Since we were just talking about recipes and cookbooks on Max's page I have a question. Does anyone have a good old fashioned, easy to make, Date nut bread recipe? I've found a few online that have add In's but I'd like a plain one. Also one that doesn't take hours to put together.. (cooking time not included).. It's my husbands favorite so I'd like to make it for him. I've made a few other breads that have come good, Banana nut, Zucchini, pumpkin bread.. I make them less because I like them so much as I like to bake (not too complex things) and make the house warm and smell good.. I usually try them and then bring the rest into work. The guys I work with will eat almost anything.. Actually I was going to make a banana nut bread last night. But I had frozen the banana's and then defrosted them for more than a day (in the fridge). So in turn they turned brown! I didn't trust them and what I don't trust, I throw away! I'm not taking any chances with this belly! It's "delicate" enough without any help!