. Here are some extracts... Fifty Sheds Of Grey We tried various positions – round the back, on the side, up against a wall...but in the end we came to the conclusion the bottom of the garden was the only place for a good shed. She stood before me, trembling in…

  • Fifty shades of...................

    - 07 Nov 2012 - 1 comment
    “Fifty Shades of Grey Hair” The missus bought a paperback Down Dymocks, Saturday, I had a look in her bag; T’was “fifty shades of grey”. Well I just left her to it, At ten I went to bed. An hour later she appeared; The sight filled me with dread….. In her left hand she held a rope; And in her right a whip! She threw them down on the floor, And then began to strip.…

  • The aftermath of the bonfire...............

    - 07 Nov 2012 - 4 comments
    The driveway almost cleared
    I went out this morning to have a look at what has been done by Peter and Ann as I couldn't really see it last night. It looks amazing. The difference is so huge................ I can understand why they left that pot with the ornamental grasses in, there's a pile of ashes etc there. Now it's going to be so much easier for people to turn their cars around. You can just make out where last night's fire was!!.................. As you can see - all that space has been cleared - at t…

  • My pyromaniacal neighbours have been at it again!!!!!!!!...............

    - 06 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    IMG 3197
    Peter from next door rang up this afternoon, and said he and his friend Chris would be round to collect the old tv's and take them to the recycling plant for me! So half an hour later, they duly arrived and without too much huffing and puffing took the two large, old style, tv's out and out into the back of their car...................boy did that car sink lower and lower with the weight. I do hope they pumped up the tyres before they came!!!! I also cheekily asked if they could dump an ol…

  • I looked out the kitchen window and.......................

    - 05 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    Strange people having a fire on my drive!!!
    look what I saw!!!!!!!!!!! Two strange people having a bonfire on my driveway!!!!!!!!!! LOL No seriously Peter & Ann decided that as it was a quiet day maybe they could give me a bonfire for 5th November!! They didn't bring any fireworks though, but there were sparks galore..... Mind you Peter did suggest putting a few aerosol cans on for bangs!!! I know I keep saying it - but I am so very blessed with my neighbours.

  • The final chapter (I hope) to my tv debacle....................

    - 02 Nov 2012 - 2 comments
    My new tv - working at last
    Well I gave up trying to get my new tv to work last night, got really upset because I couldn't get my satellite channels on my borrowed tv, my back ached from shopping and I was still miffed because of not being able to use my credit card to buy the tv in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the evening, I was practising what I was going to say to the salesman about his tv and what he could do with it!!!!!! I don't get het up very often, so I have to practice before I do anything! So this mo…

  • Got a new flat screen tv but.........................

    - 01 Nov 2012 - 1 comment
    My new 32" tv
    Further to yesterday's blog ......................... Mandi came up today and commiserated with my woes about my old tv giving up the ghost, and blanched somewhat when I told her she could have the other tv back - I think the idea of having to lift it out into her car and then even worse - her 12 outside steps to her home!!!!!!!!!!! So she said that as I was going to the recycling plant with the other defunct tv, I may as well take the other one too!!!!!!!!!!! So off to Asda we went and di…

  • My tv in the wheelbarrow..............

    - 31 Oct 2012 - 1 comment
    Well my tv has decided that enough was enough and finally closed his eyes but not his mouth!!!!!!!!!! So I went into the other lounge and thought that it was a good thing that I'd got this other tv from Mandi, albeit it was in the wheelbarrow (some of you might remember the saga of how it got in there in the first place!!). So I tried to wheel the barrow with the enormous 28" old tv in it. If it doesn't weigh a ton, then it should do cos it was horrendous trying to even pull the barrow down…

  • My first fire, slow-cooker tryout and the material has arrived.............

    - 31 Oct 2012 - 1 comment
    My first fire for the winter
    Okay I tried very hard not to light my coal fire until November, but to be totally honest, it's so damn cold here that I felt I was only a day off so what the hell................... I must admit it is nice sitting here with cosy flames next to me and the warmth in this room is wonderful. Pippin sat near it for a few minutes, then decided he preferred the cold of the other lounge and went there!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no pleasing him - I thought cats gravitated towards fires, but not him - he's d…

  • I've decided on the colour for the new quilt..................

    - 29 Oct 2012 - 2 comments
    The colour scheme for my new quilt
    I've got loads of different colours in my treasure chest of materials, but I just couldn't see the colours I wantd for my neighbour's quilt I'm going to do for her. I've visited her home several times and I know the colour scheme she has in various bedrooms and none of the colours I have will go exactly as I see it. So as usual I visited e-bay!!!!!!! I found exactly what I wanted, although it did take me over an hour to find it. I've decided on this colour scheme..................... I…

  • Thank you all for your lovely comments...............

    - 28 Oct 2012
    Just wanted to say a big thank you for your lovely comments on my quilt. In fact it's spurred me on to thinking about starting the next one tomorrow - this time I really do hope I'll finish it for Christmas - I mean I have almost 2 months don't I? Should be okay then. Again thanks - it means a lot to me. xx

  • It's finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    - 28 Oct 2012 - 4 comments
    IMG 3127
    Hey folks, I've finished the quilt!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it, it just finished so quickly - I thought it would be at least another couple of days, but's done. I am really pleased with it and the colours should go very well with their colour scheme, so I hope they like this. It's a design I hadn't done before and I wasn't too sure if it would work but I think it does........... As you can see I've only outlined the squares, but it's given the effect I wanted.........…

  • We had some sun today.........................

    - 27 Oct 2012 - 1 comment
    A closer look at the ivy
    I woke up this morning to some yellowy thing shining in my windows!!! SUN!!!!!!.......... it was lovely and warm in the sun I admit and I did some housework in just a short sleeved top and joggers! It was very pleasant then I thought - might go out and take some photos of anything that might be of interest in the garden...........shall I put on my fleece? Good thing I was like walking into a freezer when I opened the door!!!!!!!!!! Wow it was such a contrast to indoors - love…

  • It's one of those days folks...................

    - 26 Oct 2012 - 2 comments
    Okay folks, it's Friday, the end of the week - but for me all days seem the same really. The only thing that's bugging me is that the sky has been this thick dark grey, completely grey - can't even see the outlines of the clouds - it's a mist apparently! You do get a tad on the downside when you have to have lights on for most of the day - but according to our friends in the Weather Bureau, tomorrow we can expect blue sky!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee - unless of course the winds change and we still have thi…

1202 articles in total