Well yesterday Mandi went back home to Turkey - and judging by the look on her hubby's face, she is so welcome and the grin on Dogan's face said it all - it was just like the Cheshire Cat - ear to ear. LOL

I must thank Mickey for telling you that I probably wouldn't be on here yesterday because I had a trip of 120 miles round trip. It was 120 miles EACH WAY so I was really tired when I got home. We've done that trip several times but yesterday seemed to take forever. I think the fact that we had horrendous rain all the way didn't help much neither. The lorries were sending out so much spray it was horrible. The wipers were going nineteen to the dozen, but a wiper needs replacing [of course it was the one on the driver's side] and that made the concentration very difficult. So when I got home I was shattered. It was a round trip of over 5 hours, and that didn't help neither.

I've so enjoyed her time here with me, and we have a wonderful routine and we get on so well, that when she goes back it's quite a big wrench. It also means I now have to cook my own meals as she did the cooking - she enjoyed that.

On the way up to the airport, I noticed wonderful clumps of gorse growing wild on the fields and sides of the road. I had already put up some pictures of gorse that was poking its head over the fence from my neighbour's garden and someone remarked that they didn't know this flower, so I thought I'd show you all the plant growing wild.....

Please excuse the condition of the pictures - but we were moving at 60mph at the time.....

It was glorious seeing these beautiful bright yellow bushes lighting up the dull countryside - the rape seed oil fields were even brighter - but I didn't take any pictures of them.

When I got home I noticed that I had a couple of Californian poppies or Icelandic poppies - whatever - had lovely raindrops on them...........

It had stopped raining by this time, but everywhere was soaking......

Then I noticed that a lot of the white lilac flowers were lying on the gravel - such a shame that these beautiful trees are losing their flowers way before time - but the winds and rain have put paid to plants etc surviving....

Okay that's all for now folks - I'll try and get round to everyone's page etc, but it may not be tonight......