Sorry - no blog for days and then two in one day - a bit like a bus eh?

I thought I'd shown you my apple blossom, of which I'm extremely proud, but I found that I hadn't. This year it's beautiful, but there again it's obvious that I'd say that!!!! I'm so lucky to have this garden at this time of year. The complete overgrown part of it, just goes completely out of my mind, when I see such beauty with the apple blossom, cherry blossom and of course the lilacs etc, covering most of my eyeline from my lounge. I'm so happy having this kind of beauty - it's just such a shame that it doesn't last very long. Mandi has bougenvillea in her garden and it lasts months and months!!!!

The gorgeous deep pink of the furled buds is stunning, especially when amongst the white lilacs, green leaves and blue sky above......

Then they start to unfurl and show the superb pale pink insides. Judging by the amount of blossom - I should have a good amount of apples for the end of the year...

Oh I'm so pleased we've had a few sunny days, then I can see this gorgeous blossom at its best. I wish it lasted longer though... Oh well - have a great weekend folks.