honeyj's photos


07 Oct 2008 1 1 1012
looks pretty modern, for a school that opened in 1907. it's not the original building, you idiot. hey, I didn't go here, ok? no kidding. no way they'd let you in. you're one to talk. I got in, didn't I? yeah, before they threw your ass out. a mere technicality. spoken like a true technician. all the way.


09 Oct 2008 4 6 1128
well, it's finally finished. what's finished? my masterpiece. just look at it. it's. . . monumental. hey! you didn't paint that, you fraud! diego rivera did that! I know that! you think I don't know that? I'm not talking about that! what then? this. see? what? it's just an empty coffee cup. right! I finished it! and I hate coffee! I gotta hand it to you. you've got guts. to finish my coffee? no. to waste my time on your bullshit.

my high school

01 Aug 2015 701
they actually let me graduate. well, I think they did.

help me rhonda

07 Oct 2008 1 696
it's in the clock tower. when are we gonna get it? tonight. we lie low til then. what about the night watchman? don't worry. rhonda will take care of him. yeah? how? you've seen rhonda. you shouldn't have to ask. yeah, right.

st handless

19 Aug 2008 7 2 507
a little help here, please? can someone give me a hand? actually, MY hand. or hands. either one will do. I sort of dropped them, or, more accurately, they kind of fell off. funny, it doesn't even hurt. I wonder what that means. of course, I am sort of numb all over.

the garage

05 Jun 2008 1 532
my ferrari's back from the shop. can I borrow it? no way. damn. the bentley then? oh, ok.


02 Oct 2008 2 2 1076
boss, the police are bugging our phones. yeah, let 'em try. the morons. but boss, do they know about the plan? sol, haven't you learned anything? whaddya mean, boss? we gave 'em the fake plan, that's what. we did? oh right! I knew that. you always were a smart guy, sol. thanks boss. too bad it didn't last. no? oh.

battle site

20 Aug 2008 11 3 1129
you can see where they established their offensive and defensive positions. you can? yes, and how the landscape affected the military strategy. they clearly went for the high ground. dude. all I see is a beach, and this little stream into the lake. naturally, tactical engineering would require access to the water. it would? what for? to build the biggest most bad-ass sand castle ever. have you heard anything I've been saying? totally. for sure.

my library

02 Oct 2008 5 2 1001
can I help you find something? yes, I'm looking for a book by edgar rice burroughs? we haven't got any, sorry. oh. that's ok. how about john updike? all out, I'm afraid. I see. well, could you direct me to the poetry section? it's closed for remodeling. I say, you don't seem to be in a hurry to sell any books. not at all. we have a large inventory of books here. chaucer? out. mark twain? just sold the last one. sartre? nope. is this really a book store? of course it is. hemingway? not today. faulkner? afraid not. which authors do you have? none, at the moment. none? lots of books. no authors.


11 Jun 2006 7 3 809
we'll never hack through this. this stuff must have been here for hundreds of years. I don't care. the target is in there somewhere. but sir. . . start hacking. you'll do anything to get into a $1 movie, won't you? absolutely I've only seen it 3 times.

leisure class

01 Jan 2007 7 3 1044
stanley! I thought I asked you to take out the garbage! yes edna. and do try and not step on my petunias, ok? yes dear, but I believe jeeves did that last week, dear. oh? that's not what he said. really. what else did the two of you talk about? I'm sure you don't want to know. I suppose not.


20 Jan 2014 9 2 1488
boss, I found a great hideout. yeah? what's so great about it? it'll never attract any attention, I promise. ok, cause you know how much I hate standing out in a crowd. yeah boss, I know. and I hate red. you know that, right? oh. yeah. gee, I forgot about that. say boss, I just remembered something. yeah? yeah. about the new hideout. I'll get back to you. ok, but don't take too long. yeah boss. say, do we have any, you know, green paint around here?

bringing the heat

27 Sep 1975 1 700
get in. where we goin'? never mind, just be ready. the boss wants us. yeah, what for? he's got a job for us to do. what kind of job? all he said was, bring heat. my kind of job.

my other car

26 Jun 1971 4 1 788
dad, can I take the car? which one? 23. take it where? well, I'm going out with roxanne. oh? there's only room for one. and where will she sit? on me, of course. ask your mother.

the downside of nihilism

01 Mar 1976 9 1 1427
the metaphysical rejection committee is meeting in half an hour. I can't make it. why not? I don't believe in time. what do you believe in? ha! that's a good one.


21 Sep 2008 2 8 610
you know what they say: form follows function. so? how does that apply to this. just goes to show: the exception proves the rule. I have to agree.

critical mass

21 Sep 2008 4 1 1438
nice leather. thanks dude. nice mohawk. yeah. like your pierced fingers, as well. toes too! sweet.


21 Sep 2008 3 1 816
send a signal. all forces are aligned and ready. but, sir, the bugs have jammed all of our communications. don't bother me with details, son, just do it. sir! the bugs! they're massing! dammit, where, private? sir, in the basement! they're coming up the air shafts! break out the particle beam disintegrators, now boy. my god! there's millions of 'em, sir! we're cut off! hand me that weapon. and where's my cigar? we're gonna have some fun tonight

1315 photos in total