Jenny McIntyre's favorite articles

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  • Foodies

    My son and I will happily confess to being foodies. We eat to live, though if we can enjoy preparing, and eating, our food then so much the better. Of late, we’ve been cutting back on the meat for various reasons and have enjoyed sourcing, and trying, different recipes. Invariably though, we’ve sometimes returned to old favourites and simply substituted pulses for the meat. Last time we had chicken tagine we didn’t enjoy it so much, so recently I left out the chicken and the chicken stock cu…

  • Reposting

    I downloaded a lot of full size photos from Ipernity when the 100 gig cap was introduced. I did miss having them on Ipernity so this week i have been reducing the size of the photos and posting them back into Ipernity. The process is now complete and I have the photos back on Ipernity. They are all in albums and I find it easier to look for albums when I want to find a photo. I hope I will be able to get out now with my camera and start to add new photos this week.

  • a time to remember

    Today I went over to town,not to shop but to remember .As 11am approched I stood outside the Town Hall with a group of people of all ages waiting for the 11 o-clock cannon, THe town fell silent, no cars or buses were running for 2 well observed silence at the end of which the cannon was fired again and the town slowly started moving again,most of us a little more slowly as we thought of the futility of war I'm sure

  • Shadow Light and Lines

    Shadows, light & lines captures the eye from this weathered wall. Believe it or not, this photo was made with the iPad Mini camera. Something that I always love to see is elements that create strong composition in the square format. The morning sunlight through the trees casts a shadow onto the wall of this vintage garage in my neighborhood. The vertical lines provided by the plants create an added touch of the grid pattern needed to complete this moment in time. I chose black and white bec…

  • The Importance of Writing, and Reading

    Talking at the Park
    I make a case for writing my thoughts on ipernity, and bringing my readers here to then share it. (updated August 21, 2020)

  • Autumnal

    Despite the promise of warmer temperatures, and sunnier days, it’s starting to feel very autumnal here. I don’t know if it’s the wildly swinging temperature, or the heavy rainfall and high winds, but this morning, whilst walking the dog, I was kicking through leaves as if it were autumn already. Having said that, in the UK, it will be autumn soon it just seems to have come around quickly this year. The weather made me think of my Grandparents. For a time, we lived with them during the breaku…

  • Do Pro's Make Better Pictures?

    I've been a photographer for several decades, not counting from when I was a kid, and I've heard many myths and truths about what and who makes better pictures.

  • Two days of good weather and lots done outside

    Yesterday I teaned up with my neighbour Allan to clear some stuff from both gardens. We did well and made two trips to the recycling centre callong for beer after the second one and sat in my garden enjoying the glorious afternoon sunshine when a voice from behind us interupted whatever garbage we were talking about.It was Allans wife Sue who had crept up on us,ok by me she didn't like my beer thankfully, Today has been another corker and I have been pottering about all day and had lunch and…

  • Oh dear that wasn't the plan

    I awoke this morning bright as a button as always but that changed as soon as my feet hit the floor when I felt an all too famiiar ache in my lower spine. The feel good factor of yesterday when I was pain frree had gone and I prepared myself for a day of rehab. As if the day wasn't gloomy enough upon opening the curtains I was conronted by a wall of heavy wet sea mist So after my loosening and stretching routine I grabbed a coffee and had an hour long heat and massage session, That improved…

  • Noise

    I’ve commented before about the pro’s of living near a town centre; easy access to shops, library, GP and so on, the con of living here, is also proximity to all the shops and of course the people. For over a week, the freaking circus was in town and we had our ears assaulted by an a-hole with a megaphone and pounding music. The music might have been nice, but all we heard was the boom-boom of it due to the bass being turned up too high. Each night there were 2 shows by the sounds of it, with ev…

  • Snow

    After a week of sunshine and warm temperatures a while back, we’ve had noting but rain and wind ever since, and Sunday morning we awoke to a light dusting of snow for goodness’ sake. It’s windy, bitterly cold, and I’m so over winter now. It’s a mere 10 days until the official first day of spring in the UK and I can’t see the weather improving any time soon though I always live in hope. Despite the weather I’ve managed to pot on raspberry and blackberry bushes bought for a mere £2 each from Morri…

  • The Awards

    We’ve all heard of the Oscars, and film and TV awards, to name but a few, however I’ve decided to hold my own awards. I’ve mulled things over, and below, in no particular order, are the prize winners. The award for Destroying Various Kitchen Items goes to my son, who in just a few short years, has destroyed no less than 5 items, the most notable being a cast iron pan. I’ve never known anyone who has managed to destroy one of these. I hope for kitchen paraphernalia everywhere, that his title r…

  • She's a good lass

    My daughter Ellen that is. I mentioned a few days ago that I would have to shampoo the carpet in here. She told me not to as it does hurt my back with the furniture shifting etc. She came over at 9am this morning to do it while I visited mother, I returned after about 3 hours to find she had not only done the carpet but mopped the kitchen floor and wiped all the worktops and appliances down. So after a nice visit with mother and a good chat with Ellen when I got home I had a nice clean home…

  • Snow, then there it was gone

    I awoke to grey skies and before I finished my first coffee I noticed snow falling. It wasn't much but I took a snap anyway 10 minutes later I noticed bigger flakes falling and though maybe we are in for a proper snowfall. It wasn't to be 20 minutes later the snow stopped and with the help of some hazy sunshine the snow has just about gone.

  • Weird weather again and sun at last

    SaturdayAM Cold but dry for my trip to town,good time chatting with old pals SaturdayPM Very heavy rain last until after midnight Sunday all day and deep into the night 60 to 70mph winds Cabined up Monday all Day Wall to wall sunshine and a try at catching a sunset but that failed Tuesday PM and Wednesday Am Snow and ice warnings posted Such are the weird quirks our weather throws at us PHOTOS

  • So far so slow

    The hope for a good year has not taken off yet. Although my body is in better shape the continuing lousy wet misty weather is keeping me grounded. I had my yearly check up at the doctors on Thursday and the nurse was pleased with blood pressure,lung power and weight. I have to await the blood results but as they have always been good I am not worried about that. Today I have been grounded by sleet but as it's weekend I have plenty of sport to watch. maybe tomorrow will be better.

  • So far so good

    It's early day but so far the new lifestyle is working well. I got a free delivery slot for Sunday lunch which meant I did't have to go to town on a rainy Saturday. To get free delivery I have to spend £35 more than a normal week but with the new mostly meat order and the veg I already have I easily have enough for 3 weeks or more meals.I will see how it goes and when the time is right re-order, next time more mixed with fruit and veg as well as meat. What lttle walking I have been able to g…

  • Happy Birthday Dearest friend

    I am sending my fondest regards to Jenny today,a dear,dear friend I have been lucky enough to meet online and visit 3 times. Have a good one old pal. hugs and kisses always. Mickey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • The seals return and Mother is moving home

    After the terrible weather the seals have returned and the pup count is up since I last looked in.You will see some here they are white or pale grey and smaller of course. My mother is moving in with my youngest sister over the next week so I may be needed to give a hand. As the house in in the same part of town but an extra mile away from me I won't be strolling around the rezza spotting birds on the way.A seperate day with the fancy takes me is the plan for that

  • A Very Busy Season!

    Hello my Friends, If you don't see as much of me lately, it's because I am busy with my job during the holiday season. I have increased hours with the accompanying increased stress and fatigue, so it has been very difficult to take photos on a regular basis or even to stop by and comment on your photos as much as I wish. I want to thank all of you who visit my page regularly, and I hope to visit you more frequently after my schedule returns to normal. In the meantime I will visit you as often…

129 articles in total