honeyj's photos


13 Jun 2006 1 646
hey, buddy. got any spare change? you're panhandling in the woods? just following the money. but wouldn't you do better in the city? yeah, but I'm a nature lover. yes, so am I. and I really love nature when I've got a few bucks.

winter bivouac

15 Mar 2007 5 877
what is this place, general? this is winter in the north, son. why are we bivouacked here? the bug invaders don't like cold. they won't come here. it's our little strategic advantage. I see. then what are those giant things coming at us over there? what? oh my god! they burrowed under ground! there's thousands of them! so much for our strategic advantage, eh, general? don't talk! start shooting!


05 Jul 2007 2 661
sargeant, put a man on this wall. yes, sir. the hills are crawling with the enemy. we'll be ready, sir. I hope so. if we're not, we're bug soup. not a pleasant thought, sir.

nora likes rothko

02 Jan 2009 2 954
you know how when it snows at night, the lights all twinkle? yes, baby. and you know how rain makes the night a lot darker? uh huh. and you know the sound the baby frogs make in the spring? yes, I do. can we get some ice cream now? sure, nor.

supply line

22 Oct 1982 6 1143
set up the perimeter here, men. yes, sir. post guards every 50 feet. right, sir. and listen for wings. those bugs are noisy. got it, sir. they'll be coming in from above. look sharp. care for breakfast now, sir? yeah, thinking of those bugs makes me hungry.

cell meeting

03 Jan 2009 1 1 1024
who chose this place for our meeting? I did. it's nice, eh? yeah, now I see why my party dues went up. we are united with the people, comrade. obviously only the best people.

nora likes frank stella

02 Jan 2009 1 851
I can't explain it. what's that, baby? all of a sudden, I have a tummy ache.


02 Jan 1973 4 1 1514
sweetie, pour me a drink. anything, sugar. and call my office. tell them I won't be back today.

prelude to a dream

30 Aug 1993 7 1 970
we gotta go. how we gonna get there? we'll take this canoe. but that will take hours! we have all the time in the world. I love you too, sweetie. really? ok, you paddle.

slow boat

06 Aug 1975 20 5 2075
are we there yet? getting closer. I'm in no hurry. me neither.

my turn

10 Jul 1974 35 5 2906
wanna rub my back, sweetie? sure darlin'. lower. like that? like that.

god's law

24 Dec 1985 4 1 705
I'm only gonna say this once, mister. I suggest you point that thing somewheres else.

follow my tracks

06 Dec 2008 2 1048
where's our suspect? we followed him this far, sir. so where is he? we figure one of those sets of footprints is his. which one? well, we don't know, sir. are you saying we have to follow all of them? I guess. if we want to find him. I don't like our chances. me neither, sir. can we go home now? your ambition is admirable. really? not so much.


30 Nov 2008 9 4 2011
we found the space capsule, sir. where is it? at the bottom. giving off radioactivity. damn those bugs.why'd they have to come here anyway? shall we haul it up? yeah. I'll deal with anything on board that's still alive. how, sir? with this flamethrower, son. oh. I am not pleased that these bugs messed up my lake.

lost in the forest

31 Oct 2008 5 4 1090
is it this way? I dunno. I'm following you. maybe I should be the one following. good thing we don't have to be anywhere. yeah. good thing.

the great train robbery

26 Oct 2008 2 2 842
ok boys, here it is. be ready on my signal. there's a signal, boss? yes! we discussed this! oh yeah. boss! where's my mask?!! you're wearing it, you moron. oh. yeah. heh. and stop cracking your fingers. drives me nuts. sorry boss.

parts is parts

10 Jan 2008 2 959
you want to inspect the latest weapons shipment, general? looks like used auto parts to me, son. that's the beauty of it, sir. the enemy will think so too. yeah? then what? then, blam! sir. no more enemy. I like that concept, boy. keep it up. got it, sir.


31 Oct 2008 2 1172
boss, that bank never knew what hit 'em. throw the package in there. we'll come back for it later. ok. now where to boss? we split up. lay low. stay away from here. yeah? how will we get back together? I'll find you, don't worry. then we'll split the loot. how does that sound? sure boss. we trust you. does that mean you really don't? maybe not so much. oh.

1315 photos in total