honeyj's photos


19 Aug 2008 722
you here to pray? what of it? it's my business to know. ok yeah, I'm praying here. good. but make your contribution first. what kind of contribution? the kind that involves money, is what. that feels like some kinda shakedown, to me. hey, you don't gotta pray. but if you do, you pay. what's the money used for? don't worry. it's a good cause. yeah? what cause is that? the cause you don't gotta worry about. that cause. what kinda racket you running here? it's simple. pay to pray. you don't like it, pray elsewhere. ok, here's a buck. thank you. you got 2 minutes. make it a quick prayer. what if I'm not done? you got more money on you? no. then in 2 minutes you'll be done, I promise.


19 Aug 2008 2 2 492
edna, I'm home. how was your day, stanley? great! I played polo, got in a swim, and bought us a new house! you did? it's somewhat compact, but full of potential! how exciting! when can we move in? just as soon as I trim the moss from the roof. moss? and sterilize the interior, such as it is. steril. . . think pastoral! you'll love it!

deep blue

20 Aug 2008 9 1339
sir, they're getting away! that's what they think. how's that, sir? remember that pesky seagull? the one you chased off the deck? yeah. that was secret agent 33. he's tailing them. that bird is an agent? brilliant, sir! thank you. trained that birdbrain myself.

underground resistance

14 Jul 2014 11 6 1087
the political cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. got it. psst. the cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. ok. hey, the shell greeting is on tv tonight. pass it on. right. yo. the meal seating is later, you coming? for sure. who's bringing the beer?


21 Jan 2007 11 1 1048
the fuse is lit. ok, clear everybody out. what about charley? except for him. really? he'll never know what hit him. gee, I hope not. hey. better him than you, right? thanks. you are so comforting. I try.

control center

03 Feb 2006 6 2 2205
sir, I am getting some strange transmissions. from where, corporal? just beyond pluto, sir. is it intelligible? it's in bug-speak, sir. but I can read their coordinates. what are they? they're here! on earth! it's an invasion! scramble the fleet, on the double. yes, sir. and break out all the bug spray you can find. got it, sir.


09 Dec 2007 4 3 953
this is where we're meeting gino? yeah. and the boss says don't be late. geez, it's huge. where we meetin' him? I dunno. first we gotta figure out how to get in. yeah, there ain't exactly a valet. no room service either.

another lake sunset

29 Jul 2008 4 1 1324
they're comin' in low, sarge. yeah, I see 'em. can't hardly believe it. angels. hundreds of 'em! whatta we do now, sarge? we watch, and feel lucky.

brand loyalty

26 Jul 2008 3 1 914
I see 'em boss. 8th floor. who's there? it's rico and louie. really? what are they doing here? they only work the tampa area. gotta be a hit, right? that's what they do. so one of our clients decided not to use us, I guess. so it seems. loyalty means nothing anymore. gee. it makes me kinda sad. me too. in an unemotional stone killer kind of way. yeah, that's what I meant. for sure.

where the money is

09 Jul 2014 14 6 1884
geez, boss. how long we gonna stay on this road? what's the matter with you, curly? it's beautiful here. yeah, I know, but geez, boss, we been driving for hours. we'll get there when we get there. where we goin'? anyplace where there ain't cops. well, there's none around here. there ain't no banks, either. yeah, good point.

over here

13 Sep 2015 1 1 955
we're close. close? to what? I don't know, but I can feel it. well feel this: I'm starving, and we have no food. you are just so materialistic you know that? yeah. my body can only handle so much ethereal sustenance. you should try yoga. no offense, but I'd rather try a hamburger. me too.

they see us

26 Jul 2008 13 3 1045
don't move. don't even breathe. what's wrong? look. over there. my god! what is that? I don't know, but it's looking right at us.


26 Jul 2008 5 1019
what's that tune? the thieving magpie by rossini, why? it's catchy, that's all. but where's it coming from? oh, those bugs. they like to play opera. bugs? playing opera? yeah, they think it messes with our heads. mess with our heads? they're bugs! sinister mothers, ain't they?


25 Jul 2008 2 3 738
what's the estimate time of arrival? 3 minutes, my lord. have the troops fan out immediately. yes, sire. we'll dig in and coordinate our earth invasion from here. excellent, o wise one. now bring me a mandible sharpener. of course. good hunting on this planet.


03 May 2017 13 1 1281
is it the end? not at all. just the beginning. the beginning of what? move over here and I'll show you. mmm. ok.

east river

15 Jul 2007 6 1 899
keep staring at it. you never know. maybe it'll move.

holding area

27 Jun 2008 541
guard, place the invaders into this area. sir, there's thousands of them. and there will be more. I'm heading to their planet now. good luck, sir. if they give you any trouble, emulsify them. yes sir. then what sir? spread them on the flowers. maybe they'll make good mulch. good idea, sir.

guard tower

12 Jun 2006 3 983
sir, I'm detecting suspicious activity on the dock. what?! where? we can't have that! no, sir, we can't. the suspect is sitting over there. who? sir, it's more of a what. oh, yes. I see. guard! arrest that bird and bring him to me for questioning. yes sir!

1315 photos in total