Gracie's most read articles

  • Just a quick note to let you know

    - 275 visits
    I will be going on vacation to the Jersey Shore tomorrow. We will return in a week.. Sooo things will be quiet on my end.. I'm just hoping for some nice sunny weather for the week! See you all then!

  • Happy New Year

    - 270 visits
    I want to wish all of you the very best possible opportunities and providence this coming New Year! It's been my pleasure to get to know you. May friendships last and grow. May our health be strong. May our hearts stay Merry. May we hear and join in with the laughter of children. May Contentment be our constant companion. May Love be our Guide.. And May the Reaper stay away. Happy New Year my friends!

  • I've been having a thought or two..

    - 268 visits
    There are so many people on here that I've come to know and like. From all over the world and/or country we live in.. We have different ways of saying things. Different ways to live and different ways to celebrate or not celebrate the Holidays. For me it will forever be Christmas and a time to be thankful and happy I have my family around me. Also to miss those who have gone past. I know many of you find this a hard time of year for one reason or another. Some it just isn't your thing or some m…

  • A nice Thanksgiving..

    - 254 visits
    Well at least I had one! Everything went well.. All the food was easily handled as I'd done most work yesterday. The 6 of us enjoyed all.. My daughter called in the evening just to say Happy Thanksgiving. She wasn't very happy with her Chicken sandwich for her Thanksgiving dinner... And she was homesick.. Till she saw Big Ben! For some reason that seems to have made her feel better! And apparantly the Sun has come out at least for a bit.. They do look cold but it appears to be sunny.. All in a…

  • Phot Phun Challenge- Apple

    - 251 visits
    I'm going for the simple.. Plain old apples to eat.. Not computers or albums or anything fancy at all. We just like to eat them! The Macintosh is one of our favorites.. At least twice a week my Rick will cut one up into slices and we will share.. Well, I take the largest slice and usually leave him the rest. Especially depending on the time of year. Sometimes they just aren't as flavorful as others. Then of course, there's baking an apple pie.. It's got to be the easiest pie in the world to mak…

  • Alright my friends across the Pond

    - 250 visits
    Ok that's enough rain now! My daughter will be there tomorrow around 9am your time. She's in on a much needed vacation. So please put in the order for the rain to cease and the sun to shine! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you very much! Sincerely, The Mommy! (Or the pest as she sometimes calls me)

  • :-(

    - 246 visits
    Decorated my entire tree..Got my village done. Took 3 days to get it all done. As I finish I Looked up and ONE Strand right in the middle, under 4 zilllion ornaments died! Before I got to take even the first "completed" picture!!! Sure I have "in progress"pics.. But not a single all decorated with village done pic... Trying to wear my Big Girl Panties.. Not working too well..Although I'll get over it.. I'll still post pics but it's just not quite going to be the same.. The village with the train…

  • We are in for a wicked day today!

    - 242 visits
    Seems we have another nasty storm coming thru today. I've made it to work with it just a tad wet. But the weather people (who are only wrong when it's good news) are saying it's going to get quite nasty out a bit later. Heavy rain, wind and thunderstorms. Anywhere from 1-4 inches of rain is expected. That's a big difference but they say the rain will go from this morning thru the night. Biggest problem for me is the route I take home from work. It's never been a great road as the traffic is…

  • After Christmas..

    - 240 visits
    Well actually I consider the entire week between Christmas and New Year to be the Holiday week... It's all good.. Yesterday went very well. Everyone was extremely happy with their gifts.. We all got what we wanted.. The weather was just fine yesterday. Not like today and glad of it! Right now it's snowing, hailing and very windy and cold! About 31F or -0.5C.. We went to my sisters where there were 15 of us..10 adults, 4 children under 10 and one 1/2 adult... That would be me.. I prefer to play w…

  • A tad better today..

    - 233 visits
    Well today I am a little less cranky.. Which really is nothing much short of a small miracle considering.. Meaning that I couldn't sleep last night so read until 1 a.m. My stomach was and is bothering me.. I have a miserable headache that just won't go.. Oh I do sound whiny don't I? Well, the plus is I haven't bitten anyones head off today. (I did have a taste of chocolate!) There's only one more day of work this week and that's a short day ending at 2. It's Labor day weekend here in the States.…

  • A Merry Christmas to All!

    - 233 visits
    I am so very Happy to have gotten to know you all! A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! XO

  • Finally!

    - 233 visits
    Caught up with Max tonight. Talked to her for a bit of a while till dinner was delivered. It's illegal to cook yourself on Friday and Saturday nights in my house. So rather than go to jail one must call out or dine out... Anyway my phone rang a couple of times this evening. First while I was driving. I won't answer my phone in the car. Unless I'm just passengering of course... Then later I heard it but didn't get there fast enough. And I hadn't returned her call from NY's eve yet.. So I picked u…

  • My Power came back last night..

    - 232 visits
    So now we are waiting for our roof to be repaired. Supposedly they will be here this week. The other problems we are experiencing is they had lost power to the Gasoline depots. So they can't get gas to the stations.. 80% of the stations are out. The rest have long lines.. I still have 3/4 of a tank but traffic is so bad right now. It took me 75 minutes to make my normally 20 minute commute in today. There are still many people without service and areas are still flooded. Besides gas there has…

  • Phot0 Phun-Reflections

    - 232 visits
    This is Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. I love the way the lights play on the water and in the sky.. My daughter took this picture when she was there in June.

  • Photo Phun- Favorite Books

    - 227 visits
    Like Summer I read a lot. I have tons of books that I wish I never had to put down. But I have to admit the Harry Potter series was absolutely freakin awesome! Not childrens books by any means as they are very violent. The movies are much tamer by any comparison. And no where near as good..They are creative and extremely well written. I've read the series twice and know I will read it again. So just maybe I have found a favorite.. Although for years Gone with the Wind held that rank.. I…

  • Some things about me..

    - 226 visits
    Sue added some info for those who haven't known her before.. And I Realized I hadn't put much of myself in here either.. So here goes; I have been married for over 30 years to my Rick.. We met when I worked for the telephone company as what is called a "Frame Attendant".. That means I ran wires from equipment to other equipment inside the central office buildings. It was traditionally a male job and I was in the first few years of women doing this type of work.. Rick and I married, then I left…

  • Storm

    - 221 visits
    Thanks for all your good wishes. We have a few days till this gets to us. For once I hope the forecasters are wrong! What Max didn't tell you in her blog is that part of the problem is I have a "weather phobia" to a point.. I try really hard not to freak out, but with everyone talking gloom and doom. It's actually being spoken about in my office next to me right now.. All sorts of emergency procedures and precautions.. .. It gets difficult for me to stay rational.. I understand usually it's neve…

  • Found a Voicemail on my Cell from Max

    - 219 visits
    Didn't notice it right away as the phone was in the purse.. Max was calling to wish me and all a very Happy New year.. She is going to try and get online Wednesday. I guess that would be tomorrow. She didn't say if it's permanent and I haven't had a chance to call her back. Just thought everyone would like to know she's still doing ok. Hope all had a lovely New years. I'm back to work tomorrow after 12 days off. Sigh.. Was lovely while it lasted.. Oh well, bright side is it's a short week…

  • I'm sorta back!

    - 218 visits
    I am at work and just giving you a quick update. Here at work there is no problem. Surrounding areas and by my home (most of NJ) has no power yet. Gets a bit chilly taking a shower with no heat! We sustained only minor damage to the roof of our home. Nothing that can't be fixed. But hopefully will be before the next rain! They expect us to be without power for upwards of 2 weeks. I hope not... My daughter has power so we may have to move there for a while simply because we can't keep the hou…

  • I haven't been writing much, nor following the Photo phun..

    - 216 visits
    Sorry guys.. Just very tired from both the one medication and not being able to sleep comfortably. The Tendinitis is somewhat better but no bargain. And I'm trying to go minimal on the medication because yesterday my stomach was bothering me. That's almost as bad as the leg pain.. I'm not sure which is actually worse. But without it I feel slightly improved so I'm hope full that it will clear by end of week. I am working as much as possible from home. I can remote into my PC at work and it's jus…

83 articles in total