Gracie's most read articles

  • Elegence...

    - 994 visits
    I had some trouble deciding what I really thought was elegant.. I vacillated here and there between Crystal and champagne.. To Gowns and hairstyles. I finally decided that the epitome of elegance that I'd ever seen were the pictures from Kate and Williams wedding last year. So much I loved about it.. The Rolls Royce, the guests clothes and hats.. Love the hats!... The way the Princess and Prince with their entourage looked.. But most specifically The Queen.. The first thought when you see her…

  • Wow! This has been a lovely evening! NOT!

    - 573 visits
    I swear I need some good stuff to write about. Lately it's just not going my way! First thing on the way home I'm in the car.. The light turns green and the cars slowly start to go... Then "BAM"! Smacked into my car! This idiot was going too fast and too close on the very wet and rainy roads and ran into me! He says to me "Well, it's slick out"! No SHit SHERLOCK! You should have kept some distance! We got out and exchanged information. It doesn't look like theres damage but it was dark and we…

  • So will this be a good thing for me or not? Sort of a rant here.....

    - 533 visits
    But I'm just not sure how this is going to work. I doubt it will be in my favor. One of the women at my company runs the Office Services department. Mail room, messengers, building supplies, etc. She has several areas and employees under her. She's finally retiring February 1st. I just found out this morning from my boss that I will be taking over several of her responsibilities to do with billing for our phone systems and cell phones. Now our company has the NYC home building, my building w…

  • I hope you enjoy.. I love these.. Merry Christmas and Seasons greetings.

    - 512 visits

  • The company I work for posted this for employees affected by the Hurricane. I think this is a terrific thing to do

    - 496 visits
    The ***** family wants to do everything in their power to alleviate the suffering of any of their employees who have sustained substantial financial costs because of Hurricane Sandy. Therefore, any of our employees without regard to longevity of service may apply immediately for an instant cash grant of up to a maximum of $5,000 for actual non-reimbursable (i.e. not reimbursed by insurance) property damage costs sustained to their primary residence or personal property. Upon receipt of ou…

  • Has anyone been back to Multiply? I have..

    - 494 visits
    And even tho it was supposed to shut down all but the sellers by January 1st at the latest, it's still running! You can still post.. I'm not the only one there although most just gave up the ghost so to speak..I had deleted all my photos but not posts.. They are still there.. I'm going to go back and check the admin news page. Maybe there's some info there.. After all this can you imagine if they just decided to leave it available? Sheesh!

  • Does anyone curtsy or bow anymore?

    - 429 visits
    My husband and I were sitting out on the porch a while ago having a conversation. Carol had posted a statement/joke on facebook that the Queen revoked our Independence because we obviously don't know how to govern ourselves properly . She posted this the day after our Presidential election.. So then we were discussing the time Michelle Obama met the Queen and broke protocol by hugging her.. Now I know the news stated the Queen was fine with that, but I wonder if it's true? Isn't that a big No No…

  • A combination of vacation and assorted other time off from work.

    - 418 visits
    I've been back to work from my little hip incident since Monday. Everything is all caught up that matters. I'm off after today till January 2ND. Tomorrow is unexpected as its due to a funeral for a first cousin of mine who died of Cancer on Tuesday. We weren't very close as she was nearly 25 years older. I'm closer with her younger siblings. Then the company gave us both Christmas eve and day off. I took the 3 days after. The following week the company gave us NY's eve and day also. So a…

  • Well it looks like my world traveler will be off again!

    - 375 visits
    For those of you who I am newly friends with, my daughter works for an international logistics company as a "Key Account" manager. Meaning, I think, she works all the time.. They are supposedly grooming her for upper management. She's been there 6 1/2 years now. They finally promoted her to management about 21 months ago. She travels all over the country for these accounts. Usually domestic.. But it's an international company based in Hong Kong so they've started sending her out of the country.…

  • Phot Phun- A Portrait..

    - 366 visits
    My Daughter Amanda.. You may have guessed I'm a tad crazy about her.. She's really a good daughter..

  • Thought I'd pipe in with a bit of chat..

    - 359 visits
    Jeez, more and more as I'm here I "Hear" a British accent in my head as I type! Lol! You have no idea the influence you are! I must be very susceptible to all your charms! I hear the Irish when I read Sue and Neville's blogs, English in Jenny, Mick and Carol's.. Max, welllllll, I'm thinking I hear someone who will whomp me on the side of the head if it strikes her funny bone! Got to watch out for that one! If I'm a Witch then Max fits in the category of "Imp".. Definition of an imp is a small mi…

  • I got a WAND!

    - 344 visits
    A Harry Potter Wand from Wynott's Wands! My daughter went to Salem Massechusetts this week and they had a wand shop! She sent a picture of the shop and I told her I wanted one.. You can't buy your own wand you know.. It must be chosen for you! And she said she'd already left Salem and she didn't get me one! But she lied! She did and now I have an Elder Wand and I can turn my husband and his dog into frogs! See Pics attached! After I learn how to turn them into frogs I'll attach more.. I need…

  • I feel so cranky!

    - 339 visits
    Not really sure why. The weather is lovely today.. I got nearly a full nights sleep. But yesterday and today I just want to bite someones head off! No particular reason. But it sure would feel good! Probably not the best company today.. I sometimes wonder what makes one day different than another. I'm not a little kid anymore and I've passed the stage of wild hormones for the most part..But one good thing when I'm in this mood, I get thru the difficult people! Not many can stand in my way and g…

  • This is a complaining blog so be forwarned!

    - 336 visits
    I am home from work today. Most likely at least for the rest of the week also.. And that's a bad thing you say? Yes, in this case it is! 10 years ago, right before our 20th anniversary and the trip to Washington, DC we'd planned, I came down with Tendonitis in the Coopers ligament.. That's between the hip, leg and pelvis...Took me out for 2 weeks+. Pain killers, crutches etc..It was quite ugly.. And we had to cancel our trip.. This weekend it came back.. Not quite as bad but bad enough.. I'm off…

  • I spoke to Max early this afternoon..

    - 332 visits
    I was in the middle of making tonight's Stew and also trying to get ready to go to a Baby Shower today ( Phttt! Really don't much care for them ). I remembered that I've been meaning to give Max a call again to see how she's doing and what's what with coming back.. She is hoping to be back soon to continue her "harassment of us".. Her words, which I told her I was going to say verbatim... I let her know that she's been missed and asked after. She is still having issues getting her wifi.. Some je…

  • Apparently I'm not married to the man I married! Venting!

    - 316 visits
    My Rick went to see an Allergist today. He has had trouble in the fall so we thought we'd finally see exactly what he's allergic to. For my newer friends he had congestive heart failure due to a virus that invaded his heart just under 2 years ago. His ejection factor was down to 12(very bad) and he was hospitalized for 2 weeks in serious condition.. So now when ever he gets a cold, or a nasal drip and starts coughing etc, right away the Dr's jump on him so to speak. One of the things we know is…

  • Delta flight 15

    - 310 visits
    checked with Completely true! It maybe a bit long but worth the reading... This is not political, it is about 9-11. I never thought about what was going on with all those flights that were stuck out of the country. This is a really interesting insight into what people can be capable of. Here is an amazing story from a flight attendant on Delta Flight 15, written following 9-11: "On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, we were about 5 hours out of Fr…

  • Feeling much better- And getting antsy now...

    - 301 visits
    I no loger walk like Igor.. Nor do I drag my leg around like the Mummy.. And I can go up and down the stairs with minimal issue.. It just gets sore if I overdue a bit.. Stand too long, take the stairs too many times, that sort.. But my Rick is adamant I keep low key yet. And I have too much to do and have been housebound since Sunday now.. My group of guys went to our annual very expensive, very good Steak dinner out (company paid) and Secret Santa gift exchange.. I really missed that and they…

  • Slight update on the storm coming to NJ

    - 300 visits
    Well our Governor called a State of emergency. Meaning no State offices, public transport or schools would be open. He hasn't made it mandatory for private business to close, but he may have to. I just got a call my company will be closed. But there are still a lot that haven't decided.. Considering now our area is probably going to be hit straight on.. (its currently showing landfall within a 60 mile radius of me) It's going to be hell between tomorrow morning and tuesday.. They have done as m…

  • My Girl is definitely coming across the Pond in 10 days...

    - 292 visits
    She and a friend are going to be coming to England from early morning of the 21st till the 25th.. A quick visit but she gets to see another country.. She loves to travel.. It is during our Thanksgiving and it will be first the holiday of any kind we haven't been together. I told her to go and enjoy as there will be other holidays but not opportunities like this. She and her friend will be staying with a young man from London that she works with. They've all met before when my daughter and her…

83 articles in total