Jeez, more and more as I'm here I "Hear" a British accent in my head as I type! Lol! You have no idea the influence you are! I must be very susceptible to all your charms! I hear the Irish when I read Sue and Neville's blogs, English in Jenny, Mick and Carol's.. Max, welllllll, I'm thinking I hear someone who will whomp me on the side of the head if it strikes her funny bone! Got to watch out for that one! If I'm a Witch then Max fits in the category of "Imp".. Definition of an imp is a small mischievous one. Or a Devil/daemon! Fit's perfectly I think!

Yesterday I went out to buy my Rick his birthday present. His is November 12th and my Amanda's is Nov 10th.. Then of course comes Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years so I am already trying to gradually prepare.. Gets rather busy around here as you can imagine. Well I go to get into my car and I notice the hood (bonnet) is totally full of all these spot stains! And they don't just rinse off! Where I work i have to park in a 3 level garage. It's made of some sort of steel and much has rusted. Sometimes when it rains it drips rust on the cars. Well it had rained heavily on Friday and I guess the rusty water dripped onto the hood. When I drove it the wind spread it all over! It covered my hood and dripped down the sides.. It was even on my windshield! I have a black car and naturally it showed badly! So first I rinsed. No luck.. Then I washed. No luck.. Then Rick suggested bug and tar remover.. That worked for the most part but left a dull look to the paint.. (mind you my car is a full sized 4 door sedan!) So then I wound up hand waxing the entire car! (well, not the roof because I'm short and can't reach it past the sides) But I can't see the roof anyway! The company tried a few years back to fix this but really did a crappy job. And then just left it.. You never know where you're safe to park. If it isn't removed fairly early on it stains permanently! I've had some other small stains but not too bad.. Mind you my car is 7 years old. But other than this it's in great shape.. No bangs other than a few minor scratches. And I only just reached 39000 miles on it.. Have yet to need the brakes done or even get new tires.. Although that won't be long.. Point is: I was NOT a happy camper! Took up a lot of my time that i had other plans for. Not to mention the aches and pains that came along after from the work involved!

Today I am giving back to myself! It's nice out and should warm up a bit more after lunch.. The fall peak colors are a bit north of me and I haven't been on the bike in 2 weeks! So I am quite overdue! We will head out to see the splendid (hopefully) fall
foliage this afternoon! If I remember I will take my camera and try to get Rick to stop if I see some particularly pretty trees!

Later Dudes and Dudettes!