honeyj's photos


09 Dec 2007 3 990
we are over the target city, sir. ok. open the bomb bay doors. bombs away. you sure this is the target? what do you mean? you think those are buildings down there? aren't they? oh what the hell. let's get outta here.

rare exports

05 Feb 2006 2 1153
that's him. him? you sure? he seems so. . . I dunno, small. that's because you're up on a roof, you dope. the guy's huge. oh. yeah. so now what? he'll be in there an hour. when we get the signal from joey, we make our move and grab the truck. what's the signal? geez! are you still asleep or something? he'll text us. try to keep up. ok ok! hey, my phone's beeping. is that the signal? lemme see. what the fuck is this? did you order a pizza? oh, yeah. I did. I forgot to pick it up. how are we supposed to get joey's signal, if you got a pizza joint bugging us? c'mon. how was I supposed to know? all right, dammit. you better go pick it up. ok. be right back. ok if I pick up a beer while I'm out? shit. make it two. might as well get something out of this screwy operation.


19 Jun 1973 22 9 2103
mind if I sit back here with you? sure. just stay on your half of the seat. I wouldn't dream of doing anything else. sure you wouldn't.

what's up there

28 Aug 2001 11 2240
stanley, there's something up there. nonsense, edna. it's just a bridge. I know I saw something stanley. hey, what was that noise? stanley! LOOK OUT! OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT IS THAT THING?! stanley! I want to go home! now! just as soon as I get loose from these tentacles, dear.


01 Jan 2007 4 1 1995
conform . consume. knowledge is evil. serve the state. obey.

pyramid point

17 Feb 2008 7 4 1909
you can almost see it. see what, louie? where we're going tomorrow. we're going out there? yeah, us and another guy. yeah? we going fishing? no, we're feeding the fish. what are we feeding them with? the other guy. he's gonna be fish food. interesting choice of occupations. actually, he doesn't have a choice. not a big surprise.

Right of Way

10 Aug 1970 4 1 794
did you see that? that jerk almost ran over my foot! yeah. damn kids these days. got no respect. it's like they think the street is their own private race track! sucks, don't it.

the new world

07 May 2012 3 3 881
do you feel welcomed? no, should I? isn't that what the statue of liberty is all about? welcoming? not for guys like you and me, she ain't. probably not. being from jersey. she's not looking in that direction. not at all.

ground zero

02 Jan 2007 20 4 2464
I don't want to be here. nobody wants to be here. they have to be here. why is that? god only knows. well, I'm not gonna ask him. I don't think you'd like his answer anyway.

Fine Dining

14 Jun 2006 22 8 2565
centurion! I smell humans. what is our status? the first wave of troops is ready, sire. deploy. and remember: no prisoners. but plenty to eat, correct, master? ha ha. yes. plenty of human meat. my mandibles are oozing viscous methane at the thought. a good look for you, o wise one, if I may so bold as to say so. stuff your bulging eye stalks back in your crusty little thorax, centurion, and get what humans would call your ass moving. yes, sire. strange body part, the ass. it's a mystery to me.

fishy reeds

14 Feb 2008 14 6 2115
what's fishy about it? can't you see? see what? the fish, ya moron. where? oh forget it.

secret mutant experimental lab

20 Apr 1972 1 1396
master, I think we've been spotted. what? impossible! I've taken every precaution. perhaps, master, yet. . . out with it, igor! well, remember when we moved here from new jersey? and you wanted someplace secluded, surrounded by beautiful trees? yes. well, master. it's these windows. what windows? master, it's a greenhouse! anybody can see in! impossible! we failed to take that into account, I'm afraid, along with the fact that we happen to be in the middle of a rather large city .a most unfortunate by-product of clear glass. how did that happen? strange, isn't it? but now the press has been calling for you day and night. it has? and what have you told them? oh nothing, master. but your interview is set for tomorrow. interview? heavens! you better make me an appointment with my stylist. of course. in the meantime, shall I prepare the next human subject? by all means! that's what we do, isn't it? indeed, master. I'll just ask the gawkers at the windows to, you know, move along. good idea. see if any would like to, you know, volunteer. we're running low on corpses. I mean, subjects. yes, master.


28 Oct 2007 15 4 1785
see him? no. where? up in that tree. man, I can't see anything! don't worry. I've got a bead on him. what's he doing? oh shit! he's gone! c'mon man, we gotta move! where? anywhere. that guy's fast! I don't think it's a guy. whaddya mean? I mean, it smells like sulphur around here. I don't think that guy's human. sulphur? oh, yeah. never mind that. I forgot to clean out the fridge.


02 Feb 2008 1 1101
you know there's rats in there. yeah? what's your point? I wouldn't wanna work in a place has rats. so don't. they don't bother me none. give me the creeps. thing is, the guys are looking for a 4th for poker. oh, well, that would make a difference. that's how I look at it.

twin towers

28 Aug 2001 8 8 1321
we're caught in its web! what web? whose? can't you see? we're trapped! did you take your meds today? uh, what makes you ask? just my intuition, that's all. what else does your intuition tell you? see those towers? my intuition is to stay away from them. why? I dunno. but you should listen to me on this one.


23 Aug 1982 24 10 3092
man, when will this fog ever lift? what gives you the idea that this is fog, son? well, I don't know. . . it looks like fog. it's them. make no mistake. they're here. them? it's gonna be a battle of civilizations, count on it. but. . . to the winner goes the spoils. in this case, earth. what are you talking about? you doubt me? just take a walk down the beach. there? you won't come back. at least not in human form. it can't be. stay and watch. it's definitely gonna be messy. but I'm on vacation! yeah. reality sucks, doesn't it? totally.


09 Dec 2007 1 921
why'd you want to meet here? I dunno. it feels safe. it's an underpass, fer chrissakes. so? you scared? nah, but it gives me the creeps. well, that rat joey, he gives me the creeps too. don't worry about him, boss. he'll get his. yeah? when? what time you got? almost 3. joey's sayin' his prayers, right about now. yeah? yeah. but they ain't gonna be answered. you're a good boy, solly, you know that? c'mon boss. let's get a drink. yeah. let's drink to joey. to his memory. the rat.

long shadow

24 Oct 1979 12 2 1658
there! see him? no, where? 27th floor, 2nd window to the left. hey, forget that guy. look at the 28th floor. oh man, you're right. forget him. who is she? I don't know, but I'm putting on a longer lens.

1315 photos in total