Jenny McIntyre's favorite articles

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  • Of armed police on our streets,good shopping and awaiting storm

    I was up and early into town today before the hordes descended and the storm appeared. We have had armed police guarding some areas of town,glad to say all is quiet. We build nuclear subs here so of course security is always high but this is up a notch. There have never been armed police stationed in our town in my lifetime and probably never at all. The shopping went well,with pipe fodder,fresh fruit and veg,and some dead animal parts all collcected in time for the six minutes past nine…

  • Working in the sunshine

    Today I awoke to a thick sea mist,with the weather we were forecast that was a good omen and so it proved. I was out cutting and strimming the front grass by 9:20 and finished at 9:55 a nice easy job with the grass just really needing a tidy. After a break I took a look at the back,the planters were on the right hand side so the idea was to cut the left and move the planters over,reversing the process next time. This worked very well and I had everything done,tools cleaned and put away and pa…

  • A sad time for all

    I have taken a couple of days off blogging,my way of showing solidarity with the victims of the lastest evil bomb attack The country is on critical terrorist alert and expecting more attempts at mindless violence

  • Manchester ..........

    There is an evil abroad in this world in these times we live in. I do not attach a race or creed or colour to it.. its just an Evil that is made of hate. I do not believe in God or the Devil... this is all human made . You know....I think I understand as I have got older, why we don't live for ever... We couldnt stand the pain. This too shall pass....

  • Raiding Party

    Friday, we went on yet another raid to the Midlands. This time for a job interview, on campus, for the Deckhand. The day started dry and clear, and we set off around 08.30. We had a good journey up, leisurely with no incidents, and arrived in good time to sit and chat before his interview. At the required time, the Deckhand left me to my own devices. He was going to be about 3 hours or so; they had planned group activities to see how they work in a team, then individual interviews. After gett…

  • On Our Toes

    The weather here is certainly keeping us on our toes. It’s been very changeable with some glorious sunny days, followed by so much wind and rain I felt it necessary to batten down the hatches and stow the lifeboat. The one day, we had hours of thunder, heavy rain, and lightning too. The Deckhand even unplugged his PC and modem as he was worried about the weather. We have a surge protector here, but he wasn’t ready to risk it. The plants on the deck have certainly appreciated a good long drink, a…

  • how things change in a day

    This morning dawned bright and sunny and I had a couple of things to do. First job,cast my vote in the local elections then I was off on a stroll past the graveyard into the park and along the little wilderness. I love walking among the trees it's so peaceful. Leaving there I callled at the chemist to pick up my meds then carried on homewards only to be trapped by the bakery magnet so I had no choice but to buy a pie. My last call was to get some pot plants. I dragged an up turned carate out…

  • Well that all done,for now

    I have finally cracked the last part of my mini jungle,a long job bit I enjoy nothing better than working outside so it was fun. With the sun shining down I managed to get my laundry out and dried on the whirly. I took a snap of John's blossom over the fence it's looking good

  • Nearly there

    Yesterday I finished the first strim on the jungle. Hard but very rewarding work, The cats were a great help as usual.As soon as the machines stop they come out ready to spread the collected grass around again.Thanks felines. This is Sooty after his hard work totally exhausted. Today the sun shone and a good shopping trip and an early return home meant that after lunch I was ready for action. The clouds blew away and with the sun on my face at last it was good to be in action.The second sr…

  • A special day for a very special lady.

    As many of you know today is Jenny's birthday. Since we came aceoss each other on Yahoo Q&A we have become great friends and been through good times and bad always supporting each other. I get to see her as often as finances allow I hope to pay a visit later in the year. Happy birthday dear Jenny and many more to come

  • A belated Happy New Year folk

    I have been busy with family visits over the holidays with trips to see Gemma,Arron and Mia of course, then Stephen was next on the list finishing on New Years Day when I was host. We drank a lot,laughted a lot and ate rubbishy but very tasty snacks. I had an idea in the afternoon,oh yes I get them now and again. I Skyped Jenny as I knew she would not have visitors at that time of day. She was delighted to see us all together and of course Mia was the highlight. Now things are getting back…

  • more good times

    I wrote yesterday about how nice my weekend had been talking to Margaret followed by the trip to see mother,yesterday afternoon gave me another boost. The door opened and my granddaughter Gemma poked her head round and asked "Ok Granddad?" She had Arron and Mia in tow and that was lovely sight. Mia was sporting her Christmas jumper and carrying a Christmas elf,she came right over and gave me the elf and a big kiss,that was an unbeatable feeling.Loosing interest in me she took the elf back an…

  • NEW - EDITED >> "There'll be problems ahead ..." or not ?

    The IMA have launched CROWDFUNDING ... With a target of $25,000 in "two weeks" - this is to secure the platform whilst the takeover project is planned and achieved. March 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things have moved on ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDED - new article from Team Ipernity - 10th January 2017 "New Perspectives" quote snipped…

  • Généalogie et Histoire Sociale

    Lors de leurs recherches, les généalogistes sont parfois confrontés à des documents qui, dans le contexte de l’année 2016, peuvent prêter à sourire. En témoigne ce règlement intérieur, en vigueur vers 1830 dans une entreprise lorraine, qui a retenu l’attention d’un membre du Groupement Généalogique de la Région du Nord : - REGLEMENT INTERIEUR - I) - Piété, propreté et ponctualité font la force d’une bonne affaire. II) - N…

  • That's more like it

    Today we have sunshine,this morning was cold but as the day wore on the temps went up and we hit a giddy 13.6C this afternoon. With having long spells cabined up I decided to ease myself back into the gardening so I mowed the larger section of the back garden.It went well,now if the weather holds it will be just a stroll behind the mower on the next cut. I left it at that for the day,tomoorow I will tackle the secion where the planters are and the other side of the garden. Both of these will ne…

  • More sun and a trip to mothers.

    After a couple of hours of heavy rain last night threatened to spoil things the sun returned this morning and I got my trip to mothers at last.I really needed to go as she had a couple of little jobs,simple for me but impossible for her wih arthritis. We had a good morning catching up and I got here jobs sorted. Then it was another 1mile stroll back to the bus stop and home. I got off the bus a couple of stops early and pucked up Jumbo sausage ,(no it was not made from elephant ) chips and cur…

  • What a difference a day makes

    After all the dreadful weather today we had wall to wall sun.I fed the cats,filled the bird feeders,had breakfast and git geared up for a stroll. The temps were kept down by a cold northly wind but spirits were high as I headed out for a stroll along the prom.I met up with a couple of old sea dogs siiting on a bench and stopped to chew the fat before the chill wind got to ud and we took a stroll. Back home the cats greeted me warmly and I warmed up with a mug of chicken soup.The cats wandered ba…

  • the 15th day of rain and a little ray of human sunshine

    It is getting boring,still, snaps of baby Mia brightened the day

  • Greetings from rain island

    Two weks ago I finished 1 side of my back garden,on the Tuesday I rested up,on the Wednedday the rains came and haven't left yet. Sometimes it has rained all day on others a mixture. My garden is under water again and looks no better than when I started. There is no good to found in complaining about it,Mother Natus,she is neither with or against us but she just is.I am at a low point and pretty much cabined up. My brief chats with Jenny and seeing the progress she is making is the highlight o…

  • Past and Present

    Not so long ago I watched a program about The Carpenters, and more recently, a program about a group from the 70’s called 10 CC. I grew up with music like this, and these two groups/bands were my favourites. I enjoyed both programs immensely but it did leave me with a little tear of nostalgia for the simpler times I feel I had as a child. There were no mobile phones, no internet, and no home computers. If we wanted to see our friends outside of school time we made arrangements either in school,…

129 articles in total