The weather here is certainly keeping us on our toes. It’s been very changeable with some glorious sunny days, followed by so much wind and rain I felt it necessary to batten down the hatches and stow the lifeboat. The one day, we had hours of thunder, heavy rain, and lightning too. The Deckhand even unplugged his PC and modem as he was worried about the weather. We have a surge protector here, but he wasn’t ready to risk it. The plants on the deck have certainly appreciated a good long drink, and the rain has, in part, cleaned the lifeboat of the seagull’s dive bombing practice run. At some point, I’ll need to buy an extendable window cleaning thing to clean the upper windows of the ship. It’s my only complaint about birds.

Despite the scurvy dogs at base sending mail by registered post to the pensions people on Tuesday, by Friday morning, they still hadn’t had it. They didn’t send it by first class mail then, did they? I recently sent somebody some documents by registered mail, and it cost me the princely sum of £1.70 with guaranteed next day delivery. My plight is obviously of little concern to my ex-employer! I have to chase it up on Monday afternoon, and ask them to give my case priority. 6 weeks, so far, with no income.

Short term, I’m buying food and petrol on the credit card, and I won’t clear it each month as I usually do; it’s more important to be able to pay my rent and utility bills than it is to clear my credit card; it is what it is. Let’s just say, the person in payroll is yet another to join the long queue to walk the plank, and I shall take great delight in prodding her butt with my cutlass until she reaches the end of the plank, falls into the green, chilly water, and then disappears with nothing left but a stream of bubbles. In my mind, I’m not a nice person… LMAO!

I read recently, that we are all 2 people. One that is nice, and one that is not, and the person we become, is the one that we feed. Well, I guess I feed the nice one, because in the real world, I wouldn’t hurt a fly, however in my imaginings, and some of my blogs, it’s definitely the not nice one that takes over sometimes. You can’t be arrested for thoughts; not yet anyway!

The rigging is full of washing as I type though there are dark clouds racing overhead that may dictate how long the rigging stays full. We’re forecast heavy rain for Monday, and then showers for the rest of the week. How nice.

Monday we’re off out to celebrate the Deckhand’s 21st Birthday. We’re doing it a week early due in the main to money; the place we plan to go to has just reduced its prices and the set meal I want is now £3 cheaper, and his is much cheaper too. They don’t say for how long this reduction will be, so we’re going to make the most of it whilst we can. It all adds up… His Dad has sent him money from the distant shores of Oz to help with Uni costs, and says he’ll send him money, again, for his Birthday. It’s nice of him to give some financial assistance; he didn’t do this whilst he lived nearby and that’s a fact! It’s gratefully received all the same.

Hope you’re having enough rain to keep your plants happy, not so little that you’re advised to use water wisely as in the south east of England, and not so much that you have flooding as in some parts of Wales. We’ve been lucky here…

Enjoy what remains of the weekend, and have a great week.