Jenny McIntyre's most commented articles

  • Wild and windy Westward Ho!......

    The rain had stopped but the wind was still there
    Just a quickie today - last night the rain came and in force bashed itself against my windows - the cats stayed indoors for once.......... Then just before I was due to go to bed, I noticed I could see the clouds going across the moon, which meant it was going to be a nice night - well someone along the way - the rain clouds visited us during the night and left pools of water everywhere.......... Anyway we arose to a mismatched sky - blue sky, ominous purple clouds and the usual fluffy whi…

  • All booked and only packing left to do.........

    This malarky of on-line travel booking is a breeze. Mandi has used this particular way of booking airline seats etc for the last couple of years and I must say it is certainly easier than I remember of old. I remember when we had to go to Travel Agents to look for holidays and then they had to search and find the right hotel for us, then arrange what airport we were going to fly from, arrange transfers for us from airport to resort. Then we'd have the hassel of paying them by cheque at that…

  • A glorious day today.............

    See - we are having a lovely day
    Oh not only has Spring sprung, but Summer decided to pop its head around to remind us that it's on the way................. I woke up to warmth and sun........... This says it all............ For April this is amazing...... and so Mandi and I decided to go to the beach and enjoy the sun........ The tide was on its way out, but the beach was starting to fill up with families who were taking advantage of this sudden change in weather and out came balls, sunglasses, shorts and games fo…

  • Lovely sunny day and some new additions to the melee....

    The deep purple looks great against the pale green leaves
    The garden has got some new additions to the old ones this year......... Well not really new, just new this year - LOL. The aqualegia is blooming all over the place - it's wild in my garden - to think people pay money to get the seeds or plants and I have enough for anybody for free. The main colour is dark purple........ but there are also white and very pale pink ones....... I do love the flowers and they'll be growing like this in my garden for the next 4 months o…

  • Mandi is back in the arms of her beloved.......

    Well yesterday Mandi went back home to Turkey - and judging by the look on her hubby's face, she is so welcome and the grin on Dogan's face said it all - it was just like the Cheshire Cat - ear to ear. LOL I must thank Mickey for telling you that I probably wouldn't be on here yesterday because I had a trip of 120 miles round trip. It was 120 miles EACH WAY so I was really tired when I got home. We've done that trip several times but yesterday seemed to take forever. I think the fact that we…

  • Mandi's ''office''

    Enjoying the warm weather
    Mandi tells me that she loves her life there in Turkey - she even has an ''office'' only about 200 yards from her home - and it's an office I wouldn't mind having myself........... As you can see - it must be so 'hard' having to live in a place like this - poor girl...... People are already eating their meals on the beach which is lovely - I also do that when I'm there if I can....... As I said - lovely walk only around 200 yards from her home and she can walk under these lovely…

  • Wahayy - the sun is out at last.......

    My lilac tree is starting to flower again!!!!
    The sun came out again today - first time since ...... well the last time!!!! About 2 weeks ago and it was gorgeously hot. The morning was cloudy, no change there then...... but then the clouds disappeared and blue sky appeared. Unfortunately I had to stay in because I was having a grocery delivery, still that didn't stop me from enjoying the sunny day. Whilst I was out I saw that the lilac trees are starting to flower again!!!! What's that all about? The Californian poppies are still f…

  • Yet another wonderful substitution............

    Now this one I heard today just defies logic - it really does........... A lady had asked for an exfoliating glove - you know the type - rub yourself all over it to get rid of dead skin cells - Well guess what she got instead.............. COCO POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I'm home!!!!!!!

    Tiger playing underneath the coffee table
    Well the holiday is over and I'm back home!! I so enjoyed my stay with Mandi and Dogan and if anything, this trip has made me even more determined to move to Turkey to be with them. I'd go today if I could, but the heatwave is still there, so I'm quite happy to stay here in 20C heat - but there's blue skies with the odd fluffy white cloud but it's cool enough not to be sweating and being uncomfortable. I did manage to fit in a few swimming sessions though, in fact a couple of hours before I l…

  • Our Mickey is 70 years old today..........

    The big 70
    Friends may come and friends may go, but you are of that kind that I'm honoured to know........ The grey hairs upon your head are like the icing on the cake.... The wrinkles by your eyes highlight the twinkle that they make.... Your smile, my friend, is heartwarming given for friendship's sake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

  • I'm growing an amaryllis and am shocked....

    My little white rose bush is growing on 10.5.16
    I've not grown an amaryllis before, I've seen them in other peoples' houses and have always admired them. Well Yvonne, my neighbour, gave me one in a box with pot and compost last year and I planted it and it just grew small leaves and nothing much else. Well I always give plants extra chances and so just left it on the kitchen window sill. It shares the sill with two other plants - one is my lovely white rose bush, which has given me some beautiful flowers over the past few years, and also a lo…

  • Very sad news - our Mickey has passed away.

    My very important friend - Mickey
    I heard the dreadful news this morning, when his daughter, Ellen, called me to tell me that he had passed at 4.10am today. I hadn't written about his illness here before, because I wasn't sure how long he had. He suffered from pancreatic cancer, which had travelled to his liver and his bowels. He was only told a month ago, that he was ill. He went into hospital because the doctors had said his potassium levels were very low and they wanted to keep an eye on it and to do some tests. Well then…

  • Update on John (aka Stormlizard)

    I wrote to John the other day, asking him if he was okay as I hadn't seen him on here for a while. I was getting quite concerned as he'd said his pacemaker was due for renewal. Anyway I got a quick message this afternoon, from his son Brian, who told me that John was rushed into hospital because he wasn't feeling too good. Brian has said that he'll let me know how John is when he gets more information. So I'm sure there are people out there who will join me in wishing John a speedy recovery a…

  • Emily packed my camera!!

    One of these cannulas is in my left arm
    What have I done to deserve having so many wonderful friends? Emily sent me more clothes (with extra knickers/trousers etc) so I should be fine. Also she sent in some soap,shampoo and conditioner!! Yay - I'll be smelling beautifully soon. Best of all - she sent me in my camera!!!! To this end, I am able to show you my bruises!!! These are all on my left hand, because I'm right handed and they might as well ruin the arm I don't use very often, and give my right hand a bit of luck. So…

  • I've arrived!!!

    Superb view of the mountains
    Just a quickie to let you know that I've arrived in Turkey at long last, after trying for the last 3 years. The plane ride was great. I'd forgotten the feeling you get when they crank up the engines and you start going for it - buildings, other planes and fields shoot by and then you start rising and everything falls away. Amazing feeling. I took a video of it, which I will post later, and then I took some great views of the mountains before the sun went for a sleep!!! I believe it was the Do…

  • Sorry for my absence folks....

    Cat who comes for food.
    Hiya folks, sorry I've been so lax in both answering your blogs and photos and also letting you know what's been going on in my part of the world. As you know - I was taken into hospital again!! Apparently in their haste to rid me of the fluid around my heart, I lost so much that I endangered my kidneys!!! So I had to go into hospital to have the proper balance worked out. I can add that I'm fine now, but because my medications were changed three times inside a month, they totally disagreed w…

  • I've finally finished the new toy.......

    I haven't stuffed him so hard,  now he can sit
    I've been quite busy doing this new toy. Because I used fleece, it did mean it had to be hand sewn (too thick for my machine ). I also used an actual pattern!!!! I was happy when I finished it, but not completely satisfied. As you can see, it does look like a giraffe, but a naked giraffe! This was as far as the pattern went, but I had an idea! He needed markings, so I made some up and viola! Yet again he's a one-off because I cut up t…

  • Got out and it wasn't raining!!!!!!!!!

    The tide is out and the sun just seems to be on the other side
    I had to go to the doctor's surgery Monday morning to have my dressings changed. Usually it's either Anne or Yvonne who drive me, but on Monday both were away and so I drove myself. Oh it was good being able to do what I wanted. Well I had the dressings changed and I must say - it's looking much better, not so angry. The pharmacy had delivered a crate full of bandages etc early in the morning to my home - hells teeth, how long do they think this leg is going to take to repair itself. I'm also t…

  • Our friend John (Stormlizard) is in hospital

    Hiya folks, I've just heard from John's son, Brian, that he's in hospital and has been unable to tell anyone about it. I gather it must have been a sudden decision, because he didn't have time to pack his clothes nor leave a message for people about where he was. Apparently it's not easy for an internet access in the hospital, so Brian has asked me to inform you all about John's absence. I'm sure you are all with me in hoping that he'll be back with us soon and hopefully with his poor feet al…

  • The blossoms are just gorgeous

    The cherry tree is full of blooms
    The cherry blossom has come out altogether, and with the blue sky above it, it really stands out. There was an overcast sky today with a bit of a wind and I could see confetti blowing across my garden. I just hope the blue sky will return tomorrow because I want to get out there and take some more photos before the wind catches all the tiny blossom and strip the branches bare. The tree seems to be fuller and fuller each year. I so love this time of year - the only thing wrong about thi…

1173 articles in total