Oh not only has Spring sprung, but Summer decided to pop its head around to remind us that it's on the way................. I woke up to warmth and sun...........

This says it all............

For April this is amazing...... and so Mandi and I decided to go to the beach and enjoy the sun........

The tide was on its way out, but the beach was starting to fill up with families who were taking advantage of this sudden change in weather and out came balls, sunglasses, shorts and games for the dogs..........

We sat there for about an hour, watching the dogs running over the beach, with their owners throwing sticks and balls for their amusements.... then more couples decided to take off their outer garments and play at being on holiday and lying down to sunbathe............

Then of course Mandi had to strike her usual pose - not terribly lady-like but Mandi all the same .....

Poor girl's got tonsillitis but we thought getting out into the sun would be much better than sitting at home - at least she felt better, til we came home, then her bunged up feeling overwhelmed her and she went to bed before 7pm......

So these were our last views of Instow beach when we came home. If it's lovely and warm again tomorrow - and Mandi is feeling like it - then we'll go there again and maybe take a picnic. It's so nice getting out and about.

Hope you all have had a good day too......