Jenny McIntyre's most commented articles

  • Some sunshine today..........

    The sun catching the aqualegia
    Well folks - we've had some sunshine today, which is different from yesterday when we had showers, and the day before was quite nice too. I took some pictures from my lounge window then and I put them up here, but didn't do a blog to incorporate them. I've been busy cleaning the paintwork in the downstairs rooms etc and I think I was a little too eager with my scrubbing!!!! My back has been complaining ever since and so I've had to stop. It really gets me annoyed that I have to pace myself, t…

  • This is wonderful to watch.....

    This dog definitely knew where he was going and why........

  • This guy is amazing.......

    I just wanted to show you this amazing young man .....

  • This is another time of giggles..

    Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.............

  • This artist - Heather Rooney is amazing...

    I've come across another incredible artist called Heather Rooney who does wonderful true to life drawings. Here's a link to one of her videos as she shows you the making of one of her pictures - it's absolutely fascinating....

  • Ooooh Simon's cat ............

    He's brought out another one and it's really funny. He really has studied cats.... I hope you enjoy it

  • He is such a lovely young man.........

    and he's going to make a fantastic big brother........

  • Dog eats a lemon - hilarious....

    This is so funny - the daft dog keeps going back for more.............

  • Pippin had other ideas when I started to work....

    I started to cut out more material......
    I am still making more cushions - this time for my son and his wife and I was all ready to start cutting out the material........ This time I'm using yellow, blue and white for the colour scheme - Pippin decided that he wanted my full attention........... First he jumped onto the couch and I stroked him but obviously not enough - cos.... I stroked him some more...... obviously not enough yet....... I just couldn't cut out any material as you can see - he was determined to get my…

  • Just a little foray into the big wide world.....

    IMG 8094 (2)
    Or in my case - a quick trip to Atlantic Village at the top of town to have my 3 year scan...... Apparently because I turn 70 in January - I'm not automatically invited for a scan, I have to ask for one if I want one. I suppose when those rules were made, we women didn't last as long as we do now. Still it's worth it if it'll find anything and be able to catch it early. It's uncomfortable and it hurts for a few seconds but it's necessary..... So when I came out, I could see how busy…

  • To all my American friends.....

    This is a link to a lovely card wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving - enjoy

  • I've been off the grid lately - sorry......

    These are wonderful blooms
    Hiya folks, sorry I haven't been on here for a while but I've been trying to get to know my new computer laptop, also I'm still trying to work with both hands not working as they should. When I was in hospital, they put many canulars in both hands to get the medication into me quicker than ordinary ways!! They were also trying to work out exactly what was wrong with me, which meant I had to undergo several arterial blood work done every day!!! To those who have never had arterial blood taken…

  • The amaryllis has four heads.....

    IMG 6122
    I thought amaryllis' only had two blooms, well my new one has four!!! I love the colour, lovely and rich, my amaryllis last year was a two tone white and red, it had two blooms. I've noticed though that the bloom is getting - tireder - if that's a word. It's lost it's wonderful bright colour already. It's still a lovely flower though. I did wonder if I should have put it in a larger pot, but a friend told me that they are those kind of plants who lik to feel secure in their pots, so not t…

  • I'm back but totally kna**ered!!

    Hiya folks, I'm back but am really, really tired!!! We got up at 8am (Turkish time) which was 6am British time and you know me - I don't do mornings!!! Anyway we had to have breakfast and then pack to leave the room by 12pm, but our bus wasn't coming until 9pm to take us to the airport!!! So we did more sunbathing and some friends we'd made over there lent us their room to freshen up - wasn't that great of them? By 9pm we were waiting and waiting for the "dolmus" (bus) to arrive, but i…

  • Not much of a day really!!!

    Hiya folks, don't know why I thought that you might be even possibly interested in what I've done today, but here I am writing about a "non-day"!!! It dawned a reasonably clear day with the odd clumps of clouds floating around and the wind has dropped somewhat. I did some excavating in my spare room!!! I need a curtain pole put up in my other spare room and I knew I had some new ones that I'd had as bargains about 20 years ago and hadn't put them up yet!!!!! Trouble was they were in my spa…

  • Thought you'd like to see what it looks like on the beach near me

    Now I don't live anywhere near a desert but I do live only about 2 miles from loads of sand, so I'm able to provide quite a few pictures for you. So here we go.......... Now the sand in Instow which is a small village on the joining of the two rivers, Taw and Torridge has lots of sand, even sand dunes. The holiday makers love swimming here and so do yachtsmen......... The River Taw has a few beaches along its banks which is a haven for wild fowl...…

  • Fred the Shed is coming tomorrow to annihilate the flower bed!!!!!!

    This top lawn is getting rather overgrown
    Just had a phone call from Fred the Shed and he has said that he's coming tomorrow with his wife and they are going to sort out my top lawn flower bed. Now originally this flower bed was full of nasturtiums, mombretia and had a rosemary bush. It was just a smallish flower bed which sort of curved. Over the past few years when I haven't been able to get at it and sort it out, it's sort of taken over............. I think someone has been visiting my garden at night and putting down "super-gr…

  • After the showers - a busy day!!!

    Lone rowan berry
    Hiya folks, well today has been very busy for me. After the usual shower, this time I had to do my hair etc for a change as I was being taken out for lunch. Yvonne collected me at 12.30pm and we had to dodge the raindrops which were falling quite heavily. On the way past the coal bunker I noticed this tiny rowan berry............ I then saw a bunch of semi-squashed berries and they looked so bright against the dark brown wet surface that I just had to take a picture of them...........…

  • Been out today................

    Hartland Quay on a very windy day
    My lovely neighbour Ann rang me up this morning and asked me if I'd like to go for a drive in the car this afternoon. Never one to refuse a lovely offer like that, I vervently agreed and got myself ready to face my public. We drove along the coast for about 15 miles to Hartland Quay. Now some of you who know me from Multiply will recognise the name as I have posted quite a few pictures of this wonderful place. For those of you who don't know this .............. Hartland Quay is a lovely place…

  • Autumn is definitely on its way...............

    Cherry tree leaves starting to change colour
    We may have had all manners of weather today - rain this morning, then high winds at lunchtime, then heavy rain again this afternoon and now sun - the colours of Autumn (Fall to our American friends) have started to appear.............. I walked up the driveway a bit, even though it was really soggy underfoot with all the rain, and saw the beautiful leaves on my cherry tree already starting to change their colour............. Then I walked further up thinking about picking some apples fo…

1173 articles in total