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71 results.

  • I walked up the drive and guess what!!!!!

    I left some apples on the tree for another time!!

    The sun had been out for most of the day and so I decided to have a walk up the drive. I'd fixed my rollator, some nuts and bolts had fallen off it, and I had had to wait for replacements to come. So eventually I managed to get the rollator out of the kitchen and outside. It's wider than the space I have just outside the back door, so I have to fold it up and then lift it to move it out. It's a very heavy thing - all metal, so I was well pooped by the end of it. Still, two plastic carrier bags i… (read more)

  • Guess what???? It's been raining again !!!!!!!!!!!................... .....

    coming down like stair-rods! 11.10.12

    Today is my shopping day and I woke up to drizzle - not too bad I suppose I thought to myself, but by the time it came close to my shopping excursion, it started to rain heavily............. I went out to go next door to get a lift to the store and this is what I was faced with....................... So I waited until Ann came round with the car, thank heavens!!

  • You'll never guess what!!!!!

    Yep - stupid gull chick No.2 has come down onto the porch roof now!!! The third (bigger chick apparently) is still up there on the main roof. Hopefully it'll stay there. So now I have two baby chicks walking all around on the porch roof in their mess!!!! Great eh?

  • Past and Present

    Not so long ago I watched a program about The Carpenters, and more recently, a program about a group from the 70’s called 10 CC. I grew up with music like this, and these two groups/bands were my favourites. I enjoyed both programs immensely but it did leave me with a little tear of nostalgia for the simpler times I feel I had as a child. There were no mobile phones, no internet, and no home computers. If we wanted to see our friends outside of school time we made arrangements either in school,… (read more)

  • Being in Pain

    I am fortunate: It has been quite some time, since I remember having felt real pain. Today is one of those. By now, the pain has subsided a bit and the painkillers have kicked in. I went to get a little surgery performed on me today, which removed some blockage of my left salivary gland, which again is caused by a small stone. They cut the salivary duct open, hoping to be able to grab that little fucker, but it was too far in the back, so it didnd't come out. The surgery was performed under loca… (read more)

  • The Compelling Case for Past Intelligent Life on Mars

    0000 Lead Collage for top photo in article pe pesharpforupload

    Based on an increasing pool of scientific evidence, it is likely Mars was once “covered by oceans and lakes and was layered by a thick atmosphere, very much similar to Earth.” [1] In addition, per scientific studies, Mars had all the ingredients necessary for life: an abundance of water, an energy source, sufficient presence of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorous, all with the proper “atomic charge” and a stable environment capable of supporting life for at least a billion years… (read more)

  • 6 en Wer und Was - Who and what am I - The synergy between the - body - mind - soul ou the - de eo fr es rus jap it nl cn

    Blumen beim Nachbarn - floroj ĉe la najbaro

    de - eo - fr - es - rus - jap - it - nl - cn In the last article we learned about the two important properties of the soul: Freedom and Immortality. I always use the familiar word soul in the following. ........................................... Who and what am I 6. The synerg y between the - body - spirit - soul - Alina and Alino’s statements about the body are making me curious How do the body interact with… (read more)

  • The End of Windows 7 on my Desktop

    357 visits

    Problem finally solved

  • I've had my hair cut!!!!!!

    A simple design, but effective

    Woweee!!! After almost 18months, I've at last had my hair cut. I can hardly believe it. I won't have to wear a hair grip, or suchlike again. Oh I feel so much better. I had to walk through a large shop to the back where the hairdressers are situated, and it wasn't until I browsed some shelves where they were selling petunias, that I realised it was close on 2 years since I last went into a shop!!! I have seen pictures of those markings on the floor, with footprints on them, signs saying "this… (read more)

  • My tv in the wheelbarrow..............

    Well my tv has decided that enough was enough and finally closed his eyes but not his mouth!!!!!!!!!! So I went into the other lounge and thought that it was a good thing that I'd got this other tv from Mandi, albeit it was in the wheelbarrow (some of you might remember the saga of how it got in there in the first place!!). So I tried to wheel the barrow with the enormous 28" old tv in it. If it doesn't weigh a ton, then it should do cos it was horrendous trying to even pull the barrow down… (read more)

  • Size Matters

    Depending on what we’re talking about; size really does matter and to put it delicately, there have been numerous articles about women wearing the wrong size. Well, after the ‘fun’ I’ve had the last couple of days it doesn’t surprise me. Being a ‘well blessed’ woman does have its disadvantages and on Thursday my friend and I went to a large department store. I settled him with a coffee and nipped off to be measured. This very large, well known department store had only one of the item I needed i… (read more)

  • Well the festivities are over ......

    Chloe in her Harry Potter outfit

    I do hope you all had a great time, of some sort or other. I enjoyed Christmas Day because I was on my own and it was lovely and quiet and it meant I had an extra day to get ready for the visit of my son and grandchildren. Mandi and Dogan celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary on Christmas Day and unfortunately Dogan had to work on that day, but he took the next day off and they went shopping and he treated her to a lovely meal out. It was 23C - hmmm not that they were gloating or anything… (read more)

  • Don't Panic

    The situation in the UK at the moment puts me in mind of Dad’s Army. For those that might not know, this was a sitcom about the British militia called the Home Guard during the second world war, and was broadcast from the late 1960’s to the late 1970’s. One character (they were, mostly, all old men) would run around telling everyone not to panic, but in doing so, was panicking himself, whilst another would declare loudly: we’re doomed. I usually shop on a Sunday; the store is quieter, and it’s t… (read more)

  • 7 en Horizons - dream or reality - travel and love with Leon and Leoni - de eo fr es it pt rus

    Weg ins Licht - vojo al lumo - way into ligth

    de - eo - fr - es - it - pt - rus Travel and love with Leon and Leoni Nina and Nino on another planet Leon and Leoni had received them there. A few days later they visit the father of Leon and Leoni again. Was it only yesterday, when he told them about the reincarnations? They have no more feeling for time. They are both very impressed. After a good conversation they say… (read more)

  • 8 en - Horizons - dream or reality Part 8 - travel and love with Leon and Leoni [de] [eo] [fr] [es] [it]

    Begegnung am Morgen - Matene renkontejo

    Travel and love at Leon and Leoni's [de] [eo] [fr] [es] [it] Nina and Nino remember that morning again, where Leon and Leoni were on their planet had received her so kindly. ...was it yesterday - was it the day before yesterday... Time no longer mattered. In his last conversation with Leon and Leoni's father he had about his understanding of reincarnations. Now they visit him again. with him it is… (read more)

  • Dipped my Toe...

    I must have been skating some thirty years now, not every winter, but in total. I have never been careless or unattentive. I wouldn't skate when nobody else did. In short: I wouldn't test my luck. Neither have I today. Since the ice of our little lake here in Wessling got messed up with warm weather yesterday, I checked the webcam for people skating on Woerthsee - and to my greatest joy they did! Plus, the surface looked really even and great. And in addition: It was a misty-foggy day today, per… (read more)

  • Been busy doing sort of nothing...........

    Pink 'love in the mist'

    Today dawned all dull and grey and there was hardly a breath of wind and I had a slight headache - uh oh I thought - thunder is around. So I decided not to go out because with that kind of weather I didn't really want to be out and about on my own. My new printer inks arrived and I wanted to print off some photos for my photo frames and hang them up on the stair wall. So today seemed to be the ideal time to get on and do that. Also I knew that Mandi would be skyping me around 12ish so the co… (read more)

  • The electricity Gods are after me!!!!

    Snow on the coal bunker 10/12/22

    Well hello folks, I do hope you are all well and coping with this sudden influx of bl**dy cold weather!!! We had our first snow this morning..... I know the weathermen had threatened us with snow etc even for the South West, but they were actually right for a change. The snow had just finished here this morning - again it's supposed to come back tomorrow - but we'll see if they're right this time too!! I am having trouble with my electrics - or so it appears. I had to call my neighbour t… (read more)

  • It all started in Boots...................

    Well this morning, after only 4 hours sleep, Mandi came up for our last day to get ready before next Thursday!!!!!!!! She came up earlier than usual because we had to go and get my Turkish Lira from the Post Office, then collect my prescription from the Chemist and then shopping, some more sewing etc..... you get the picture??? Well she came up early and after getting myself looking halfway decent, we set off to Boots the Chemist for my prescription. The lady behind the pharmacy counter had… (read more)

  • Inspiration

    Little miracles do happen: This morning when I set up my usual pot of coffee, I heard a distinct "plopp" outside on the porch. Opened the door to the terrace and looked around, not seeing anything at first. When looking closer, I found a little birdie fella crouched down near the window, the little tailpiece in a sharp angle, wings folded up, breathing heavily and the little pump going at quite a pace. "Oh shit!", I thought to myself - he must have fallen against the window. I saw him sit t… (read more)