All articles concerning Jenny McIntyre

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  • Was it really a year ago already?

    I was just trying to think of a present for my daughter Ellen,it's her birthday next week. Another thought struck me if it's her birthday next week a year ago I must have been at Jenny's and sure enough on checking I was. I have had three visits from on line pals but the invite off Jenny was my first visit. I don't really know if I was invited,we talked about me going down or Jenny coming here and I just said that I was sorted and would be down the following week. The journey down was about…

  • My holiday was a lovely relaxing time

    The promenade
    Tis me again folks. I thought I'd just say a few words of how my holiday went. As you have seen from my photos, it was a gorgeous place to be. You all know that my ability to walk isn't too good, nor is my balance, so to go to a place like Ortakent was brilliant. The promenade which ran infront of my hotel, was about 2 miles long and it had a low wall running the full length of it. That meant that I could walk further, cos I could sit down and rest whenever I needed to and therefore go fu…

  • Just a bit about the holiday

    View from our room
    Okay folks, I think I can do this - Mickey told me what I have to do, but you know my memory!!! LOL Mandi & I went on holiday to Ortakent, Bodrum in Turkey on 13th August 2012. We left Exeter airport (great as it was only about 4 miles from where Mandi lives!!) and we arrived in Bodrum airport about 1am (Turkish time - they are 2 hours ahead of us) and then we had to be taken to our hotel. Instead of a large coach having loads of stops to do, we were put in a small mini-bus holding about 12 p…

  • Right I've packed and am off tomorrow!!!!

    Right oh folks, I've finished packing, well I should say, I've just finished packing for the second time!!! I was so pleased with myself for having packed everything and there was even room left (in other words it wasn't crammed!!) when I realised I couldn't see that elastic belt thingy - where was it??? At the bottom of the suitcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I had to unpack and retrieve the belts and then re-pack it. Somehow it didn't go as smoothly as it did the first time and now I've not go…