honeyj's photos

body snatchers

05 Feb 2006 13 6 2317
they're all loaded. good. hit the road. we've got a lot of deliveries tonight. yeah. fresh pods. for fresh humans. they'll never know what happened. right. they're asleep. asleep and unaware. ok, get going. we still have work to do. by next week, this planet will be ours. go on. we're not done yet.


02 Nov 2008 10 7 1070
I'm here for my beauty treatment. certainly, just take a seat. is this for the two of you? what do you mean? I mean you and your little friend. no. he just had a facial. looks good, doesn't he? totally cute. I think so too.

last stand

17 Aug 2008 1 1 895
blow the bridge, boys. but sir, if we do, how will get out of here? it's the only exit. we're not getting out of here. this is it. what? it all ends here. once and for all. gee, sir, that sounds a little final. that's right. the final stand against these creatures. sir, isn't that a little extreme? extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. that's how I roll. but sir, against boy scouts? they're insidious, son. evil. just because they won't let us use their camp toilets? this aggression cannot stand. blow the bridge. got it sir.


30 Oct 2008 14 10 1907
he's up there, private. go find him. I don't see him, sir. how will I know it's him? he's wearing a banana on his head. oh. ok. I"m kidding you idiot. he'll have a gun aimed at you. think you can remember that? right. got it.


26 Oct 2008 4 876
get ready, the trains gonna be here in a minute. oh boy, I love train rides. we ain't riding it, moron, we're robbing it. yeah? how we gonna do that, boss? soon as we blow the charges, it stops, we get on. charges, boss? yeah, the things I told you to set along the track. uh, boss? I thought you said set 'em in the back. what? uh, yeah, they're in the trunk of the car. what!? they're in the trunk? hey, I think I hear the train. I love trains.


26 Oct 2008 1 2 715
good day, lord. how are you? what is it, archangel? I'm studying my trees. how are they doing? not so well, I'm afraid. in fact, they're dying out. how did that happen? humans. name me a problem. the cause will be humans. what are you going to do? I'm going to let trees fight back. that will be entertaining. not for the humans, it won't. will the trees survive? I can't say. but they're gonna take some people with them.

shouldn't have sold it

03 Aug 1970 6 3 964
what station is this? the music sucks. do you mind? I'm driving. don't forget to take a left up ahead. I can see that, thank you. we are on a race track, you know. yeah, and don't you think you're driving a little too fast?

battle gear

20 Dec 1968 6 5 1662
say goodbye to civilization, darlin', we're hittin' the road. when are we coming back, joe? maybe never, baby. never? but what about momma? she can't come.

it follows

20 Aug 2008 2 1 813
stanley, I hear breathing. that's just you, edna. no stanley, and it smells like sulphur. keep moving. maybe whatever it is will find a rabbit or something. I don't think it's hunting rabbits, stanley.


01 Nov 2007 13 6 1702
stanley, what is that awful sound? what's that, dear? from down the tracks. like a million insect wings beating at once. ridiculous. say, something's coming out of the woods. oh my god! stanley, what are those things? edna, get back in the house and don't come out no matter what. stanley! they're HUGE!!! edna, do as I say! run!! and grab all the Raid you can find.


20 Aug 2008 8 2 2166
6 minutes and counting, sire. excellent. have the earthlings detected our presence? not at all, your magnificence. they are oblivious. hah hah hah. they will learn a cruel lesson then. ion bombing is now imminent, your grace. that these humans have no wings, like we do, is a blessing. yes sire. it makes our enjoyable task that much easier, no? indeed so, o wise one.


18 Aug 1996 13 5 1116
badges? we ain't got no badges. we don't need no badges. we don't have to show you any stinkin' badges.


02 Jan 2007 20 10 2668
stanley? what is that man doing? what man, dear? see? in that window? stanley! that man isn't wearing pants! put the binoculars down, edna.

quiet corner

22 Oct 2006 5 2 1041
it's our little spot for peaceful meditation and reflection. what's that music I hear? led zeppelin, why? not so quiet. no, maybe not.


01 Aug 2015 11 6 1375
we dig in here, boys. what's the timetable, sir? set a perimeter. get some rest. we fight tomorrow. do we have a chance, sir? a chance. a chance to kick some bug ass. rhetorically speaking, sir? right, private. if they have asses, I don't wanna see 'em.


07 Jul 2007 4 3 1167
hey louie, whatcha doin'? ah nothin'. just hoping these humans throw me a scrap. forget it louie. that ain't gonna happen. no? no. look at 'em. they're all caught up in the sunset thing. yeah. I just don't get what they see in it. me neither. dumb useless species, you ask me. I didn't ask, but I think you nailed it. if they'd throw us a scrap, I could change my mind. what's a mind?

agent 22

18 Oct 1968 4 1611
we have a new assignment for you, agent 22. swell. what is it? we have been getting reports from our american friends. . . what did they manage to screw up now? they've lost one of their best agents. who? agent 38-24-36. her? she would be hard to misplace. nevertheless, they can't locate her. you are to do so. and when I do? de-brief her. I'll try. except that she usually doesn't wear briefs. RIP Jimmy 10/27/47 - 8/11/12 I love you


14 Sep 2008 4 1 1033
sire, these humans think that we're ivy! yes, the fools. the master's plan was a stroke of brilliance! it took about 20 years to get this far, sire. only another 20 and. . . exactly. we're inside! victory is in sight! sire? what is that human carrying? is it. . . ? is it. . . ? my god! it's. . .clippers!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

1315 photos in total