Jenny McIntyre's favorite articles

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  • another year over

    Another year almost ended and the optimism of looking forwards to a new one. Reflections on 2014. On a personal level as that's all that effect's me are that is was a good year. I managed a visit to see Jenny,the family are doing OK and we had pretty much a storm free year for a change. I had a couple of issues with smashing my ankle and the continuing deterioration of my back but I can handle that. Things to look forward to with hope in the new year. I new member of the family if Gemm…

  • Colour wheel week 10 white

    Well here we are on the last of the series and maybe the last seriews I can do. A lot of the suggestions for the next one are technical subjects way beyond the range of my little pocket camera Hereare two views one of Black combe and one of the lakeland fells in their winter garb

  • X ray and colour wheel

    It is cold rainy day here and I am back cabined up after a trip to the hospital. I had an X-ray on my back scheduled by the physio to make sure he isn't missing something nasty and maybe change my treatment depending on the outcome. I have an appointment with him on Thursday so hopefully that will be good news,nothing to do but wait in the meantime. I have a photo for the colour wheel,this weeks colour is Yellow and I thought to have a change from flowers so chose this vintage car. Time for a…

  • Part 11: Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: Pumpkin Patch Update!

    Pumpkin Flower Bud
    The vertical pumpkin patch is a success and I am slowly training the vines up the trellis that Steve made for me!

  • Nearly time for the last waltz

    I could hear the fat lady warming up to sing so time for one last photo trip.Here are the last set of photos from Devon fittingly taken beside the river with a few boats around. The place is called Limer's Lane. You can see why in a couple of the photos of a lime kiln.The first is a close up the second showing the house it is attached to as well. My photos are very similar to Jenny's of course because it is only a small place. A very peaceful spot and a lovely place to set up home. That was th…

  • It's hot here

    A truly wonderful day here with the temps topping 25c (around 80f) in my garden at around 2 and it hasn't cooled down since. I have got a little work done,the back door is repaired, the grass back and front cut,weeds cleared and a load of laundry washed hung out to dry and folded ready to put away. I made a sausage and bacon bake which looked afrer itself on a low heat and was delicious. To follow up from my earlier photos I was going to sort some out of Dartmoor but the weather is too good t…

  • Ant Invasions!

    Ant on Bamboo Floor
    Maybe the only way to get rid of these ants is to blow up the house...

  • Part 6—Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: 2-Week Progress Report and Lots of Baby Pictures!

    This beautiful seedling is a King Henry Hollyhock! There are 6 other seedlings and since I took this picture, each is showing off their second set of leaves. (I also have a section of Black Hollyhocks. Only one has sprouted so I will be planting more seeds in the hopes that more will germinate.) There's a Party Goin' On Round Here! I planted my garden two weeks ago last Monday, and a lot's been happening out there! It's really exciting to see seedlings push their way up and out of the g…

  • Part 5—Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: What Did I Plant?

    Green-Eyed Coneflower
    This is my master list of the flowers and bulbs I planted this year. I may add a sorted version below this one to identify which are annuals, biennials and perennials. I need to keep track of what species germinated (and how many?), which seem to be dead, and other notes. I may add pictures as they bloom or maybe I'll do that a different way. For now, this is my list. If you have experience with any of these flowers, I'd really be interested to know that you have to say! (Easy to grow, bugs eat…

129 articles in total