Well our Governor called a State of emergency. Meaning no State offices, public transport or schools would be open. He hasn't made it mandatory for private business to close, but he may have to. I just got a call my company will be closed. But there are still a lot that haven't decided.. Considering now our area is probably going to be hit straight on.. (its currently showing landfall within a 60 mile radius of me) It's going to be hell between tomorrow morning and tuesday.. They have done as much prep as possible but they fully expect trees and powerlines down besides flooding.. No one should go out unless absolutely necessary! Some companies are just too greedy tho.. They will try to get their people to come in the morning before the absolute worst of it hits.. Which is now late morning..Why even try at this point?? Like anything is that important barring you're a nurse or emt or along that line! Stupid just stupid! I will post as long as I can until if or when we lose power.... Here's hoping the trees stay standing, the electric lines don't drop and die and the water stays low!!! Ok wishful thinking.. But ever hopefull!