Mandi told me yesterday that there is snow in Bodrum!!! Now only a few days ago, she and Dogan were sitting outside on the patio in temperatures of 22C, and suddenly there is snow. It's such an oddball thing to happen that the tv stations were all talking about it. So I was able to get quite a lot of pictures. Mandi doesn't get out and buses weren't getting down to her area, despite the fact that the snow didn't get there neither!!!

So a video had been taken about the road behind where she lives - it shows that there was quite a heavy snowfall, so strange.

Then she told me about how people were actually making snowmen in the gardens!!! Something that a lot of the children had no knowledge of doing before. It's really strange, because I live a lot nearer the Arctic Circle than she does and no snow is here at all - okay it's very cold, but not even a frost!!!

I've also heard that Istanbul has had an incredible amount of snow, to the point of roofs collapsing under the weight of the snow!!! This climate change is certainly going silly. Considering Turkey had temperatures of 45C in the summer and now it's -3C. In my south west part of the UK, we had a high of 25C in the summer and it's been around 4C this winter!! How mixed up is this?

Mickey went to the hospital again yesterday and had lots of tests by consultants who will let him know what they found by the end of the week. It really knocked him sideways - all those tests, so he's resting now. I'll keep you all informed as and when I have any news. Anne, my neighbour, is resting (although she's finding it difficult because she's a workaholic) so hopefully she'll recover quickly. If it was anything other than COVID, she'd soldier on, doing things for everyone, so in a way I'm glad it is COVID, because she can't go near people!!!

Okay folks, no jewellry today - Emily came to do my housework, and we chatted a lot too, catching up on things. She's an absolute boon to me. I wish I could have her more days, but (a) I can't afford it and more importantly (b) she doesn't have the time to do more!!! Stay safe everyone, and if you have snow where you are - take care and make sure you don't fall.