Armando Taborda's articles


  • Leitura de Poema, vídeo

    - 13 Jul 2022
    Leitura de Poema, vídeo
    O Amigo e Poeta António José Cravo gravou este meu poema em (13.07.2022)

  • Velvet Time - Tempo de Veludo

    - 11 Jul 2022 - 4 comments
    Velvet Time
    Velvet time no sun neither rain nor wind the night humidity weeps grass more green now against the grey day nearby under my glance my private landscape. Tempo de veludo sem sol nem chuva nem vento a humidade da noite chora relva agora mais verde contra o dia cinzento a meus pés sob o meu olhar minha paisagem privada. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (post 1st edition, 2013; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2022)

  • Blood Cells - Glóbulos Vermelhos

    - 04 Jul 2022 - 6 comments
    Blood Cells
    I like the blue phase of the white nights while red alive blood cells are floating in the aqueous dream's gray against the darkest background of blindly clenched eyes. Gosto da fase azul das noites em branco quando no cinzento aquoso do sonho flutuam glóbulos de sangue vermelho vivo contra o fundo dos olhos cegamente cerrados de negro intenso. by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (post 1st edtion, 2015; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th edition, 2022)


    - 28 Jun 2022 - 10 comments
    Wait we are always waiting for the right time the wrong person the surprising event the unexpected love the sudden death why not? right now in the car parking waiting for. Espera estamos sempre à espera do momento certo da pessoa errada do facto surpreendente do amor imprevisto da morte súbita por que não? agora mesmo no parque de estacionamrento à espera. by Armando TABORDA, 2016 (post 1st edition, 2016; 2nd edition, 2018; 3rd edition, 2022)

  • Agatha UKEO

    - 20 Jun 2022 - 2 comments
    Agatha UKEO - II
    For a long time I would like to talk to you about a fabulous French artist, Agatha Ukeo, my friend, from my age group but as young as my grandchildren, because her creative mind is airy, colorful, and untimely. She invents characters that seem naïf but they aren't, that resemble comics but they aren't, that resemble fantastic realism and they are. They talk to us, meet the mythology of our dreams, fantasies, and fears. Fill us with pleasure and make us feel the irony and joy of living.…

  • Red Flower - Flor Vermelha

    - 17 Jun 2022 - 4 comments
    Red flower flush of gardens impregnated of carbon dioxide from passing cars in the neighborhood at more than 50km/h do not realizing that the flower opened by day's heat smiles to bees butterflies and other insects that smash against their windshields /// Flor vermelha rubor de jardins impregnados de dióxido de carbono dos carros que passam nas cercanias a mais de 50km/h não se apercebendo que a flor aberta pelo calor do dia sorri às abelhas borboletas e outros insectos que se esmagam…

  • Grey Dream - Sonho Cinzento

    - 14 Jun 2022 - 2 comments
    Grey dream
    I want to remember the colours of my grey dream and the geography of valleys and mountains rivers and deserts seas and oceans but my subconscious only draws decadent cities yes those are very tangible crumbled in the blood that flows through the building facades till being the heaped and shapeless planet of my dream. Quero lembrar-me das cores do meu sonho cinzento e da geografia dos vales e montanhas rios e desertos mares e oceanos porém meu subconsciente só desenha cidades…

  • Trees - Árvores

    - 08 Jun 2022 - 10 comments
    There are trees in our city they are dreams into the new avenues' sky that run away from the buildings where we hide our disillusions. A nossa cidade tem árvores são sonhos no céu das avenidas novas que fogem dos prédios onde escondemos as nossas desilusões. by Armando TABORDA, 2013 (post 1st edition, 2015; 2nd edition, 2018: 3rd edition, 2022)

  • Nothing but Knowledge - Nada Além do Conhecimento

    - 31 May 2022 - 4 comments
    Nothing but Knowledge
    Nothing is all that remains from everything we are given by life the day the night the joy the pain the writing the voice the colour the sound the love the friendship the mystery the dream the art the work the time the space the finite the infinite the eternal the glory the god the devil the dust. O nada é tudo o que fica de tudo o que a vida nos dá o dia a noite a alegria a dor a escrita a fala a cor o som o amor a amizade o mistério o sonho a arte o trabal…

  • Twinkle - Cintilação

    - 24 May 2022 - 2 comments
    Shadows hide behind the music and perfectly audible sounds are lost in the invisible forest but I lift my head and the powerful light stars twinkle the cosmic music I hear through night's darkness As sombras escondem-se atrás da música e os sons perfeitamente audíveis perdem-se na floresta invisível mas levanto a cabeça e as estrelas poderosas de luz cintilam a música cósmica que ouço na escuridão da noite by Armando TABORDA, 2016 (post 1st edition, 2016; 2nd editi…

  • Body's Travel - Viagem do Corpo

    - 17 May 2022 - 5 comments
    between sky and sea there is the wind I breathe
    Between sky and sea there is the wind I breathe the waves swing for and against the tide provides dimension strength and meaning to the surrounding view that annuls me I will navigate some day if my anchored feet turn to wing or row or sail for my body's travel. Entre céu e mar há o vento que respiro o balanço das ondas por e contra a maré dá dimensão força e significado à paisagem circunstante que me anula qualquer dia navegarei se os pés que me ancoram à terra forem asa…

  • As it was - Como se fosse

    - 09 May 2022 - 8 comments
    Dune (10)
    I am a writer of little writing just not to bore you with repetitions. Days occur equal and also nights and tides we look to the full moon or the sunlight to the dark night or the tide's mark on the beach surf as it was for the first time. If the world does not get tired why do we get annoyed? Sou escritor de pouca escrita para não vos cansar com repetições. Os dias sucedem-se iguais e também as noites e as marés olhamos para a lua cheia ou a luz do sol a noite escu…

  • For Lionel Deyna - Para Lionel Deyna

    - 02 May 2022 - 10 comments
    Lionel Deyna et Moi
    For Lionel Deyna Cartesian birds plane fat ideas from highs which control tiny dreams fears and utopias as soul's projects. Mammal birds attack in circle at twilight afterwards they dream night hanging in caves where sunlight doesn't come in. Unforeseen and poetic low-flying voices run away from the hunt's…

  • Waltz - Valsa

    - 17 Apr 2022
    The Waltz (illustration)
    One can hear the waltz night within and us useless at all ghosts dance´s centre fatuous and futile ancestors nothing discovering that we might clearly see under the centuries' light that whirls forever the same waltz. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the picture) by Armando TABORDA, In "SINFONIA EM DOR MENOR", Edição Escola de Mar, 2007…


    - 08 Apr 2022 - 4 comments
    I have two open accounts on social networks, Facebook and Ipernity, and I'm the administrator of a poetry website, "Livro Único". Today I woke up under the fear of uncertainty of what will happen to them after my death. I suddenly remembered that I always have the possibility to cancel them before I die. But when? What if a I have a sudden death? Another possibility is to bequeath them to someone who, even without updates, keep them online. Yet another is the social networks directors t…

  • Quiz - Questionário

    - 06 Apr 2022 - 2 comments
    if I see you and you see me if our destiny is to see each other when we meet on this precarious planet where we live why do we pretend not to see each other? why do not politicians come to us? why do we pay them exorbitant funds to make utopias a reality and everything remains the same? why do we finance corruption, incompetence and expenses of useless politics? at last why do not politicians come to us and only take the cloud by June while caressing their fat navels? until…

  • Infinity - Infinito

    - 01 Apr 2022 - 4 comments
    Loving Smile - 10
    In my false modesty I am immense as the universe so you are in the same infinity love at the nucleus fusion of the bodies nuclear holocaust of thought. Diz-me a falsa modéstia que sou imenso como o universo e nesse infinito também tu amor na fusão dos núcleos dos corpos holocausto nuclear do pensamento. In "Manual do Desperdício", Ceres Editora, 1994 (post 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2022)

  • Sun - Sol

    - 23 Mar 2022 - 7 comments
    Dune (14)
    Despite daily repetition the sun surprises us even if obscured by clouds it accomplishes the universal travel and we too small in our subaltern planetary orbit so glad of heat and eager of light O sol apesar de repetido surpreende-nos todos os dias mesmo oculto pelas nuvens cumpre a viagem universal e nós pequeníssimos em nossa subalterna órbita planetária tão contentes de calor e sedentos de luz by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (post 1st edition, 2014; 2nd edition, 2022)

401 articles in total