Sorry folks, but I've been away for the last few days because I think I've caught Mandi's cold/virus. I have gone all winter without anything going wrong and as soon as it gets warmer I go and catch cold. I've got that tickly cough that's driving me insane and my nose could run for Britain LOL.

Still Mandi is feeling a bit better - she's about 3 days ahead of me - and she had a sudden spurt of energy and decided to re-arrange the lounge furniture - sort of - and clear out things that I don't need now.............

All the videos that were on this shelf have all gone into the other lounge - which is a good idea because I can't play them as my video player's on the blink...........

Then she got some of the other pieces of pottery and put them together - looks really nice now.......

Then she put all my plastic tubs in the other lounge too - well I haven't delved in them for a while - one's with all my patchwork stuff, another has my pc games, another with my craftwork tools and stuff and I think the other one has all my photography and printing papers and inks etc. So you see, they don't need to be here cluttering the place up............

This meant that we could move the tv further back - opening up the room - it's lovely now......

So now the carpet is more exposed and the sun shines in and brightens up everything ........

She also put some plants on the window sill and they look really nice there - all in all - the lounge looks and feels so much more airy and spacious. She's said that she'll start blitzing my bedroom next - great LOL

Anyway folks, this was just going to be a quick blog to explain my absence - but I realise that I haven't shown you all my new growth in the garden - so I'll take another couple of paracetamol and write another blog LOL