When I was away at Mandi's I saw this gorgeous rainbow, in fact it was a double rainbow!!! I had to take a photo of it of course.............

As you can see it's almost a complete arc. This is the view from my daughter's home from the front.....

You can just make out the double.................

While I was waiting for the bus to come home today - I took these photos - see I really need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!! I had got the times wrong again - so I had an hour to wait, and so I photographed anything!!!..............

Then I noticed some little pigeons scrabbling around looking for crumbs............

It's sad isn't it when all I can do to occupy myself for an hour in a bus station is to take photos of pigeons and buses!?? Still later on, a very nice man sat down and we chatted away for about 10mins til my bus arrived.