Jenny McIntyre's favorite articles

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  • 4.Mai 1941'Stufen' von Hermann Hesse - [eo] [fr/en]

    Steinerne Stufen auf der 'Bastei' / ŝtonaj ŝtuparoj sur la 'Bastei'
    Stufen eo fr/en Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebensstufe, blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern. Es muß das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe bereit z…

  • Too Many Groups!

    Over the past 4 years that I have been a member of ipernity, I somehow managed to join over 400 groups! This is way too many for me to keep up with! In an effort to be a more engaging member to the groups I regularly participate in, I must downsize. Groups that I rarely or never contribute to are the most logical to drop from my list. To the administrators of these groups that I must quit, please don't take it personally! My guess is you probably won't miss me anyway if I haven't contributed…

  • Value For Money

    Here, wind and rain has been lashing the Ship, and whilst a gentle wind is nice for swinging in a hammock, when it’s whistling around the Ship and keeping me awake, then it’s not so good. Sunday, it rained all day. It didn’t stop. Monday was slightly better, and I managed to half-dry some towels on the rigging, however Tuesday has dawned wet, again, and looks set for the day. Honestly, I think I’d rather snow than this rain; at least snow looks nice! Packing is going well, however the ‘cheap’…

  • It Begins...

    Now that Christmas is over with for another year, I’ve started to go through the cupboards to see what I haven’t used in a long while. With a move this year, it seems prudent to do this and if I haven’t used something in ages, then I clearly don’t need it. The attic has been cleared out, now it’s the turn of the cupboards. I took 2 carrier bags of serving bowls and vases to the local charity shop. Nice items, however they have no monetary or sentimental value to me, so somebody else will hop…

  • Updates for The Tribe of Many Paws !

    Well .... yesterday was a Vet visit for Nerys . Just meant to be a quick check over and hello. It was not quite that easy ! I managed to get Nerys in the car(she is afraid of the car as she thinks it will take her away again. But we have been practicing.) Got to the Vets.. she got out the car and I always take the doggy over the road for a wee. She crossed the road and refused to come back. You cannot tempt her.. or move her. Had to get Jay to drive the car over the road and t…

  • de - 1996 - Die Stille - eo - fr - en - es - it - cn/eo - rus -jap - kor - Bg

    Waldidylle - Uttewalder Grund
    eo - en - fr - es - it - cn/eo - rus - jap - kor - Bg Diesen Artikel veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 20.10.2009 - 'Die Stille' ist eine unsichtbare junge Frau - Die Stille Ein Wald öffnet sich mir auf einem kleinen Fußweg 1…

  • Aforismen - AFORISMe de Mori [eo] [de]

    Krieg oder Frieden - paco aŭ milito
    Kelkaj aforismoj de Mori Einige Aforismen von Mori AFORISMe de Mori La plej alta stelo estu via celo Der höchste Stern sei dein Ziel Kiu subpremas homojn en la nomo de Dio estas fripono kiu kredas je nenio Wer Menschen unterdrückt im Namen Gottes ist ein Schuft der an nichts glaubt…

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    Today I wish a very Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jenny,the best pal a fella could have

  • If I...

    To be clear, this isn’t a blog about what if’s, or regrets, just a bit of fun and remembering good times. If I… was rich, I’d have a Turkish Bath and jacuzzi in my home. My son and I have emptied the attic ready for the move. We made 3 trips to the city dump for recycling, donated good items to the shop for re-sell, and binned the rest. I was staggered at how much was in the attic, and by the end of the day, had some serious aches and pains; a Turkish bath and jacuzzi would have gone down a t…

  • What's in a Name

    Whenever anyone asks my name, I never say ‘my name is Fran.’ For whatever reason, I always say ‘I’m Fran.’ It’s my name, though it’s also who I am. When I was younger I didn’t much care for my name. It’s longer than Fran and most people, back then, couldn’t spell it and there would be some weird and wonderful ways of spelling my full name that had never occurred to me! I also didn’t like that my Grandfather was Frank, in more ways than one, and my Mother’s name was an extension of that, and my n…

  • Lost!

    Today (Wednesday) I got lost whilst out in the car. I’d been out to see my sister, a journey that takes around 35 minutes. I stopped off in a shop I like, to buy some ‘treats’ for the family for Christmas, met up with my sister, and we then went out in her car. We did some shopping, and had a nice lunch, and after she dropped me off at her house, I made my way home. So, I haven’t lost the plot, or my mind (not just yet anyway). I toyed with driving home through the lanes, but decided on the f…

  • Flicka ~ 1st March 2006 ~ 30th October 2017 ~ There is another Star in the sky tonight

    Flicka 22nd September 2016 ~ Just because I love you ....
    Flicka died in my arms at 5pm today as the Vet and I sent him on his next Journey. My Beloved Troubled Boy is troubled no more. No more fears he so bravely battled for nearly 12 years . He is going to the Stardust to meet Lucas and Cleo and all who I care for. No more cancer that finally took him after suddenly infecting him 5 mths ago. Sunday was a bad day... he went into a shutting down decline and he and I both knew it was time. I laid on the floor with him and last night w…

  • One of the reasons I've not been on here much.....

    I like the colours but I'll not do this pattern again!!!
    Well apart from the fun of the internet or lack thereof ........ I've been so busy doing my Xmas pressie for one of my neighbours. I can tell you now - and you have my permission to shoot me (not literally though please) if I even show that I may do this pattern again. I saw this pattern on the internet, or a similar one and it jumped out of the page and I thought "Ooooh I like that" - It is so fiddly, and it's taken me more time to make it, than most of my last quilt!!!!!! I'm making a table…

  • I'm Ba-a-ack!

    Hi all, It was good to get away for awhile, and now I'm happy to be back with renewed energy to photograph and post images. During the interim I was away, I upgraded to an iPhone 7 Plus just for the camera feature. It didn't cost me any more to get it than if I had chosen the regular Iphone 7. It was exciting to discover the merits of this phone camera, and I must say that it is truly a large improvement over any other iPhone camera I ever used (and I really liked the 6s a lot). Last week I h…

  • Ouch and double ouch

    Today looked a little iffy with rain in the air early on but it quickly brightened up so time to buckle down to some work. I did some laundry and had it out on the whirly before nine and with a stiff breeze it was getting a good blow. The main job of the day was to be grass cutting.The front is ok and could wait a couple of days if needed,the back however needed attention if it wasn't to get away from me.With the planters on the right hand side I started on the left and had it cut and strimmed…

  • Monsoon

    Of late, in my part of the world, we’ve had about half inch of rain a day, every day, for the past 5 days. I know this because I have a large plant trough on the deck that I’ve taken the plants out of, and each day I’ve emptied it into a bucket, and then into the water butt. That’s a lot of rain. Especially for July. Sunday the day started bright and sunny and I quickly climbed the rigging and put out some laundry. It was almost dry when I noticed the skies darkening. I quickly shinned up the…

  • Time to stop being lazy

    I have been going through a lazy spell of late but sorting cables out a couple of days ago kick started me into action.This was the spare room. The small box room upstairs used to be a tidy little storage area until Ellen came home. Since then it has been getting worse with Colin adding to the pile. Now they have a house with plenty of space they are going to move their stuff out. I thought I would give the a jolly along by getting all their stuff together and putting it into main spare roo…

  • 84f today for a while then the storm hit

    A wonderful day until around 4:15 then all hell broke loose. Firstly the birds came down had a good feed and vanished. 4:20 the rain started and boy what rain it was a few miutues later the thunder and lightning started. I wondered how the cats would react to their first storm but the noise didn't bother them. They are used to the fireworks on Nov5th and New Year so I guess that was it. The rain hammered down for and hour or so before calming down to a steady downpour and still the thunder…

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    Today is day 4 of our mini heatwave,temps up to 80f by midday again but I feel the change coming,the air is not as fresh but more muggy and we have rain forecast for the early hours.Oh well it was good while it lasted if it does go. I needed some cow juice this morning and it being a lovely morning I detoured to the grass lands and beach on the way. Not a big trip only a couple of miles or so but I was in the sort of terrain I love,nothing messed about by man here except for the path running al…

  • Goodbye brief summer

    Last week or a few giddy days of shirt and shorts weather,lunch and an evening beer on the lawn yesterday the change was coming. Even though it was sunny the temps dropped rom 80f to 60f with a cold breeze making it feel even coooler. Today as promised the rain has returned with a vengence and the central heating has kicked in. No let up until weekend at the earliest. GGGGRRRRR!!!!

129 articles in total