honeyj's photos


03 Jul 1998 1 2 912
go knock on the door. where will you be? hiding over there. what do I do when they answer? get out of the way, fast. why? so I don't hit you, is why. good plan.


28 Feb 2008 8 2 1446
be careful with that thing. what do you mean? it took forever to corral it. it's a beast. hey, man. it's petrified wood. it's dead. D.E.A.D. ok, I'm warning you. it'll bite your head off.

coastal defense

14 Jun 2006 9 1 1386
we expect the attack to come from the west, sir. I know. I've had all gun emplacements aimed accordingly. sir! the radar! the bugs are screaming out of the east! what? impossible! sir! look! there's thousands of 'em! shit, they have big wings. the guns! they're pointed the wrong way! call in air mobile. on the double. yes, sir! and get me a gun. a great big gun.

clint did it

12 Jun 2006 2 877
man this water is cold. keep paddling. you'll stay warmer. I can't believe they haven't spotted us. sure they have. but they know we ain't got a chance. whattya mean? this was your escape plan! I was bored. bored! that's why you talked me into this? what, you don't like it? no, I don't. so sue me.


29 Jun 2008 48 15 2805
uh, say miss, what is this? I mean, where are we? oh, you'll see soon enough. what does that mean? I think I want off of this thing. sorry. nobody is permitted to leave. what are you talking about? all will be explained to you in due time. I don't want no explanation! I want off! I'm sorry. but you did not beat the reaper. you mean. . . you mean. . . I'm dead? you think that's air you're breathing? oh man. and I didn't even finish that sandwich. dammit! life sucks, doesn't it. and it even came with a pickle. old dill too!

they only come out at night

29 Jun 2008 12 1 1386
did you hear that? no. what? something's moving out there. you're imagining things. there's nobody else here. no, man. I heard it. like a clicking. oh shit. what? I see it. it's coming this way. OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT THING? I don't know, but I'm not waiting to find out.

don't look now, but they're gaining on us

21 Jun 2008 2 1129
uh oh. what's the matter? their's something back there. what is it? I dunno, but I think you better speed up.

before time was time

05 Mar 2017 10 5 2882
sarge says we gotta take this guy in for questioning. don't get near him. he'll bite your head off. not a chance. look at him! he's petrified! I'm telling you, ed, watch out. how would you know that? I went to high school with him? he was notorious. you did? where? on arcturus3. yeah? so, you're like what, french? exactly.

it rains on alpha centauri, too

23 Jun 2008 7 1387
I love the phosphorescent rain. but sometimes it keeps me up at night. me too. so I put on some frank sinatra records. they put me right out. wow. they let you bring those home from earth? oh yes. the Leader is a big fan. cool. dean martin too. you don't say!

Chick Magnet, Ret'd

23 Jun 1974 9 5 1540
get in. why? where we going? don't worry about it. just get in. maybe I don't wanna get in. trust me. you do. you really do. give me a hint. see that back seat? ever see one that sweet before? hmmm. I receive your meaning. so? what are we waiting for? drive.

my patio

22 Oct 2007 4 7 1120
we'll have drinks outside, jeeves. I shall see to it immediately, monsieur. and bring the yacht around. yes, sir. we'll only need a half crew today. say 15 girls? as you wish. undressed, of course. of course, sir.

passage to a lost world

23 Aug 2000 1 3 1036
is it far? we're almost there. what will it look like? like nothing you've ever seen before. will I like it? I promise you will. ok daddy.


18 Jun 2008 1 1 674
sire, the humans have gathered in this large edifice, partaking in a strange ritual. tell me, centurian, what do they call it? it sounds something like bays-bowl, sire. are they compelled to attend this religious rite? it appears so, sire. explain. sometimes they stand and wave their upper tentacles.and they make loud noises out of their face holes. hmmmm. it has something to do with a small white spheroid. that's odd. it also appears that priests in black direct the activities. well, it sounds like total nonsense to me. take a memo. yes, sire? contact base: the populace is ripe for plucking. fire the missles. immediately. excellent, sire. while we await the carnage, would you care for a grub snack? are they writhingly fresh and gooey? just the way you like them, o master. goody.


06 Aug 1974 4 1 1283
hitchiking through the desert with my girlfriend, caught a ride with an old guy, driving a '57 chevy. stopped for the night, made a fire. slept in the sagebrush, under a million stars, joshua trees all around. her breathing next to me the only sound.


21 Jun 2008 2 1 637
it's been a long day, hasn't it boss? yeah. but we got the job done. those guys will never squeal again. not in this life, they won't.


21 Jun 2008 1 659
scout to base. we are approaching the enemy camp. we await your coordinates, scout. roger that. then send in the missiles. when we do, don't forget to duck. you got it, base. Jimmy 10/27/47 - 8/11/12

my pool

20 Jun 2008 1 1 743
how's the water today, jeeves? perfect, sir, just as you like it. excellent. think I'll take a dip. shall I fetch your rubber ducky? can't go in the pool without it, now can I? of course not, sir.


13 Jun 2006 1 1 926
the meeting is here, boss. kind of desolate, ain't it? very picturesque, though. picturesque? what are you, a travel agent? sorry boss. just got a little carried away. yeah, well they'll be carrying you away, you don't watch out. got it, boss.

1315 photos in total