My Rick went to see an Allergist today. He has had trouble in the fall so we thought we'd finally see exactly what he's allergic to. For my newer friends he had congestive heart failure due to a virus that invaded his heart just under 2 years ago. His ejection factor was down to 12(very bad) and he was hospitalized for 2 weeks in serious condition.. So now when ever he gets a cold, or a nasal drip and starts coughing etc, right away the Dr's jump on him so to speak. One of the things we know is the fall is an issue for him. He always gets a bit of a cough or sneeze. Nothing really major but with the CHF they don't want anything to catch hold. Hence the allergist.. Just an allergist right? OH NO! A very comprehensive DR this woman was! Lets see, they took his height and weight.. Now the man I have been married to for over 30 years is 5 foot 11+ inches.. Today he became less than 5' 9"! And he weighs in at 180lbs.. Of solid muscle as he has worked out most of his life and walks the dog every single day, regardless of the weather for at minimum 2.5 miles... You've seen a few pics of him and me.. While I've gotten myself an extra few pounds in the last couple of years, he of course, hasn't.. Yet this woman told him not only was he 3 inches shorter than he was when he left the house to go there this morning, but he's "quite overweight.. At Least 20lbs!" Then also proceeded to tell him nothing, zip, nada about how he should handle the mold she says he's allergic to.. Just take a bunch of drops for your eyes, sinus problems (?) and pills.. VERY expensive pills! Or he could see her for weekly shots!.. Oh and he's allergic to cats per her.. So the neighbors cat that sits on his lap every day while he pets her having absolutely no affect he shouldn't touch..Sasha the cat will be quite upset! Then also proceeds to tell him in the course of their conversation how "working out with weights is no good for you. And isn't it obvious since he has such a belly?" Really? Really? He has a little bit of a belly.. I mean little bit! He's also going to be 59 in 3 weeks! Now her husband is "quite thin at 6 foot and 150lbs".. Which to me is freaking emaciated! I am sorely tempted to call this Biotch up and give her a piece of my mind! First of all your an ALLERGIST not his Primary! Keep your opinions that don't pertain to your job to yourself! And stay focused on what you ARE supposed to be treating! She didn't do that well on that at all. Told him "Well raking leaves isn't good". But does she suggest he wear a facial mask for mold like they have? No..Does she tell him other places or things that he could do to minimize the impact? No! I really am angry at this woman! Hell his cardiologist told him the reason he survived and came back as well as he had from his CHF is due to the Great shape he is in!!! GGrrrr! Even tried to give him advice about his Prostate for Gods sake!! WTF??? If I am anything it is VERY protective of my family! DO NOT mess with them in any shape or form! Max becomes the Dragon when she's angry? I become like a Wolverine when you mess with mine!