Armando Taborda's most appreciated articles

  • We suffer on acute days - Sofremos nos dias agudos

    - 6 favorites
    We Wake Up To Dream's Prostitution
    We suffer on acute clear days we wake up to dream's prostitution frequent days nervous days of aristocratic thin sweat moistening bodies in velvet caresses of water. Labored breathing leads the way tiredness solitude we can't see the sea from here just plain and bush and bush smell. Digestion is not feasible nausea rises in the throat want to be vomiting want to be Wagner's music there is much loneliness in us. (to read the Portuguese version clic…

  • Heat - Calor

    - 6 favorites
    Turning Me Bloodless
    Heat urgent necessity of poros losing salt minerals and water torrent of me lava turning me bloodless as a Playboy girl with legs in pose without a flash smile nor retouch where knees seem islands in a sheets' sea. Calor necessidade de poros que me percam sal sais e água torrente de mim lava que me deixe exangue de perna estendida como girl do Playboy sem sorriso em flash nem retoque onde os joelhos pareçam ilhas em mar de lençóis.…

  • All that remains to be said - Tudo o que fica por dizer

    - 6 favorites
    The Earth Eras
    More and more I write less cause not all is already said but from all that remains unsaid nothing would justify the mystery of life. Cada vez mais escrevo menos não que tudo esteja dito mas de tudo o que fica por dizer nada justificaria o mistério da vida. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2019)

  • To be happy - Ser feliz

    - 6 favorites
    Someone tells me I can be happy if I don't look for happiness in the corners of the city where I live in the sea flooding into my eyes in the constellation's twinkling of my night in the new moon darkness of dream and if I let time go by indifferently as it was nothing and in fact it isn't doesn't exist it's an invention to justify birth and death. To be happy maybe someone tells me I can be happy if I want. Alguém me diz que posso ser feliz se…

  • Day of Dead - Dia dos Mortos

    - 6 favorites
    Day of the Dead
    It rains the Day of Dead is there the memory we keep of them becomes more liquid in this humid apathy at cemeteries flowers will stay exuberant for longer. Chove o Dia dos Mortos está aí a memória que deles temos fica mais líquida nesta apatia húmida nos cemitérios as flores ficarão viçosas por mais tempo. by Armando TABORDA, 2012 (post 1st edition, 2012; 2nd edition, 2016; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th edition, 2021)

  • As it was - Como se fosse

    - 6 favorites
    Dune (10)
    I am a writer of little writing just not to bore you with repetitions. Days occur equal and also nights and tides we look to the full moon or the sunlight to the dark night or the tide's mark on the beach surf as it was for the first time. If the world does not get tired why do we get annoyed? Sou escritor de pouca escrita para não vos cansar com repetições. Os dias sucedem-se iguais e também as noites e as marés olhamos para a lua cheia ou a luz do sol a noite escu…

  • The last bright flame - A última luz intensa

    - 6 favorites
    Poetry is the subtitle of our life's movie or maybe not it should be the proper life if we so decide or maybe not but it will certainly be the last bright flame fading away into the voracious death. A poesia é a legenda do filme da nossa vida ou talvez não seria a própria vida se assim o desejássemos ou talvez não mas por certo será a última luz intensa a apagar-se na voracidade da morte. by Armando TABORDA, 2012 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd editio…

  • Trees - Árvores

    - 6 favorites
    There are trees in our city they are dreams into the new avenues' sky that run away from the buildings where we hide our disillusions. A nossa cidade tem árvores são sonhos no céu das avenidas novas que fogem dos prédios onde escondemos as nossas desilusões. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd edition, 2018: 3rd edition, 2022)

  • Far Away - Ao Longe

    - 6 favorites
    I feel myself a tired steed I don't give up breathless at the gallop through the blue track that whips my face as fast as the reflexes of the far away mountain blind me I don't know if the decomposed light into its own spectrum charms me I dream so close of myself that I think I am an utopia of a poet incarcerated in himself surprised by the mystery of life muddled obsessed by the uncertainty to reach the mountain's foot if a heart arrest paralyzes me or my dream smashes into a…

  • Scarecrow - Espantalho

    - 6 favorites
    Expectant in the middle of the cornfield I feel myself hideous scarecrow shaken by the wind I see nothing around me so many birds fly in circular flight and perch on the mature cobs they are fattening due to my inability to scare them two more brave peck in my empty eye sockets the water that humidifies their feathers suddenly in my blindness I see you firstly I think you are the sun surf on the corn sea afterward I just understand the wind decided to walk upon that vibration as…

  • Rumours of Cascade - Rumores de Cascata

    - 6 favorites
    Today I navigate rumours of cascade light that wonders me it's so easy to surf on golden sun vibrations surrounded by the mystery that leads navigators to find out the world immersed as astronaut's levitation where the blue planet appears suspended in the chaotic space marvel so I stay dull alone and astonished by the geography's contemplation of dream. Hoje navego rumores de cascata de luz que me extasiam é tão fácil ondular na vibração dourada do sol envolt…

  • Rainbow - Arco-iris

    - 6 favorites
    Around me there is too much green but also red orange yellow blue indigo and violet colours wrap me as a rainbow sweat drops refract my body with feet in a pond the head undulates the chest distends as an arch without hunger nor sleep or thirst or dream. À minha volta há muito verde mas também vermelho laranja amarelo azul indigo e violeta as cores embrulham-me em arco-iris gotas de suor refractam-me o corpo com os pés no charco a cabeça ondula o peito distende-se em a…

  • Grey day - Dia cinzento

    - 6 favorites
    Cave of S. Elias, the Sleep' Saint
    It's a grey day mild I become sleepy not from wine but from aging that inebriates my remains of health vitality and movement in meantime my memory doesn't feel sorry because after lunch falls asleep. Está um dia cinzento cálido fico sonolento não de vinho mas da idade que inebria o que me resta de saúde vitalidade e movimento entretanto minha memória não se compadece porque depois do almoço adormece. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (article 1st edition, 2013; 2nd…

  • Water Dreams - Sonhos d'Água

    - 6 favorites
    One of these days I will write my memories and from the remains I will build a conduit to supply me with water's dreams even if there are many splits and they don't arrive to the final consumer. Qualquer dia vou escrever minhas memórias e das sobras construir uma conduta que me abasteça os sonhos d'água mesmo que as ruturas sejam muitas e eles não cheguem ao consumidor final. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (post article 1st edition, 2013; 2nd edition,…


    - 6 favorites
    LOOK AT ME I will lose everything the day and the night the sea and the sky the joy and the pain the temple and the house the water and the wine and The Bread? the metaphor and the text the thought and the dream the sin and the virtue GOD and DEVIL the family and the world and The Love? the senses and the instinct the real and the virtual the humility and the ego the instant and the time the life and the death and The Eternity? Necessarily I am done so you?…

  • Moonlight - Clair de Lune - Luar

    - 6 favorites
    Sometimes photographs give an hallucinated look to the city and we have to learn to keep the lucidity dipped in an sudden and intense unreasonable moonlight that invades our privacy. /// Parfois les photos donnent un air halluciné à la ville et nous avons d'apprendre à garder la lucidité plongée dans un déraisonnable soudain et intense clair de lune qui envahit notre vie privée. /// Por vezes as fotografias dão um ar alucinado à cidade e temos que aprender a manter a lucidez merg…

  • Blood Cells - Glóbulos Vermelhos

    - 6 favorites
    Blood Cells
    I like the blue phase of the white nights while red alive blood cells are floating in the aqueous dream's gray against the darkest background of blindly clenched eyes. Gosto da fase azul das noites em branco quando no cinzento aquoso do sonho flutuam glóbulos de sangue vermelho vivo contra o fundo dos olhos cegamente cerrados de negro intenso. by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (post 1st edtion, 2015; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th edition, 2022)

  • All Together - Todos Juntos

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  • My garden - O meu jardim

    - 6 favorites
    My garden
    I can say that my garden is the best in the world cause it's there I sit down to look at the sky and the immense sky remains indifferently blue against the conviction that my three hundred fifty square meters are the most beautiful in the chaos that surrounds me and from now on I challenge the more advanced astro-physics to find in the Universe a garden like mine. Posso dizer que o meu jardim é o melhor do mundo porque é nele que me sento a ver o céu e o céu imenso contin…

  • Creepy Day - Dia Sinistro

    - 6 favorites
    because the bastard you are begins to curse soon in morning the opal light that comes in through the window and the rain falling in circles on the avenue's asphalt it doesn't mean that there is no reason to smile to life just now that you are editing this bit of text into the Internet that will be read by other mates older and younger than you so that your conscience reappear and you lose the will to throw the dog out the window to cut the neck of the parakeet or to shoot at the neighboring…

357 articles in total