Jenny McIntyre's favorite articles

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  • Silence is golden

    After a day and a half of torrential rain and winds peaking at 70mph at last things have quietened down We have flooding which is normal but I haven't heard of any wind damage, I am safe from flooding being on top of a hill They were not so lucky north of the county with fallen trees and flooded railway tracks causing travel problems. Roll on Frosty days with no wind or rain

  • If I had a Hammer

    Now that my new GP surgery has my medical records, finally, I decided to bite the bullet and ask for a referral to Neurology. I saw my GP Monday, described my symptoms, the fact that I’d seen a neurologist, however briefly, in Wales and that far from getting better, my symptoms have recently worsened. Last week I stumbled up the stairs, twice, and recently banged my head on the sizeable fridge door handle after misjudging where it was – I’d dropped something, picked it up, and brought tears to m…

  • Strangers in camp

    For the last week or so I have been trying to capture two visitors to the badger cam site but they always remained in the shadows, until last night that is and I managed to snap both of them. They are not perfect but good enough for now I will keep trying.

  • News from the coast

    A couple, of snippets On Wednesday I had visit from my daughtr Ellen and a pleasant two hours was spent catching up.I did mention in passing that neither my grandsn or son in law had painted some upstairs windowa as promised. I though no more about it but a couple of hours after she left I received a call from her pal Colin who said he would come and do it(a shopfitter,he had time between jobs to fit it in) Sure enough he was there on Thursday morning and all done and dusted in a couple of h…

  • "Que vous êtes gentil de dire que vous aimez mes lettres !"

    Dans une très longue lettre en date du mercredi 25 septembre 1918, Doodie livre de multiples informations sur sa vie quotidienne en Angleterre. C'est un vent de fantaisie qu'elle adresse à Henri Morand, son 'filleul' français sous les drapeaux ... qui semble hautement l'apprécier.

  • "Pauvre petite moi !"

    Voilà plus d'une année que Doodie correspond avec Henri Morand, son filleul de guerre. Elle lui a adressé régulèrement des lettres, des cartes-postales et des petits colis. Dans cette missive, la jeune fille, agée maintenant de 17 ans, évoque son aversion à l'égard de ses préceptrices ...

  • 2 de - Horizonte - Traum oder Wirklichkeit - 2. Leon und Leoni erzählen aus ihrem Leben - eo en fr es it rus nl cz cn jap

    Begegnung am Morgen - Matene renkontejo
    Übersetzung mit Deepl. eo - en - fr - es - it - rus - nl - cn - jap - cz 2. Leon und Leoni erzählen aus ihrem Leben -1- « Ich denke » antwortet Leon « ich muß euch mal ein bischen von uns erzählen. Für euch wird vieles sehr neu und ungewöhnlich sein. Doch vielleicht ist es gu…

  • So Glad

    Today, I was in touch with my boss from the campus where I used to work. Regular readers will know that I used to work in Education - teacher training (and the hated Psychology area). Apparently, after 5 years of work and bids, the Welsh government has turned down each and every teacher training course that they applied for. Basically, it means that they’ve been axed. There are still courses that need to run on and finish, but no new courses now, and I’m sure, job losses will follow. I checke…

  • Another scorcher and a tripout

    I took off for a trip to mothers this morning and went via the old resevoir,now a wild fowl refuge The heat was making things very sticky down by the water but it was worth it so see the birds. I was heading for the water but this lady barred my way,not a foe I wanted to tangle with with her chicks. more in photos and albums Mother was in in good fettle and plenty of laughs rang out before I left to head back into the heat and home

  • The Tribe of Many Paws ~ Update 8th May 2018

    Nerys , Celt & Saxon ~ May 2018
    I have trying to get around to writing this for over a month ! The puppies grow in size and hyper energy ! They had their last set of injections on the 23rd March and then weighed at 16 weeks Celt ... 24.1lbs and Saxon ... 32.6 lbs Now ... I would guess they are ... Celt 36-38 lbs and Saxon 46-48 lbs !! I will know accurately on the 5th June when they next go to the Vet for neutering and they can be weighed. They are little devils ! They never stop . The…

  • Update for the Tribe of Many Paws ~ 28th February 2018

    Celt & Saxon 26-2-2018
    Well here we are at the end of February and all hopes of me being able to hang on to any vestage of sanity are lost in a haze of paws ! Celt and Saxon are on the go all day but ohhhh soooo Thankful am I that they sleep at night . Life has become one long walk and play session ! I have , for over 12 years ,belonged to a dog/cat internet site . We always cautioned people NEVER to get TWO puppies at the same time . The exhaustion level a mere human such as myself goes through is why we sa…

  • Here comes the sun

    The promised warm weather finally reached me 3 days late but very welcome I had a busier day the I had planned This morning I threw a wash in and then mowed and strimmed the front plot and weeded the rose beds. The plan was to grab some rays and start on the back tomorrow but fate in the shape of my neighbour John intervened. He was cutting his rather overgrown hedge and I told him to take if steady,(he is still recovering from a stroke He daid he was only going to do the bits within easy r…

  • New Ship

    Well, it’s Friday again, and we’ve been installed at the new Ship for a little over 2 weeks now. I had hoped to install a plank for those that are ‘naughty’ but I’m having trouble deciding where to place it. Off the galley roof seems like a plan to me though a quick splat onto the concrete may prove to be less satisfying that a dip into the briny now that we’re landlocked. Having said that, there are plenty of canals here so a trip out in the lifeboat to a canal, and a makeshift plank could well…

  • A big improvement in Jenny

    I was chatting to Jenny as usal last night and she was very lively,she looks better is moving and breathing better and feeling very good about things to come. It was llike the Jenny of 2 or more years ago. Keep it up old timer

  • Storm Hector was kind to us

    Storm Hector has come and gone,the first summer storm was not as bad as feared. The wind and rain lasted a long time,around 12 hours but the winds never got above 65mph. It was still atrong enough to get the Irish Sea in a foul mood and we had flooding in the lower parts of the island but there were no reports of building damage. Hopefully the sun will return soon although we have heavy showers forecast over the weekend. Elsewhere I had a good report from my doctor and he said if I keep my…

  • A Quickie

    Good journey up to the Midlands, safely moved in, with a minor hitch with the removal firm holding my 'stuff' to ransom until I paid more money! More of that to follow. The Deckhand chose well (mostly) and I moved him to the new home the same day (Thursday). Man I was shattered. Sunday I had my first good night's sleep in over a week, so that's good. Ship's dog is off his food a little, but he'll be okay. We found a lovely green space to walk him - trees, a path through some woods, and…

  • At Last

    After too many days of hot sunny weather, we’ve had a little rain at last. The forecast is for showers all day, and we had a nice amount first thing, but the garden could use a little more. We’re forecast rain again Friday morning, and thunderstorms on Sunday. Fingers crossed. Obviously, I don’t want rain for the week of the move or the plants may be too heavy, but rain beforehand will be gratefully received. The Ship’s Dog has had his final bath at his usual spa (Pets at Home to you) and he…

  • even more sunshine and work

    Today has been the best day yet for weather,chilly early on but this afternoon it hit 25c in my little sunstrap back garden. After a good shopping tripstarted early bbecause of wall to wall cover of a wedding. The BBC started at 6am and nhad 8 solid hours of it on BBC1 AND it's socalled news channelm,what's that all about? So no TV for me today but a lovely day for the garden. I finally got round to sorting the planters our all of which were conpletely wrecked as far as plants go and some were…

  • de -2013 - Die drei Seiten des Reichtums - eo fr en [es - bra - it - nl - rus]

    Erinnerung - memoro
    Text und Fotos von Albert Jäger Diesen Artikel veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 29.9.2013 Die drei Seiten des Reichtums eo - fr - en [es - bra - it - nl - rus] Reichtum - der beglückt - 1…

  • 1771 Mailied - Majokanto - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - [de-eo]

    Blick vom Lilienstein auf Königstein
    Mailied- Majokanto Wie herrlich leuchtet mir die Natur! Wie glänzt die Sonne! Wie lacht die Flur! Mirinde lumas al mi natur'! La suno brilas en luma pur'! Es dringen Blüten aus jedem Zweig Und tausend Stimmen aus dem Gesträuch…

129 articles in total