honeyj's photos

the yard

12 Jun 2006 1 830
wanna play some cards? nah. too boring. wanna jog around the yard? I hate jogging. wanna break outta this joint? now you're talking. well, when you figure out how, let me know.


07 Feb 2008 1 695
I don't like this place. why not? there's no way out. if they find us, we're trapped. we'd be like sitting ducks. relax. we lost 'em. we're safe. oh yeah? so who's that guy up there? what guy? uh-oh. maybe we better scram. I'm right behind you, brother.

upper deck

02 Mar 2008 939
there he is. where? by the hot dog stand. stuffing his face. the bastard. let's take him out right now. can't. too many people. wait til the crowd thins out. well, we ain't go a lot of time, you know. hey, have a beer. enjoy the game. and what are you gonna do? I'm gonna see if that guy can finish that hot dog. my bet is he can't. smart bet.

used to know this guy

05 Jun 1970 13 6 1492
you did? when? a long time ago. yeah? how long? so long there's nothing left of that world but the memories. which are fading fast. tell me about it. tell you about what? oh, never mind.

any time at all

09 Aug 1971 28 7 3093
are you ready? I've always been ready. good. me too.

What We Think is What We See (I Think)

14 Jun 2006 75 15 4484
what's up man? I'm reading. yeah? who? Wallace Stevens. 'let us build the building of light' he didn't write that. of course he did. nah. I think it sounds more like prince. you would.

baghdad by the bay

13 Jun 2006 6 6 1678
oh look, stanley. isn't it beautiful? yes, edna. very nice. stanley! aren't you having a good time? of course, edna. I wouldn't want to be anyplace else. here with me? that's right, dear. here. with you.


04 Apr 2008 2 1 1040
they're inside that place. how many? shit, maybe thousands. what's the plan? kill 'em all, before they spread, infect the whole planet. well, duh! but how do we do it? you're going in there. not me, brother. I ain't no hero. no you're the bait. get 'em to come out. yeah, then what? me and this particle beam disintegrator will take over. won't be nothing left but the memories. fried bugs on a summer night. it's weird how they look just like people. good thing we're not fooled, eh? just another day in paradise. I can almost hear the music. yeah? vivaldi? no. led zeppelin. figures.

they're coming

06 Apr 2008 1 4 922
they're out there, lars. yeah, I can smell 'em. what are we gonna do? well, first thing, I'm gonna have another drink. man, this is serious. we can't be wasting time. johnny walker blue is never a waste of time. ok, pour me one too. what the hell. now your talking. then we can go burn some bugs. I'm with you, man.

origin of the species

07 Nov 2009 653
note the subtle shift of emphasis, from flora to fauna. yes, and the inter-workings of the cellular relationships. clear biological proof of the evolutionary process. I must agree. what did you just say?

marooned on a strange planet

01 Jan 2007 51 18 5128
scout team one calling base. I read you, scout team. what is it? we have a problem. we're stuck on this planet, and don't know how to get off. what do you mean? just beam up like usual. yeah, well, we'd love to, but we sort of lost our device. whaddya mean, you sort of lost it? well, you see, they have these things here called cell phones? so? yeah, well we accidentally picked up one of those, and left our device on a park bench. dammit carl! tell me about it. when we went back to get it, it was gone. so now, some human is walking around trying to make a call with an Arcturan particle beam disintegrater. jesus h. christ! he's liable to obliterate an entire building! yeah, but we've noticed that they seem to tear down everything worthwhile on this miserable excuse for a planet. so then, maybe no one will notice. that's what we're kinda hoping.

rock candy

01 Jan 2007 4 1 1468
who chose this place for the meeting? I did. why? I don't know. just something about it. creeps me out. yeah, now that you mention it. kinda bright in here. right. you don't think we, you know, stand out a little? I'd say so.

spy vs. spy

02 Jan 2007 4 3 1949
do you have the stolen a-bomb secrets, Boris? I lost them, Natasha! some damned little squirrel pooped on my head! can you believe it? Mr. Big will be very unhappy, Boris. it's not my fault! what should I do? defect? and leave me here to face the central committee? with no a-bomb secrets? you would do that to me, Boris? well, I really wouldn't want to. .

they watch

06 Apr 2008 12 5 2628
we come in peace, earthling. yeah, right. no, really! we do! well then, what's that thing you're holding? this? oh, it's nothing. a mere fashion bauble. what's it do? oh, it does emit a powerful death ray, I guess. a what? capable of liquifying most carbon-based matter. you mean, like humans? well, now that you mention it, yes, I suppose. cool.

the life

14 Jul 1974 58 6 4803
tan lines on cool sheets. what could be better? a long island iced tea, maybe? coming right up.

train to nowhere

02 Jan 2007 2 3 1650
where are we going? this is the train to the liquification plant. the. . . what? we are to be emulsified into bug food. what the fuck are you talking about? I'm referring to our bug masters. are you nuts? what bug masters? those we must obey. hey! I want off of this train! we are all to be harvested. I'm pretty sure this is my stop. I mean. . . we must. . . obey. ok, you obey. I'm outta here.

sole desperado

20 Aug 1993 2 4 606
listen. what if. . .? yes! really? do you mean it? oui. totally.

Carpe Diem

15 Apr 1995 1 156
claude, it seems to me we're going the wrong way. what? you don't think I know how to get there, lars? well, we've been walking a long time. so? and you said it wasn't far. well then, mr. smarty, why don't you just wait here for the bus? good idea. can I borrow the fare?

1315 photos in total