Last night, just after I spoke to Mickey - around 10pm, I was sitting on my couch, with Pippin determined to lie right across my keyboard!! when he suddenly sat up and stared out of the lounge window!

Now when a cat suddenly stops what they're doing and just stares at something you can't see or hear - it really spooks you. I looked at the lounge window, which was partly open so Pippin could come and go as he likes as well as letting in some lovely fresh air, when I was suddenly aware of a shape outside in the dark. I assumed it was another cat outside, but Pippin didn't raise his hackles or anything, so while I took that in, I was suddenly surprised to see a fox on my window sill !!!!!! It looked in and for a moment I thought it was going to come into the lounge but it saw me and shot off. There's no way I'd have had time to take a picture because it took all of 15 seconds at the most. I've been aware of there being foxes around here, I've even seen a few walking down my driveway as if they owned the place, but I've not seen one right up close and attempting to come indoors!!! So no photo folks, even though my camera is always within an arms length. It was a lovely looking animal too. Pippin wasn't at all bothered which surprised me. Well that was last night's surprise visitor.

This afternoon I surprised another visitor in the kitchen - Noodles!!!! The pretty cat had decided he fancied Pippin's breakfast and was eating it. He looked up at me and miaowed. I said hello, and what did he think he was doing - he sort of looked at me, did another miaow and left out through the cat flap. Again Pippin wasn't too bothered - I think he and Noodles are friends anyway,

Well I did try and do some more sewing and for a while, Pippin did allow me to sew two blocks, then decided that it was enough and it was time for him to lie on the table. He wanted a brush and some treats.

After about 20 minutes of brushing and stroking him, I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye and was shocked to see a female pheasant walking on the grass!!!!! I've never seen a pheasant on my lawn before, and this time I grabbed my camera and went to the window to see what she was doing.

She was just looking up at that old pot, as if trying to decide if she could jump up there - she couldn't because it was full of water with the plants inside it. I took more pictures of her because she just stood there for about 5 or 6 minutes....

I don't know what she was thinking about - but she didn't appear to be concerned at me taking her photographs. I know the grass is well and truly long, but hopefully when Emily comes tomorrow, that will be a thing of the past. It's been 4 weeks since it was last done. I'm so glad we haven't had a lot of rain, or else that grass would need a scythe to cut it!!

Anyway, Pippin decided to join me at the window - probably wondering what I was doing and he saw the pheasant. Again no hackles - he just sat there looking at the bird. Well the pheasant saw him, and she decided it was probably a good idea to leave.....

Now Pippin is scared stiff of the resident seagulls and this pheasant was bigger than the seagull chicks, but Pippin wasn't all that bothered, until it walked down the grass and vanished through the hedge - and he was off to see where it went, despite me telling him not to go. He didn't return for an hour, and as I hadn't heard any commotion I gathered the two hadn't met!!

So I may be mostly housebound, but nature certainly visits me. I've known this house for 60 years ( as of next week) and I've never seen a pheasant in this garden before. Times are a-changing.

Well that's all for today I just wanted to tell you about my visitors. I was honoured by two wild animals who decided to drop in and say hello.