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381 results.

  • Group - 10 week trees - week 3 [tree without leaves]

    The beautiful elegance of the avenue of trees

    Oh boy did I have problems with this and after searching all through my photos, I found one ................. All these trees are without leaves. I took this picture many years ago when I was in France. France seems to have many roads like this. Anyway I then realised that it's winter here and hardly any of my trees have leaves on them, but by then I could see that the evening had arrived and it was getting dark - oh am I a dud..... no need to confirm this. LOL

  • Joy and Beauty for All Seasons

    The Monarchs and hummingbirds have now departed for warmer climes leaving a kind of sad emptiness in their wake. Despite beauty worthy of a seat in First Class on any of the world’s leading airlines, these elegant insects and remarkable birds must instead undertake their lengthy and perilous journey all on their own. Along the way, they will battle storms, predators, fatigue, and many other challenges. Nevertheless, through heroic persistence and iron-clad determination that would make any triat… (read more)

  • Autumn Leaves

    Originally "Autumn Leaves" was a French song called "Les Feuilles Mortes" (The Dead Leaves) with music composed by Joseph Kosma and lyrics by poet Jacques Prevert. Italian born, French actor/singer Yves Montand (Ivo Lici) introduced the song in the 1946 film "Les Portes de la Nuit". Johnny Mercer added English lyrics in 1947. In 1955 Roger Williams (Louis Weertz) reached the top of the Billboard charts.

  • Group -10 week trees. Week 4 - green leaves

    Looking through the leaves of the shumak

    I loved looking up at the sky with the sun out shining through the leaves of the shumak trees.... I hope you do too........

  • 10 week trees - week 7 - autumn leaves

    The red leaves of the apple tree and the green fig tree leaves

    I keep forgetting to take pictures of the autumn colouring on trees etc, so I must remember to do so this next fall. There is a lovely tree, which seems to come over from another neighbour's house, and it graces my driveway - it's a gorgeous red in the autumn.................

  • The last walking pal leaves town

    An old friend Bill is leaving town,he is the last of my walking companions.He lives with his son and his wife who are moving for work purposes and as they are his only family and he is getting on in years he is going with them.He is no longer a walker his legs being past it but we see each other once a week or so. I will miss him. Over the last 4 years I have lost the rest. Tom,Bert and old Bert died.Ernie had a massive stroke and was carted off to a nursing home out of town,Sherlock left the i… (read more)

  • Departing Summer Leaves Lasting Memories

    The days are growing shorter now. Each morning, the sun rises a little later. Each evening, the sun sets a little earlier. In a matter of weeks, the Autumnal Equinox will be upon us. With summer now drawing to a close, it is a good time to reflect on the season that was. Whether one is in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, or elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, one is sure to have one’s own unique memories. Long after the seemingly endless days of… (read more)

  • the snow arrives and leaves,early night for Jenny

    Jenny rang me earlier than normal last night because Tony had spent a few hours there and although she does enjoy his visits they are tiring. She is doing fine and sleeping a lot better which will help with the recovery. We had a snow flurry yesterday afternoon,it stopped pretty quickley but came back last night for another shot. Thw way it was looking when I went to bed I thought we could be in for a couple fall but this morning the temps crawled above freezing and it has all but gone now. Al… (read more)

  • Another One Bites the Dust

    By another ‘one’ I really mean another 3. I came home from work on Thursday, let the dog out into the garden and went out with him. I thought to myself, something is missing. I looked over to my right and saw straight away, the bloody council has cut down another 3 trees! It makes my blood boil, seeing trees being cut down as if they’re nothing but a nuisance and I’m going to write to my local MP and ask her what our council has against trees. The trees in my street have been here longer than… (read more)

  • Scurvy Dogs and Noise

    Today I am being driven mad by scurvy dogs with leaf blowers. Honestly, what is the frelling point of blowing leaves around? (frelling – ‘swear’ word from Babylon 5). If they blew the leaves into a pile and then collected them, I’d understand but to just blow them off the paths? Hello! The wind is just going to blow them back again! It’s like men and their power tools in general. No offence guys but give a man a power tool… Not so long ago I took offence at the stair carpet and decided to rem… (read more)

  • Part 8c—Dreams of a Big Flower Garden, 1-Month Update: The Ugly


    The bugs and critters have discovered my seedlings and they are laying waste to many of my precious little ones!

  • Spring is starting to arrive...... almost!!!

    There are so many bluebells and buttercups ready to bloom

    Well at long last there is growth in the garden - well the driveway at least. The bluebells are sprouting their leaves etc, and it will be quite a few weeks before the flowers come, but it's just lovely seeing the new growth and know that Spring is on its way. It's great looking out to the driveway and seeing all these little shoots coming up. There are a few celandine and buttercup plants are showing too. It's too cold for me to be outside to weed the driveway and to be hones… (read more)

  • Been to the dentist........

    View from the top of the road

    Well another 6 months have come round and it was off to the dentist for the 6 monthly check up. As I've told you before, my dentist, Ivan, is a gorgeous Bulgarian with lovely brown eyes and I've often wanted to be there for a longer time, but today was the same as before - nothing wrong with my teeth so didn't have to be there for long!!!!! So no gazing into those brown eyes, just a quick scan of my teeth and a smile and "see you in 6 months"!!!! sob sob :( Still I had my driver, Victor, have… (read more)

  • Mandi has gone home for a few days.........


    Well folks I have lost my house sharer for a few days...... Mandi has gone home for a while, I think tonight a friend of hers is going over for the evening, they are going to watch the Sport Relief programme which is featuring many comedians and celebrities who are raising money for families here in the UK and in those countries where the children need help. It's on for about 6 hours, so they have purchased a litre bottle of vodka and two litres of cola, so they will be three sheets to the wind… (read more)

  • Another glorious sunny day today................

    The garden is so full after this rain then sun

    It's been wall to wall sunshine today which has been wonderful. The only downside is that I now have to water the pots. Just as well I don't have too many isn't it? With the rain and then the sun - plants and trees have loved it. They are growing at a phenomenal pace............. You can see my top lawn is being encroached by the plants - the mombretia is going to be a wonderful display methinks............ While I was outside on the lawn I noticed some teeny tiny flowers growing where I… (read more)

  • It's back to being gorgeous again............

    The pots infront of the porch

    Well we might have had a lot of rain on Thursday which was greatly needed I admit but then come Friday we just had a little bit of rain in the morning and the sun returned, so I got my washing dry in the afternoon and today it's been gorgeous sun all day. Now I bought my new hosepipe because I was fed up trying to carry the watering can to do the flower pots and some of you suggested I got a hose. Well I got it, then realised that the tap connector didn't fit my kitchen tap, so I had to orde… (read more)

  • Just a quickie........

    Wispy clouds

    Well although the sky was undecided as to whether to be grey or blue............. All wispy clouds and then dark grey clouds - still it was warm[ish] for November, so I decided to go out and see what late stragglers were around in the garden. I found a few, and I mean a few, odd flowers and they were blessed with some raindrops......... Some nasturtiums were hiding behind some of their leaves........... The rain had been quite heavy over the last few days but I still managed t… (read more)

  • November

    In his Chronicles of England , Richard Grafton wrote, “Thirty days hath November…” Yet, thirty days is sufficient time for this transitional month to bring one from one season into another. November is the elegant bridge that leads from autumn to winter. As one walks across that bridge, autumn’s brilliant colors fade. The sun’s golden rays offer memories of fall’s disappearing warmth, but the days grow ever shorter. Delicate ice crystals from morning frost sometimes glazes the way ahead.… (read more)

  • A little visitor doing strange things!!!!

    This tree is about 60ft high - why was he up there?

    Well this afternoon I was sitting on my couch, doing some more sewing when a movement outside caught my eye. I realised that a squirrel was out in my garden - now this is quite a rare treat so I watched it for all of 20 seconds when it shot off into the undergrowth!! Oh well, at least it was a little surprise and a very pleasant one at that. I had no idea that a squirrel was around these parts. Pippin came over onto my table to get some strokes, when he suddenly stiffened and stared out the w… (read more)

  • shadows

    631 visits

    leaves are falling birds watch in silence my view is covered it's cold - too quiet a child is playing i can't follow - caught in a trap ... breathing in vacuum .