The garden has got some new additions to the old ones this year.........

Well not really new, just new this year - LOL. The aqualegia is blooming all over the place - it's wild in my garden - to think people pay money to get the seeds or plants and I have enough for anybody for free. The main colour is dark purple........

but there are also white and very pale pink ones.......

I do love the flowers and they'll be growing like this in my garden for the next 4 months or so - so guaranteed flowers..........

Peter, my neighbour, came over this afternoon and very kindly cut my grass for me - I'm so lucky with them....

Before he cut the grass, it was all covered with daisies. I've never seen such an amount of daisies at the same time ........

I mean there are usually a few but not this amount. Mandi only cut my grass about 10 days ago, so goodness knows where they all came from. Mind you, we have had rain then sun, then rain, then sun, so that's why I suppose............

The lilac is also still growing.............

This is the pale lilac which is mainly on the front lawn, the white lilac has lost a lot of its flowers due to the high winds of the last week.......

The laburnham has just started to bloom and it's so beautiful to look at ... I look out of my lounge window and there it is in all its glory. So gorgeous..........

Then outside my kitchen there was an old elder tree which had seen better days, so it was cut down to a 5ft stump. It's always had honeysuckle over it but I suppose because the tree's not there anymore, the honeysuckle has more room to blossom......

It looks so pretty against the blue sky and come the evenings the perfume is fantastic. It's only just started to flower, so with a bit of luck, more of these flowers will be out and the scent will be fabulous.....

Okay folks, that's my news for the moment - oh apart from the fact that I woke up this morning with a shock, my right eye has gone bloodshot and it doesn't look very nice. A bright red instead of the white - I think that's from straining my eyes driving in the rain back from the airport. It doesn't hurt, it's just unsightly, so I won't shock you with a picture. My hand is so much better now - still a bit itchy, and I've peeled it a couple of times, there's only a small area now where the skin is still flaky, but that's where the burn was deep. It's taught me something though - be careful when you take scalding porridge out of the microwave............... LOL