Gracie's favorite articles

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  • Merry Christmas 2022

    Merry Christmas(3)
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the year is ending we are grateful for all the time, energy and kindness you give to our photographic community. Your loyalty and dedication warms our hearts. Thank you so much for being part of ipernity. This year we would like to inv…

  • New Club Members - most recent

    Sharon Matrishon ← publicly active Daniel Jarquin Bertie Stoll ← publicly active Christian Thomas ← publicly active Zohaib Hasan Ruth Gadient ← publicly active Ronnen Zatlyn Floyd Schotel ← publicly active Amateur Photoguy Jacob Waltz Mahmudul Kabir Vimal Srivastava Srivastava Hallenbadwiese Syke ← publicly active stapel ← publicly active Carla ← publicly active Peter De Haan ← publicly active siegBERT Hufsc…

  • Hey had a visit from Tony today!!!!

    West Appledore
    It was a wonderful surprise when Tony called me and told me he was coming up to see me. He'll come up to see Mandi when she's back, but he just wanted to come up to see me, as it'd been a long time since he'd been up. Well it was wonderful seeing him and we chatted for ages and then I sort of, asked if we could go to the beach as it'd been over a year since I last went, and "no problem, we'll go now!" sort of answer!!! Now Tony has a lovely car - a sporty one, which means a very low car. I ha…

  • 2021-12-24 Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas 2021
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Today, we would like to thank you all for being a part of our community. We are grateful for your loyalty, and dedication as you share your passion for photography with us, especially during this unusual year. We wish you and your families a p…

  • To all my American friends.....

    This is a link to a lovely card wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving - enjoy

  • A great few days

    IMG 1128 (3)
    After Ellen came to my atd with the front garden today I heeded the big guns for the back.a call to Stephen an he was round in a flash and got the first cut down,hore work tomorrow.However that wasn't the highlight of the day,that was holding my second greatgrandchild Noah,life is good

  • Generation Game

    Growing up, I was lucky enough to live in a multi-generational home. My Grandmother died when I was in my early teens, cancer, and my Grandfather was struggling, living on his own. Oh, he could cook, do his own laundry and so on, but after a while it became clear that he wasn’t looking after himself very well. He was living in a 3-bedroomed council house, as were we, with my mother. They approached the council, and offered to swap the 2 houses, for one 4-bedromed house. I can’t remember how long…

  • A Glorious day for a birthday

    IMG 1007
    As I arose on this my 75th birthday the sun shone brightly through the window,a big improvement on the last few days.My back was in fine fettle as well another improvement The perfect day for the garden so after breakfast I mowed and strimmed the front grass,as I am on top of things it took less the 30 minutes. After a coffee I went out the back and mowed and strimmed the whole back garden,this I managed in underan hour.Just then Stephen arrived.We had a coffee outside and he brought me a vbir…

  • Another nice day for a walk

    Salt water marsh Today was the 3rd day running I was out for a walk. Having no luck with spring flowers I returned to the fields ;looking for livestock. I took a few snaps along the way. There was very little in animal activity but a did see some of my favourite animals,yhe magnificent horses. more photos in album When I turned into Thorney I hit the flooded road the lower firlds were also under water so no more animals In the 3 walks I walked just over 12 miles,not…

  • My personal cheat sheet for using ipernity

    evening light
    1. HAVE FUN! 2. ADDING IMAGES TO COMMENTS: -- Image has to be up on ipernity (though it can be private). -- On image page, go to Actions/Share (HTML code) [find the Actions link on the bar to the right of the image]. -- Choose size of photo you want to embed in the comment. -- THEN, copy "Insert the photo" code HTML (bottom box). -- Place this code into the comment field. Note: You can preview your comment to make sure the image shows up correctly and is the size you want. All comm…

  • 2021-02-05 Club News

    Smartphone-Mock-Up, 2021-02-05
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. In the wake of the positive response to the new ' Explore ' page, we have now put it online in all language versions. As a result, we now have a contemporary landing page for visitors from the web that also looks attractive on smartphones and tablets:…

  • I am back at last

    After a long lay off I am back. As some of you know my dear old mother died on the 19th December and with the covid restrictions we couldn't get the burial until yesterday. It was a long painful wait but at last althought it was a srange service with numbers limited and a lot more limits to put up with we gave her a good send off. Now it's time to cherish the good times and love she gave us and move on as best we can

  • My Favorite Month!

    Spring is in full swing in my part of the world, and I couldn't be happier! I must say that if we had to endure lockdown during a pandemic, it happened at the best time. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if we had to go through this Covid pandemic during the winter months?? One of the activities that I am able to do thanks to this time of year is my garden. As a matter of fact, this was the earliest I started it (late March, soon after I took leave of absence from work). Now on May…

  • a time to remember

    Today I went over to town,not to shop but to remember .As 11am approched I stood outside the Town Hall with a group of people of all ages waiting for the 11 o-clock cannon, THe town fell silent, no cars or buses were running for 2 well observed silence at the end of which the cannon was fired again and the town slowly started moving again,most of us a little more slowly as we thought of the futility of war I'm sure

  • Best Birthday Ever

    Today, Friday, I turned 60. I admit I was a tad apprehensive; the big birthdays are sometimes fraught, however it turned out to be a good day, a very good day. My son bought me a bottle of Remy Martin cognac. When I was working, I was fortunate enough to be sent overseas no less than 3 times many decades ago. Only for a weekend jaunt, however each time, I would come back with as much duty free as was legal and affordable. I‘ve not had Remy Martin in decades, so this was a lovely treat. My good f…

  • A Happy birthday to a wonderful daughter

    My dauhter Ellen hits 50 today,it only seems like last week I hit 50 .It is true the clocks go faster as we age.She has spent the last 2 weeks in Crete with her friend Pam and managed to get through without getting arrested or deported. I bet the locals are breathing a sigh of relief to see them leave,She send me an EMail while she was there,all it read was I did it! I knew at once she had overcome her fear of heights by paragliding while being towed behind a boat She sent me a very short…

  • Moments

    Life is made up of moments: Moments when we’re troubled – when a loved one drops a bombshell. Moments when we’re ecstatically happy – the birth of a child. Moments when we’re sad – the death of a loved one. Moments when we’re blissful – when the world just is. Moments of anguish – a cross word at the wrong time. Moments of frustration – when people don’t do their job correctly. Moments when we’re content – cosied up in a chair with a warm drink, watching the world through the window. Moments of…

  • The clouds return AGAIN

    After a super day yesterday today we have a blanket of cloud overhead and of course it's a lot cooler. Undetered I set about grass cutting duties,if you saw my bird photos yesterday you would see it really needed doing. I started on the front at 9:30 and by 10:45 all was done front and back. Last night I finished talking to Jenny on Skype and it was such a warm night I decided to sit in the garden and finish my nightly beer. Withh the cats keeping me company I enjoyed it so much I cracked…

  • The Good weather continues

    Yesterday was a visit to my old Ma's she is in fine fettle and delighted to have the gingerbread Ellen baked for her. After a restful day yesterday today has been a busy one. This morning the front garden got the full treatment.mowing,strimming and flower bed weeded and cleared of pesky grass weaving it's way round the roses. After lunch I strimmed all of the back garden and attacked a Blackcurrant bush which hasn't bore fruit for 4 years, I hacked it down to ground level ready to dig up. I…

63 articles in total