Jenny McIntyre's most commented articles

  • You know that feeling you get when you haven't had it for a while!!.......

    Well I have had a cotton sheet on my bed for quite a few months now, but decided yesterday to change back to the flannelette cos my feet were cold!!!!!! WHAT'S THE MATTER? WASN'T THIS WHAT YOU WERE THINKING OF??? Last night I went to bed, tired out and a little bit chilly. I got into bed and it was bliss............ the softness and warmth of the flannelette sheet - a feeling soooo good. I live on my own, so have to get my pleasures where I can - and that is with a lovely flannelette s…

  • My brother has come home at last...............

    Mum & Paul in the sun
    Some of you may not remember, or even know, that my brother died in May 2009. He committed suicide and it was a very traumatic time for us. He was a lovely man, just very troubled and we had no idea that he was thinking along these lines. This is a picture of him with my Mum. Okay it was about 20 years ago, but this is how I like to remember them both. Well when he died, the cost of his funeral expenses came to a whopping £3,500 which was an amount I just didn't have. The Government pa…

  • My son has got last!!!!

    Tony & Stevie with Roxy & Ruby
    Hiya folks, Well at long last my son is making an honest woman of his partner and they got engaged on Saturday. They've been together over 4 years now, so as far as I'm's about time!!!!!!!! As you know, I've been visiting Mandi at her home for the weekend and Tony rang up to say they were coming up on Sunday to see us. That was a nice surprise and hey - he isn't a FOMI anymore - he does actually exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL They arrived with their two boisterous, very…

  • Rainbows and pigeons!!!!

    Almost the whole arc
    When I was away at Mandi's I saw this gorgeous rainbow, in fact it was a double rainbow!!! I had to take a photo of it of course............. As you can see it's almost a complete arc. This is the view from my daughter's home from the front..... You can just make out the double................. While I was waiting for the bus to come home today - I took these photos - see I really need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!! I had got the times wrong again - so I had an hour to wait, and so I…

  • Oh dear - once I get onto YouTube, I keep finding these!!!! LOL

    A baby's laughter is infectious and this is definitely infectious!!!!

  • It's one of those days folks...................

    Okay folks, it's Friday, the end of the week - but for me all days seem the same really. The only thing that's bugging me is that the sky has been this thick dark grey, completely grey - can't even see the outlines of the clouds - it's a mist apparently! You do get a tad on the downside when you have to have lights on for most of the day - but according to our friends in the Weather Bureau, tomorrow we can expect blue sky!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee - unless of course the winds change and we still have thi…

  • I've decided on the colour for the new quilt..................

    The colour scheme for my new quilt
    I've got loads of different colours in my treasure chest of materials, but I just couldn't see the colours I wantd for my neighbour's quilt I'm going to do for her. I've visited her home several times and I know the colour scheme she has in various bedrooms and none of the colours I have will go exactly as I see it. So as usual I visited e-bay!!!!!!! I found exactly what I wanted, although it did take me over an hour to find it. I've decided on this colour scheme..................... I…

  • The final chapter (I hope) to my tv debacle....................

    My new tv - working at last
    Well I gave up trying to get my new tv to work last night, got really upset because I couldn't get my satellite channels on my borrowed tv, my back ached from shopping and I was still miffed because of not being able to use my credit card to buy the tv in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over the evening, I was practising what I was going to say to the salesman about his tv and what he could do with it!!!!!! I don't get het up very often, so I have to practice before I do anything! So this mo…

  • I looked out the kitchen window and.......................

    Strange people having a fire on my drive!!!
    look what I saw!!!!!!!!!!! Two strange people having a bonfire on my driveway!!!!!!!!!! LOL No seriously Peter & Ann decided that as it was a quiet day maybe they could give me a bonfire for 5th November!! They didn't bring any fireworks though, but there were sparks galore..... Mind you Peter did suggest putting a few aerosol cans on for bangs!!! I know I keep saying it - but I am so very blessed with my neighbours.

  • My pyromaniacal neighbours have been at it again!!!!!!!!...............

    IMG 3197
    Peter from next door rang up this afternoon, and said he and his friend Chris would be round to collect the old tv's and take them to the recycling plant for me! So half an hour later, they duly arrived and without too much huffing and puffing took the two large, old style, tv's out and out into the back of their car...................boy did that car sink lower and lower with the weight. I do hope they pumped up the tyres before they came!!!! I also cheekily asked if they could dump an ol…

  • Best divorce letter yet.................

    My Dear husband: I'm writing this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you. I've been a good wife to you for the last 20 years & I have nothing to show for it and the last 2 weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me that you left your job today which was the last straw. Last week, you came home & you didn't even notice I had a new hairstyle, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new nightie. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching your TV soaps.…

  • This will teach you how to behave when a bear comes a'calling!!!!

    Had this sent to me in an e-mail and it's a definite "oh sh*t" moment.

  • Photo phun - warm glow

    100 5995
    I took these pictures last year when I put up my Christmas tree. I just loved the warm glow of the lights. As you can see Roxy, bless him, used to really like being by the tree.................. The glow went into the glass baubles............................. I just love this time of year when the decorations go up....................

  • Photo phun - pattern

    The patterns in the cliffs
    I've been trawling my photos and looked at them with different eyes and found these patterns......... The patterns on the cliffs made from the upheaval over time............... The ebbing tide made this lovely pattern on the harbour sand............ The ice on the inside of my porch window - fantastic pattern if only it hadn't been so cold.......... Look at this amazing heart shaped pattern this river has made................. The frost made amazing patterns on t…

  • Simon's cat is back.................

    Just seen this - it's really quite funny........... Simon is brilliant doing these quick animations - he must spend hours and hours watching his cats to know what they do. Hope you enjoy..............

  • Photo phun - veins

    veins on a flower
    Well I wasn't too keen to take a photo of my own veins for you, that's because they're virtually hidden under skin!!!! I have been fortunate in not having varicose veins, but I did have a blocked artery a couple of years back, and I had to have an operation to "dyno-rod" it!!! All's fine now by the way. Anyway here are my contributions for today's theme............... Here are some veins on a lovely nasturtium flower............... The veins on a leaf as it changes colour.........…

  • How to get your cat inside.............

    Just seen this video and it's hilarious....................... How on earth did they train their dog to do this???? <object><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value=" "></param><embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></embed></object> I hopeyou enjoy it.

  • It's toooo cold outside Mum.......................

    Pippin loves his wadding bed
    Pippin isn't usually hanging around me during the day - he's off out and about in the gardens, looking for mice or the occasional moggie who tries to get it's way into my kitchen to eat Pippin's food. But the weather has turned really cold and Pippin has decided that it's too damn cold for him to venture out, except for essentials (!!!) and that the wadding I'd cut out for some cushion covers I was making, made an excellent bed............... He just loves it - he paddles the wadd…

  • The halogen oven

    I noticed that some of you don't know how a halogen oven works, so I thought about writing all about it, then I thought - it would be much better if I put on a link that explains it much better than I could ever do. I am so so happy to have one, I just don't know what I'd do without it.

  • Photo phun - ancient building

    Ribat - ancient fort in Tunisia nearly 2000 years old
    I haven't had a lot of time to do this justice I'm afraid, so I've just grabbed a few I have................. This is the Ribat - an ancient fortress where they used to look out towards the sea for invaders in Monastir, Tunisia which is almost 2,000 years old. It's in incredible condition - must be the dry air. The film "Life of Brian" was filmed here................... Of course the Parthenon in Athens is pretty ancient. I was so lucky to have been here, it's a magical place an…

1173 articles in total