Gracie's most read articles

  • Photo Phun-Ancient building

    - 169 visits
    This is a picture of an old Church that looks fairly ancient and broken down and a cemetary. My daughter took this when she was in Ireland last year..I'm not sure where she was exactly.. They roamed all over.. I love the contrast in the sky,grass and shadows...

  • Just went High Tech!

    - 168 visits
    My cells have been provided by my job for the last 8 years.. First a nice cell.. Then they gave me a Blackberry 3 years ago.. Today I got an IPHone! The 4 not 5 but hey, it's kool and it's free! Sometimes I love my job!

  • Phot Phun-In The Warm Glow

    - 168 visits
    This is a Sunset in Arizona.. My daughter was there for business last year and took this shot off of her balcony...

  • Ok here's some of my riding gear!

    - 167 visits
    What I actually DO wear! My leather jacket is not a regular style MC jacket.. It's one I had.. No need to buy one...Yet.. And I don't have a pic of that.. These I do as I copied them out of the online catalog I bought them from.. But I do wear a vest in the turning weather. Same for the gloves.. Boots are always.. And the chaps are in the mail for the turn of the seasons! And YES I DO wear Jeans with my Chaps! LOL! I don't want to scare people!

  • Young love...

    - 166 visits
    Someone I used to work with posted this in a group I'm on in facebook. I'd never seen this one. It's when Rick and I were young and newly engaged.. I still love him to tears, but this reminds me of when it was all new..That amazing first few years when nothing matters but being together... It's put me in a rather good mood now..

  • Photo Phun- Kitchen impliment

    - 163 visits
    Have some Wine? This would be a fun gadget at a party! Certainly works to take care of several guests at one time! :-)

  • After the Dr...

    - 163 visits
    Dr has me out of work for a week to start . Plenty of rest... Ibuprofin pills at 800 mg ea. Plus Vicodin pain killers as needed.. The Dr said "expect that you're stomach is going to bother you...". Bah Humbug!

  • Talking about recipes

    - 162 visits
    Since we were just talking about recipes and cookbooks on Max's page I have a question. Does anyone have a good old fashioned, easy to make, Date nut bread recipe? I've found a few online that have add In's but I'd like a plain one. Also one that doesn't take hours to put together.. (cooking time not included).. It's my husbands favorite so I'd like to make it for him. I've made a few other breads that have come good, Banana nut, Zucchini, pumpkin bread.. I make them less because I like them so…

  • Photo Phun-Vein

    - 162 visits
    I chose to do a Gold Vein.. I decided it was much prettier than a blood vein.. And it didn't SAY on the list it had to be a blood vein right?? And technically I posted a few minutes too early.. Sorry!

  • Starting Early

    - 160 visits
    Just bought my first Christmas present.. Yes this is truly early for me and for most. But this year starting in November we will be living on just my income and our savings. We aren't eligible for Ricks pension for a few more years. So I want to get some things bought and put away before money gets a little tight. Not that it will be a problem. We will be doing a sort of reverse savings. We put money away the last couple of years just for this. Enough till the pension etc kicks in. But I am trul…

  • A quick stop.. You know all I said I have to do?

    - 159 visits
    Well the Feckin washing machine decided to die today! Naturally while I had most of my house curtains in! Managed to get them rinsed so its ok. Ran to sears and picked up a Whirlpool.. Sale price wasn't so much of a sale once you add everything in necessary! Sigh.. Always happens right before Christmas it seems... And my last one did the same! And it's a GE and only 4 years old! Now I'm having tea to gather my wits and get back to hanging the curtains and dusting the house... Dinner may be a p…

  • I did take pictures on the ride.

    - 156 visits
    Unfortunately it's not quite as peak color as the weather people said! Once again the fall short of accuracy! The color was hit or miss. One minute you'd see all green and sort of dull yellow.. Then right in the middle you'd find one lovely bright orange tree! Usually we couldn't stop right there tho.. So I did take a few pictures I thought of a pond and the surrounding area. Hopefully next Sunday it should be even better. Rick and I have already planned the perfect spot to get some good fall pi…

  • Spoke to Max briefly

    - 155 visits
    Not for very long as I'm at work.. She is fine. The move went ok.. Her cats aren't happy but I guess they need to adjust. Still no internet access and she has no idea when she will have it. She sends her love to all. I will try and call her again in a few days or next week to keep getting updates.

  • Photo Phun- Something purple

    - 147 visits
    Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater Oh Well Purple is one of my favorite colors. Lately I've been wearing a lot of it.. But the first thing that came to mind was this old movie and song from way back. The song came out in 1958. Then the movie in 1988. The song can really stick in your head!

  • Well the last 2 weeks have been something else haven't they?

    - 142 visits
    But today is fine.. My baby girl is 29 years old today.. A bit more than a little hung over as she went out with friends from work yesterday.. Martini's... I couldn't even sip one without being bug eyed drunk and she had 2 and a few beers.. And not much to eat all day.. She got here this morning all bleary eyed.. Hungry so mom went out to get her a nice bagel to help the tummy settle.. She was concerned because in the barf stage of her drunk everything came up red. She forgot she'd had Red velve…

  • The Glamour of the old Stars...

    - 135 visits
    This is the 40's & 50's actress Martha Raye to the right.. Someone had sent me an email about her. What it reminded me of is my love of the era in regards to the glamor of the stars and overall style of the day.. The way they dressed, did their hair and the pictures! Oh, I love this soft look the way it's done! It gives a feel of being special to the photo.. I love to watch old movies just to look at the clothes.. The movie "White Christmas" with Rosemary Clooney, Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Ve…

  • The roofers have come!

    - 134 visits
    Well at least they showed up around noon time. Took a look at the roof and said they needed some supplies and would be back shortly. I hope they do come right back. Sometimes when a contractor does that, it's the last you see of them! Since we are supposed to have a slushy rain all day and night tomorrow, I'd much rather the roof is done.. Then Rick doesn't have to pull everything out stored under the eaves and try to find the spot to put a bucket.. There is a LOT of stuff stored there! Ha…

  • I really let my beast out today!

    - 123 visits
    How is it grown men don't ever learn when to stop? I seriously let it out on them this morning.. They were doing it again. Going all gloom and doom about the weather.. Which granted is a bit nasty but nothing major.. I do have a silly fear of bad weather but I can handle it if you leave me alone. I just can't take being bombarded. I've told them so many times. So I let lose when they started this morning. Told them they needed to grow up. They were like "well you know we do it to bust you". And…

  • Phot Phun-View Two

    - 117 visits
    This is a second one.. I actually couldn't make up my mind which I liked better.. This is the Elivs Church in Arizona.. The photographer is listed on the bottom right. A friend who lives in Arizona posted this.

83 articles in total